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发布时间:2016-06-22  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  A: There are innumerable reasons why I can’t marry you.

  B: Surely there can not be that many .


  a. 无数的,数不清的

  A: I would love to sail around the world alone.

  B: You must be insane.


  a. 1.蠢极的,荒唐的;2.(患)精神病的,精神失常的,疯狂的

  A: Can you read the inscription in the book to me?

  B: Sorry, I don’t have my glasses and the lettering it too small.


  n. 铭文,碑文,题字

  A: You are looking tired.

  B: Yes, I am suffering from insomnia.


  n. 失眠(症)

  A: You are an inspiration to me.

  B: You are quite amazing also!


  n. 1.灵感;2.鼓舞人心的人(或事物)

  A: Did you buy your car with cash?

  B: No, I arranged that I will pay in monthly installments.


  n. 1.分期付款,分期交付;2.(分期连载的)部分

  A: That medicine worked great.

  B: Yes, it had instantaneous results.


  a. 瞬间的,即刻的

  A: What are the words to that song you were humming?

  B: Oh, it was just an instrumental piece.


  a. 1.起作用的,有帮助的;2.用乐器演奏的

  A: My house is freezing in the winter.

  B: Perhaps you need to insulate it better.


  vt. 1.使绝缘,使隔热,使隔音;2.隔离,使隔绝(以免受到影响)

  A: Did the parcel arrive intact?

  B: Yes, there was no damage to it at all.


  a. 完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的

  A: What is the annual intake of students into your school each year?

  B: Oh, about 100 pupils join each year.


  n. 1.吸入,纳入;2.进气口,入口

  A: You played an integral part in the project, thanks for your help.

  B: You are welcome, but I do not think that my assistance was that important.


  a. 构成整体所必需的,基本的

  A: I admire your integrity.

  B: Thanks, I think it is essential to stick to your principles.


  n. 1.正直,诚实,诚恳;2.完整,完全,完善

  A: My intellect is the most important aspect of my mind.

  A: And you certainly use your well.


  n. 1.智力,理解力;2.才智非凡的人

  A: Mark always holds intelligible conversation.

  B: Yes, he is very smart.


  a. 可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的

  A: We could intensify the light in the room by painting the walls white.

  B: Or we could just add more lights.


  v. (使)增强,(使)加剧

  A: I did not commit the crime with intent.

  B: But that will be impossible to prove in court.


  n. 意图,意向,目的

  a. 1.专心的,转注的;2.急切的

  to all intents 几乎在一切方面,实际上

  A: I need to interact with some new people.

  B: Good , but how are you going to meet them?


  vi. 相互作用,相互影响

  A: I think our post has been intercepted.

  B: Why, were the letters open when they arrived?


  vt. 拦截,截住,截击

  A: The conference facilitated intercourse with many groups of people.

  B: I hope that you had some interesting and productive conversations.


  n. 1.性交;2.交流,交往,交际

  A: What do you study in college?

  B: The interface between humans and computers


  n. 1.接口;2.界面,交接处

  v. 互相作用(或影响,联系),互相配合工作

  A: We have to submit an interim report by the end of the month.

  B: And when will the official one have to be completed?


  a. 暂时的,临时的

  n. 间歇,过度期间

  in the interim 在其间

  A: May I offer an interjection into the argument?

  B: No, the debate must continue without disruption.


  n. 1.感叹词;2.(突然的)插入

  A: How was the weather on your holiday?

  B: Apart form the intermittent rain, it was fine.


  a. 间歇的,断断续续的

  A: Turn left at the next intersection.

  B: I thought we have to turn right.


  n. 1.横断,交叉;2.道路交叉口,交点

  A: My parents are always arguing.

  B: Is there anything you can do to intervene?


  vi. 1干涉,干预;2.干扰,阻挠

  A: I am planning an intervention into the affairs of my neighbours.

  B: Why are you so interested in what they are doing ?


  n. 介入,干涉,干预

  A: Jane is always so outspoken.

  B: But don’t be intimidated by her.


  vt. 恐吓,威胁

  A: He was completely intoxicated after coming home from the pub last night.

  B: Yes, I knew he had a lot to drink.


  vt. 1.使喝醉;2.使陶醉,使欣喜若狂

  A: The details in the painting are exceptionally intricate.

