◎神不守舍 [be out of one's mind]
◎神不知鬼不觉 [in great secrecy; be mysterious without the spirits knowing about it]
◎神采 [glowing look]
◎神采飞扬 [in high spirit]
◎神采焕发 [happy look]
◎神采奕奕 [glowing with health and radiating vigour]
◎神差鬼使 [doings of ghosts and gods——unexpected happenings]
◎神出鬼没 [appear and disappear mysteriously]
◎神吹 [battytho]
◎神道 (1) [legend of ghosts](2) [gods]
(3) [tomb passage; path leading to a tomb](4) [one's manner isn't normal]
◎神道碑 (1) [tombstone] (2) [inscriptions]
◎神殿 [temple]
◎神父 (1) [father; priest](2) [honest official]
◎神甫 [Catolic father;priest]
◎神工鬼斧 [uncanny workmanship]
◎神怪 [gods and spirits]
◎神 [supernatural]
◎神汉 [sorcerer]
◎神乎 [fantastic; magic]
◎神乎其神 [the most fantastic]
◎神化 [apotheosis]
◎神话 (1) [mythology] (2) [fable;myth]
◎神话故事 [fairy tale]
◎神昏 [coma]
◎神魂 [mind]
◎神魂颠倒 [be infatualed; one's mind is confused; be crazy with losing of loved ones be out of mind]
◎神机妙算 [wonderful foresight (in military operations);ability to devine the unknown]
◎神机莫测 unexpectedly-contrived stratagem
◎神交 1) [be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met] [close friend]
◎神京 [capital] 京城
◎神经 [nerve]
◎神经病 (1) [neuropathy](2) [mental disorder]
◎神经病患者,神经质者 [neuropath]
◎神经错乱 [moonstruck]
◎神经官能症 [neurosis]
◎神经末梢 [nerve ending; nerve end]
◎神经失常 [off one’s dt]
◎神经衰弱 [neurasthenia;nervous breakdown;with weak nerves]
◎神经痛 [neuralgia]
◎神经系统 [nervous system]
◎神经元 (1) [neuron]
◎神经战 [war of nerves]
◎神经质 [jumpy; neurotic]
◎神龛 [a shrine for idols or ancestral tablets]
◎神力 [superhuman strength;extraordinary power]
◎神聊 [ramble;tell a tall tale]
◎神灵 (1) [Gods](2) [magic](3) [soul]
◎神领 [grasp; understand]
◎神秘 [mystical; mysterious]
◎神明 (1) [gods] (2) [spirit] (3) [brilliant]
◎神农 [legendary god of farming]
◎神女 (1) [goddess] (2) [prostitute]
◎神品 [superb work (of art or literature)
◎神婆 [sorceress; witch]
◎神奇 [magic; miraculous; mystic; supernatural]
◎神气 (1) [air](2) [vigorous;impressive;spirited](3) [putting on airs]
◎神气十足 (1) [perky] (2) [grand] (3) [pompous;be extremly arrogant]
◎神器 [emperorship; government]
◎神枪手 [crack shot;sharp shooter]
◎神情 [expression]
◎神权 (1) [might;religious authority] (2) [divine power]
◎神人 (1) [immortal] (2) [an extraordinary person]
◎神色 [expression]
◎神色不动 [be calm in undertaking]
◎神色怡然 [look unpeturbed]
◎神色自若 [be perfectly calm and collected]
◎神社 [sacrificial place]
◎神圣 (1) [gods] (2) [holy;sacred] (3) [emperor]
◎神示[prophesy; prophecy]
◎神思 (1) [state of mind](2) [mind](3) [thought]
◎神似 (1) [be alike in spirit] (2) [be an excellent likeness]
◎神速 marvellously quick]
◎神算 [miraculous foresight](2) [magic plan]
◎神态 [bearing;mien;expression;manner]
◎神通 [magical power]
◎神通广大 infinitely resourceful]
◎神童 [child prodigy]
◎神往 [be carried away; be charmed]
◎神往心醉 [ecstatic]
◎神威 [invincible might]
◎神位 [a spirit tablet]
◎神武 [epithet of a great conquering general]
◎神悟 [understand through the spirit]
◎神仙(1) [supernatural being] (2) [immortal]
◎神仙会[free-talk gathering]
◎神仙中人 [the happiest mortal alive]
◎神像 [the picture or statue of a god or Buddha]
◎神效 [effect; magical effect]
◎神学,宗教学 [theology]
◎神乐 [kagura]
◎神医 [highly-skilled doctor]
◎神异 (1) [gods and spirits](2) [magical]
◎神意 (1) [providence] (2) [expression and manner]
◎神勇 [valorous]
◎神游 [fugue; visit a place mentally]
◎神佑 [providence]
◎神宇 (1) [look and bearing; facial appearance](2) [temple]
◎神谕 [pontification]
◎神韵 [romantic charm (in literature and art)]
◎神祇 [god]
◎神职,圣职 [ministry]
◎神志 [consciousness; mind; sense]
◎神志不清 (1) [delirious] (2) [wander; be mentally disturbed]
◎神智 [wit]
◎神州(1) [the Divine Land (a poetic name for China)](2) [the capital of a country]
◎神主 [a spirit tablet]
◎神姿 [grand posture]
2009中考英语词汇表 系列R
初中英语常用词组2 介词短语词组
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初中英语常用词组1 动词词组
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