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高二英语教案 Unit 2 No smoking, please! --2

发布时间:2016-10-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

1.Learn about the disadvantages of cigarette smoking.

2.Know about the basic facts of cigarette smoking in China and Britain.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework exercises, especially WB Lesson 5. Ex. 3.

Ask the students to read and act out the dialogue.

Practise the drilling in the asking for permission phrases.

Step 2 Lead-in

1.Draw a No smoking sign on the blackboard ask some questions:

What does this mean?

Where can you find this sign?

Why is smoking not allowed?

Who smoke more in China: men or women?

Do you think it is good or bad smoking?

2.Make a note of the students’ answers on the Bb. Teach some key vocabulary, such as a packet of cigarettes, tobacco, habit.

Step 3 Listening

Listen to this passage carefully ,then answer the questions.

1. How many Chinese people smoke according to the passage?

2. How many British people die from smoking each year?

Key: 1 About 38% of the Chinese population smoke.

2.About 110,000 people die from smoking each year in Britain.

Step 4 Reading

Let the students read the passage carefully and note the answers.

1.Are most of the smokers in China male or female?

2. Why does cigarette smoking cost the Chinese government more money?

3. How many packets of cigarettes are smoked each day by Chinese?

4. What about the problem of cigarette smoking in Britain?

5.Are sales of cigarettes rising or falling? Why?



2.There are two reasons: First, money is spent looking after people with illnesses which have been caused by smoking. Second, many fires are caused by smokers.

3.About 220 million.

4.The problem is that 3000 people are dying each day from illnesses caused by smoking.

5.Falling. Because in Britain, sales of cigarettes have been reduced by 30% in last ten years.

Step 5 Further reading

Read this passage carefully, then write these questions. Smoking in China

Step 6 Language Practice

Complete the sentences according to the text.

1 At present there are about_______ cigarette smokers in China.

2 In China the government has to spend _______looking after the people with illnesses caused by smoking.

3 Smoking is dangerous because it causes_______, deaths and_______.

4 Smoking is good for tobacco companies, but bad for____.

5 Tobacco companies must _______new people to _______because more and more old smokers begin to_______.

6 Every year millions of people die _______in the world.

7 The population of the UK is about_______.


1.450 million

2.about 28 billion yuan

3.illnesses, fires

4.the health of our nation

5.persuade, start smoking, die from smoking

6.from smoking

7.58 million

Step 7 Talking and Speaking

Pair work, ask and answer the questions.

1.What do you think of the ban on smoking in public places?

2.Do you know any people who smoke? What is their opinion?

3.How is the smoking ban carried out in your city town?

Step 8 Practice

Join the pairs of sentences, using who/whom/which/that.

1.The packet of cigarettes cost 5.20 yuan. My uncle bought it.

2.The doctor told David to stop smoking. David saw her at the hospital.

3. One habit is smoking. He can’t give it up.

4. People have to smoke outside. They want to smoke.

5. The government receives lots of money from sales of tobacco. Cigarettes are made of tobacco.

6. People may not live long. They smoke too much.


1.The packet of cigarettes which/that my uncle bought cost 5.20 yuan.

2.The doctor who/whom David saw at the hospital told him to stop smoking.

3. One habit is smoking. He can’t give it up.

4. People have to smoke outside. They want to smoke.

5.The government receives lots of money from sales of tobacco which /that cigarettes are made of.

6.People who smoke too much may not live long.

Step 9Discussion

Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:

1.Is smoking a bad habit? If so, give your reasons and offer some advice on how to stop it . If not, why?

2. Do you like smoking? Why or why not?

Step 10 Homework

1.Finish off Workbook exercises.

2. Preparation Lesson 7.









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