  B: Yes, it must have taken a long time to complete.


  a. 错综复杂的,复杂精细的

  A: Did you enjoy the novel I lent you?

  B: It was excellent, the plot was full of intrigue and mystery.


  vt. 激起...的好奇心(或兴趣),迷住

  vi. 耍阴谋,施诡计

  n. 阴谋,诡计,密谋

  A: I found a piece of evidence that is intrinsic to our case.

  B: Gosh, why did we not realize it sooner?


  a. 固有的,本质的,内在的

  A: I don’t mean to intrude, but can I join your conversation?

  B: Don’t worry, you are not interrupting anything private.


  vi. 侵入,侵扰,打扰

  A: My intuition told me that he is bad news.

  B: Yes, I never trusted him either.


  n. 直觉

  A: I am afraid this is the only piece of identification that I have.

  B: But it is out of date which makes it invalid.


  a. 1.(指法律上)无效的,作废的;2.无可靠根据的,站不住脚的

  n. (需要有人照顾的)病弱者,残疾者

  A: Your help was invaluable to me, thanks.

  B: Don’t mention it, it was my pleasure.


  a. 非常宝贵的,极为贵重的,无价的

  A: Invariably the car broke down on the way to my exam.

  B: Typical! What did you do?


  ad. 不变地,始终如一地,总是

  A: I would like to have an inventory of all the furniture in the house before I move in.

  B: Certainly, that can be arranged.


  n. 详细目录,存货清单

  make inventory 清查存货,存货盘存;调查;评价

  A: I can’t get the lid off this jar, Mum.

  B: Try inverting it and then bang the jar on the floor.


  vt. 使倒转,使倒置,使颠倒

  A: Ironically, I missed the plane even though I was at the airport two hours in advance.

  B: I call that unlucky!


  ad. 1.具有讽刺意味地;2.嘲讽地,挖苦地

  A: Do you think Jack is a good comedian?

  B: No, he relies too heavily on irony.


  n. 1.反语,冷嘲;2.具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄

  A: Irrespective of the weather, I think we should still go sailing.

  B: But what if there is a thunder storm?


  a. 不考虑的,不顾及的

  A: Despite the dry weather, I am amazed at how many crops the farmers are growing.

  B: That is because they have developed an extensive and efficient irrigation system.


  n. 灌溉

  A: My little sister always irritates me.

  B: Mine is also very annoying.


  vt. 1.使恼怒,使烦躁;2.使(身体某部分)不适,使疼痛

  A: Is Iran a Christian country?

  B: No, it is Islamic.


  a. 伊斯兰教的,伊斯兰教信徒的

  A: The isle where we camped was just one hour by boat off shore.

  B: Were there any inhabitants on it?


  n. 小岛,岛

  A: I’m itching to travel.

  B: Perhaps you can go away following your studies.


  vi. 1.痒,发痒;2.渴望,热望

  vt. 使发痒

  A: Your necklace is very unusual.

  B: That’s because it is made out of ivory.


  n. 1.象牙;2.象牙色,乳白色

  A: I need to cut back the ivy from my windows.

  B: Yes, it tends to grow at a rapid rate.


  n. 常春藤


  A: I need to change the wheel of my car, I have a flat.

  B: I’ll help, do you have a jack ?


  n. 千斤顶

  vt. 1.用千斤顶顶起;2。停止,放弃;3。提高,增加

  A: What type of stone is your ring?

  B: It is jade , quite rare.


  n. 1。玉,翡翠;2。浅绿(色)

  A: Did you understand the article I gave you?

  B: No, there was too much jargon and terms that I had not seen before.


  n. 术语,行话

  A: I’m going to rent a jeep for the weekend and drive to the mountains.

  B: Great idea, can I come?


  n. 吉普车

  A: No, I’m not going to cheat on the exam.

  B: Good, there is no point in jeopardising your degree.


  vt. 危机,损害

  A: You nearly hit Andrew on the head.

  B: Good thing that he jerked just in time to miss it.


  vt. 使猝然一动,猛拉

  vi. 猝然一动

  n. 急推,急拉,急扭

  A: What would you like for your birthday?

  B: Some new jewellery would be nice, maybe a necklace.


  n. 珠宝,首饰

  A: You’re so small you would make an excellent jockey .

  B: Oh, I don’t like horse riding.


  n. 1。骑师;2。[美俚]驾驶员,(机器等的)操作手

  vi. 谋取

  vt. 劝说,诱使

  A: I go for a short jog around the lake every night.

  B: You must be very fit.


  v. / n. 1。慢跑;2。(尤指不正当地)轻轻碰撞

  jog sb.’s memory 唤起某人的记忆

  A: Mr. Smith has a jolly sense of humour,

  B: Yes, I have always found him to be very pleasant.


  a. 快乐的,高兴的,愉快的

  ad. 很,非常

  vt. 劝服,哄

  A: Was the car damaged in the accident?

  B: No, it just got a slight jolt . There was no damage done.


  vt. 1。使颠簸,使摇晃;2。使震惊

  vi. 颠簸,摇晃

  n. 1。震动,摇动,颠簸;2。震惊

  A: The judicial proceedings will take place after all the evidence has been collected.

  B: How long do you think that will take?


  a. 1。司法的,法庭的,审判的;2。明断的,公正的

  A: Shall I pour the milk into a jug ?

  B: Yes, if you can find a clean one!


  n. 1。大罐,壶;2。一大罐(壶)的容量

  A: I’m trying to juggle two jobs at once.

  B: That must be difficult, how do you manage?


  v. 1。(用球等)玩杂耍;2。尽力应付,力图平衡;3。篡改(数字等)以图掩盖

  A: There is a jumbo edition of the magazine out this week.

  B: Are you sure you will have time to read it?


  a. 特大的,巨型的

  n. 大型喷气式飞机

  A: The traffic lights on the main junction are out this week.

  B: Are you sure you will have time to read it ?


  n. 联结点,(道路等的)会合点,枢纽

  A: What are you doing in your room?

  B: I’m trying to clear it of all the junk I have collected over the years.


  n. 废旧物品,破烂

  vt. 丢弃,废弃

  A: What are you doing in this part of town?

  B: Sir, it is my new jurisdiction .


  n. 1。司法权,审判权,裁判权;2。权力,管辖权; 3。权限,管辖范围

  A: Sorry, Sir, my dog ate my homework.

  B: That is not adequate justification for being late again.


  n. 正当的理由,借口

  A: John was taken to the juvenile court for the hearing.

  B: Oh, that is right he is only 14 and too young to be on trial in the central court.


  a. 1。少年的,少年特有的;2。幼稚的,不成熟的

  n. 未成年人,少年


  A: I dreamt I was kidnapped by a gang of thieves.

  B: You were not dreaming!


  vt. 绑架,诱拐

  A: Doctor, I have a severe pain in my lower back.

  B: It may be your kidneys , let me check.


  n. 肾,肾脏

  A: Who is your next of kin ?

  B: My father.


  n. [总称]亲属,家属

  A: I’ve hurt myself, do you have a bandage?

  B: Yeah, there is one in the first aid kit.


  n. 1。成套的工具,(适应特定需要的)成套用品

  vt. 装备

  A: I just bought a new kitten , she is very cute.

  B: She may be now, but she will soon grow up!


  n. 小猫

  A: You are my knight in shining armor.

  B: Well, that makes you my princess.


  n. 1。(中世纪)骑士;2。爵士;3。(国际象棋中)马

  vt. 封……为爵士

  A: Did you make this blanket?

  B: Yes, it took three weeks to knit .


  vt. 1。编结,编织;2。使紧密地结合,使紧凑;3。皱紧,皱(眉)

  vi. 1。编织,编结;2。(骨折)愈合

  A: The potatoes are best with a knob of butter.

  B: Oh, but I don’t like potatoes or butter.


  n. 1。(门、抽屉的)球形把手,球形柄;2。(收音机等的)旋扭;3。小块

  A: What happened to your knuckles ? They are bleeding.

  B: Oh, I cycled in a wall and grazed them.


  n. 指节

  vi. 1. 开始努力工作;2.屈服


  A: Be careful, your laces are undone.

  B: Oh, I never learned how to tie them properly.


  n. 1.网眼花边,透空织品,花边;2.鞋带,系带

  vt. 用系带束紧

  A: Sorry I’m late, my alarm did not go off on time.

  B: That is a lame excuse, don’t let it happen again.


  a. 1.跛的,瘸的;2.站不住脚的,差劲的,蹩脚的

  A: I am lamenting the loss of my dear friend.

  B: Goodness, what happened to him?


  vt. 1.哀悼,痛惜;2.抱怨,为...而遗憾

  vi. 哀悼,悲痛

  n. 挽歌,悼词

  A: I am going to the lake to float some lanterns .

  B: It would be best to wait until it is dark.


  n. 灯笼,提灯

  A: I saw my father again after a lapse of twenty years.

  B: That must have been an emotional meeting.


  n. 1.失误,疏忽;2.(时间的)流逝,间隔;3.(兴趣等的)减少,(信心的)丧失;4.陷入(或进入)(某种状态)

  vi. 1.终止,失效;2.陷入(或进入)...状态

  A: Stop annoying your brother.

  B: Don’t lash out at me, he was the one that started it.


  v. 1.(用绳索等)将(物品)系牢;2.鞭打,抽打,(风,雨等)猛烈打击;3.猛烈抨击,严厉斥责

  n. 1.鞭子,鞭端绳索(或皮条);2.鞭打;3.眼睫毛;4.鞭梢

  lash out 猛烈抨击

  A: I know you have the ability to do the task, it is latent within you.

  B: But I am not so confident that it is there.


  a. 潜在的,隐伏的,不易察觉的

  A: On what line of latitude is France?

  B: Well, it will span several lines, but you should check in an atlas for the exact figures.


  n. 1.纬度;2.[pl.]纬度地区;3.(言语,行动等的)回旋余地,自由

  A: Did you enjoy the wedding?

  B: Indeed, it was a very lavish affair.


  a. 1.过分丰富的,无节制的;2.过分慷慨的,浪费的

  vt. 慷慨地给予,挥霍

  A: Was our teacher also a priest?

  B: No, he was just a layman .


  n. 门外汉,外行

  A: There were a lot of layoffs recently in my town.

  B: That will be hard on the families in the region, do you think they will be able to find new jobs?


  n. (尤指临时)解雇

  A: Could you please give me some additional information about your organization?

  B: Certainly, this leaflet has all the details that you will need.


  n. 传单,散页印刷品,小册子

  v. (向...)散发传单(或小册子)

  A: Have you seen my shoes, Mum?

  B: Yes, they are drying on the window ledge .


  n. 1.岩架,岩石突出部;2.架状突出物,壁架

  A: Mr. Smart had a full and an interesting life.

  B: Yes, he indeed left a legacy .


  n. 遗赠的财物,遗产

  A: I am fascinated with ancient folk tales and legends .

  B: Yes, there are some wonderful stories that survived the ages.


  n. 1.传说,传奇故事;2.传奇人物

  A: This time, Sir, I have a legitimate excuse for being late, I was ill.

  B: Do you have a doctor’s note to prove it?


  a. 1.合情合理的;2.合法的,法律认可的

  vt. 使合法

  A: Would you like a glass of lemonade ?

  B: Oh, yes please, that sounds very refreshing.


  n. 1.柠檬水;2.汽水

  A: Even though you have been naughty, I will be lenient just this one time.

  B: Thanks, Mum, and I promise not to do it again.


  a. 宽大的,仁慈的

  A: Do you need anything from the shops?

  B: Yes, I’d need to make a salad. Could you buy some lettuce please?


  n. 莴苣,生菜

  A: I can’t open the window.

  B: Here is a stick, use it as a lever to force it open.


  n. 1.杠,杠杆;2.途径,工具,手段

  vt. (用杠杆)撬动,撬起

  A: My boss never gives much leverage , I don’t think I’ll be able to get the day off work.

  B: Oh, at least try one last time.


  n. 1.力量,影响,手段,优势;2.杠杆作用,杠杆的力量

  A: The government has increased the levy on imports.

  B: By what percentage?


  vt. 征收(税等)

  n. 征税,税款

  A: You are a liability around the house.

  B: I’m not dangerous. I’m just energetic.


  n. 1.责任;2.[pl.]负债,债务;3.不利条件,起妨碍作用的人(或物)

  A: Lilies are my favourite kind of flower.

  B: Oh, mine too!


  n. 百合,百合花

  A: I arrive to the ball by limousine .

  B: Oh, I could not afford one, so I came by bus!


  n. 轿车

  A: Sarah has a very limp handshake.

  B: Yes, I don’t think that she is confident in herself.


  a. 1.软弱的,无生气的,无精神的;2.软的,松沓的

  vi. 一瘸一拐地走,蹒跚

  n. 跛行

  A: Have you done linear equations in math class yet?

  B: No, I think we cover them next year.


  a. 1.线的,直线的,线状的;2.长度的;3.线性的

  A: Is your shirt made from cotton or linen ?

  B: I am not sure what kind of fabric it is.


  n. 1.日用织品,亚麻织品;2.亚麻布

  A: I worked on a cruise liner for three months.

  B: Sounds exotic, but I’m sure that it was hard work!


  n. 1.大客轮;2.(化妆用)眼线膏,眼线笔,描唇笔;3.衬里

  A: What would you like to do this morning?

  B: Just linger in bed a while longer.


  vi. 1.(因不愿意离开而)继续逗留,留恋徘徊;2.继续存留,缓慢消失

  A: I had a problem learning how to speak correctly when I was a child.

  B: Oh, I also had some linguistic problems.


  a. 语言的,语言学的

  A: Is that lipstick on your collar?

  B: No, it is just tomato sauce, trust me!


  n. 唇膏,口红

  A: What do you do in your spare time?

  B: I’m involved in a literacy project, teaching kids how to read.


  n. 识字,有文化,读写能力

  A: You should try to look beyond literal translations of the poem.

  B: But it is too difficult for me.


  a. 1.照字面的,原义的;2.逐字的

  A: You should not take everything that I say literally .

  B: Well, you should be more direct.


  n. 1.逐字地,照原文,照字面地;2.确实地,真正地;3.简直

  A: My grandmother was the only literate girl in her family.

  B: She was lucky to get an education.


  a. 1.有读写能力的;2.有文化修养的

  A: Please put your litter in the bin.

  B: Oh, I can’t see one.


  n. 1.废弃物,被胡乱扔掉的东西;2.一窝(仔,崽);3.(一堆)杂乱的东西

  vt. 乱扔东西于

  vi. 乱扔废弃物

  A: The livestock on my farm are doing very well.

  B: How many cows and sheep do you have in total?


  n. [总称]家畜,牲畜

  A: Were you out in the sun?

  B: Yes, I got burnt and I look like a lobster .


  n. 龙虾

  A: Are there any libraries in your locality ?

  B: No, but there is one in the next town.


  n. 地区,地点

  A: Oh no, I left my watch in the locker in the gym.

  B: You better go back and get it.


  n. (公共场所供个人使用的)寄物柜

  A: I’m interested in early locomotive travel.

  B: I have never really been interested in trains myself.


  n. 机车

  A: You have very lofty ideals.

  B: No, I just have high expectations of myself.


  a. 1.高傲的,傲慢的;2.崇高的,高尚的;3.高耸的,极高的

  A: My family has never enjoyed longevity .

  B: But you are lucky, you are already 91!


  n. 1.长寿;2.寿命

  A: What line of longitude are the Falkland Islands located on?

  B: Not sure, you better check a map.


  n. 经度

  A: My grandmother made all her clothing on a loom .

  B: Did she teach you how to use it?


  n. 织布机

  vi. 1.阴森地逼近,隐现,赫然耸现;2.即将来临

  A: What did you do with the stolen loot ?

  B: I hid the money in a secret location.


  n. 赃物,战利品,掠夺物

  v. 抢劫,劫掠,掠夺

  A: My skin is too dry, it must be because of the hot weather.

  B: Here is some lotion , rub it on to help.


  n. 洗液,洗济,护肤液

  A: Whether I win or lose is a lottery .

  B: Are you sure there is nothing you can do to increase your chances of winning?


  n. 1.抽彩给奖法;2.碰运气的事,难于算计的事

  A: This is an unusual dish, what is the main ingredient?

  B: It is made from lotus leaves.


  n. 莲,莲花

  A: They will announce the match results over the loudspeaker .

  B: We had better pay more attention then.


  n. 扬声器,喇叭

  A: Did you see my scarf, Dad?

  B: Yes, it is the lounge , near the TV.


  n. 休息厅,休息室

  vi. 1.(懒洋洋地)倚,(懒散地)躺;2.闲逛,闲荡

  A: The brakes on my bike are not working.

  B: Perhaps you need to lubricate them.


  vt. 使润滑

  A: I just landed a new lucrative job.

  B: Great, would you like to share some of your hard earned cash with me?


  a. 赚钱的,可获利的

  A: I had to close my shop. Business had lulled .

  B: That is such a shame.


  vt. 1.使安静,使入睡;2.缓和,减轻,哄骗

  n. 暂时的平息(或平静)

  A: I will have to lumber a clearing in the forest.

  B: Oh, are you sure it is necessary to cut down the trees?


  vi. 笨拙地移动,缓慢吃力地移动

  vt. 拖累,使陷入困境

  n. 1.(堆放着的)家用废旧杂物;2.木材,不料,锯制板

  A: The room was luminous with the light.

  B: It must have looked beautiful, especially in the evening.


  a. 发光的,发亮的,光明的

  A: I’d like to make a lunar landing some day.

  B: I’d also love to visit the moon.


  a. 月的,月球的

  A: Why did you move to the city?

  B: I was lured by the bright lights.


  vt. 吸引,引诱,诱惑

  n. 1.吸引力,诱惑物;2.诱饵,鱼饵

  A: You have a strong lust for power.

  B: Yes, I consider myself ambitious.


  n. 1.(强烈的)性欲,淫欲

  vi. 对...有强烈的欲望

  A: Shakespeare wrote exceptional lyric poetry.

  B: I agree, his work is amazing, Jack.


  a. 抒情的

  n. [常pl.]歌词


  A: Has the case been closed yet?

  B: No, the magistrate still needs to decide the outcome.


  n. 地方行政官,地方法官,治安官

  A: I am unable to read the small print in the book.

  B: It seems you need to magnify it.


  vt. 1.放大,扩大;2.夸大,夸张

  A: That was a terrible storm.

  B: Indeed, but it is too early to determine the magnitude of the damage.


  n. 1.重要性,重大;2.巨大,广大

  A: A young fair maiden like you shouldn’t be single.

  B: That is because I am a young fair independent maiden.


  n. 少女,年轻姑娘,未婚女子

  a. 首次的,初次的

  A: You look majestic sitting on that high chair.

  B: Yes, I am pretending to be the king!


  a. 雄伟的,壮丽的,庄严的,高贵的

  A: Please cook me dinner now.

  B: Yes, your majesty, I’m at your service.


  n. 1.[M-]陛下(对帝王,王后的尊称);2.雄伟,壮丽,庄严

  A: Doctor, I traveled to Africa and I think I caught malaria.

  B: Did you take any medicine as a precaution?


  n. 疟疾

  A: I hate you!

  B: Why are you so full of malice?


  n. 恶意,怨恨

  A: I’m afraid that the test results have come back and your lump is malignant.

  B: That means it’s serious, doesn’t it, doctor?


  a. 1.恶性的,致命的;2.恶意的,恶毒的

  A: I’m going shopping in the mall this afternoon, want to join me?

  B: No, thanks, I have plans already.


  n. (由许多商店组成的)购物中心

  A: That child looks very unhealthy.

  B: Yes, he does not have enough to eat. He is suffering from malnutrition.


  n. 营养不良

  A: What distinguishes mammals from other animals, teacher?

  B: Mammals feed their young on milk.


  n. 哺乳动物

  A: I was able to park the car in one single maneuver.

  B: Well done, you have improved.


  n. 1.谨慎而熟练的动作;2.策略,花招;3.[pl.]演习

  vt. 1.设法使变动位置;2.(敏捷或巧妙地)操纵,控制

  vi. 1.设法变动位置;2.用策略,耍花招

  A: Are you telling me you saw a ghost?

  B: Yes, it manifested itself on me during the night.


  a. 明显的,显然的,明了的

  vt. 1.显示,表明,证明;2.使显现,使显露

  A: I’m not able to untie this knot.

  B: If you manipulate the knot a bit more you may be able to open it.


  vt. 1.操纵,控制,影响;2.(熟练地)操作,使用

  A: I just bought the new house.

  B: That is too big to be a house. It is a mansion.


  n. 大厦,(豪华的)宅邸

  A: I discovered an ancient manuscript.

  B: Are you going to donate it to the library?


  n. 1.手稿,原稿,底稿;2.手写本

  A: What type of tree is that?

  B: I think it is a maple


  n. 槭树,枫树,槭木

  A: I really dislike Stephanie.

  B: Don’t try to mar me with your negative impressions of her before I even meet her.


  vt. 破坏,毁坏

  A: I’m getting a new fireplace installed.

  B: Is it the marble one you had your eye on?


  n. 1.大理石;2.(用玻璃、石头等制成的)弹子;3.[pl.]弹子游戏

  A: The mare is expecting her foal in three weeks.

  B: Oh! I thought a mare was a male horse, silly me!


  n. 母马,母驴

  A: Did you do well in the exam, Sir?

  B: Yes, you only made some marginal errors.


  a. 1.微小的,少量的,不重要的;2.仅以微弱多数票获胜的;3.记(或引)在页边的,有旁注的

  A: Have you ever smoked marijuana?

  B: No, I have never tried drugs.


  n. 大麻,大麻烟

  A: What is your marital status?

  B: I am married.


  a. 婚姻的,夫妻的

  A: I’m going to visit the maritime museum this afternoon.

  B: I assume that it is the one by the sea.


  a. 1.海的,海事的,航海的;2.近海的,海的

  A: It rained so much. My garden is like a marsh.

  B: Don’t worry, it will dry out soon.


  n. 沼泽,湿地

  A: I was a marshal in the army for 11 years.

  B: Gosh, that is a high rank, you must have worked hard to get there.


  n. 1.元帅,最高指挥官;2.(某些群众活动的)总指挥,司仪;3.(美国的)执法官,警察局长,消防队长

  vt. 整理,排列,集结

  A: I read that the ancient Romans were martial people.

  B: I’m not sure if they were inclined to war.


  a. 战争的,军事的,武术的

  A: The sunset is amazing.

  B: Yes, I am sitting here marveling at it right now.


  vi. 惊叹,赞佩

  vt. 对...感到惊异

  n. 令人惊异(或不可思议)的事,奇迹

  A: That girl looks particularly masculine.

  B: Maybe it is because she lifts weights.


  a. 1.男性的,男子的;2.男子气的

  A: Shall I mash your potatoes?

  B: No, thanks, I like them whole.


  vt. 把...捣成糊状

  n. 糊状物

  A: The soldiers massacred each other with gunfire during the war.

  B: Do you know how many people were killed?


  vt. 1.大规模屠杀,残杀;2.彻底击败

  n. 1.大屠杀,残杀;2.(比赛等)残败

  A: I had a wonderful body massage last night.

  B: Was it painful?


  n. 按摩,推拿

  vt. 给...按摩

  A: What flag is that hoisted on the mast?

  B: It is the national flag. Don’t you recognize it?


  n. 1.船桅,桅杆,旗杆;2.天线杆

  A: Your book is a masterpiece, well done.

  B: Thanks, I hope that the publishers think so , too.


  n. 杰作

  A: I would love to have a baby soon.

  A: That sounds like your maternal instincts talking!


  a. 1.母亲的,母亲般的;2.母系的,母方的

  A: Did you put your money in the bank?

  B: No, I hid it under the mattress.


  n. 褥垫,床垫

  A: I love walking in the meadows in spring.

  B: Me too, the fields are best at that time of year.


  n. 草地

  A: My brothers are having a serious argument.

  B: Are you going to mediate in the hope of solving it?


  vi. 调解,周旋

  vt. 1.经调解解决;2.经周旋促成

  A: I visited several medieval castles while in France.

  B: So that means they date from the Middle Ages, correct?


  a. 中世纪的,中古(时代)的

  A: I try to practice meditation at least once a day.

  B: Oh, I can never sit still for long periods.


  n. 1.默想,默念;2.沉思,冥想,沉思录

  A: Why are you looking so melancholy, Rory?

  B: I just lost my job.


  a. 忧郁的,使人忧郁的,悲伤的

  n. 忧郁,悲伤

  A: The atmosphere at the party was exceptionally mellow.

  B: Yes, all the guests were very relaxed.


  a. 1.(颜色或声音)柔和的;2(水果)熟透的,甘美多汁的,(酒)芳醇的;3.成熟的,老练的,稳健的;4.高兴的,微醉的

  v. 1.(使)变得柔和;2.(使)成熟;3.(使)变得香醇

  A: Sing along to this melody.

  B: I would, but I haven’t a note in my head.


  n. 1.旋律,曲调;2.悦耳的音乐

  A: Would you like to try some melon?

  B: I’d love to, is it sweet?


  n. 瓜,甜瓜

  A: Does Kelly know where to meet us?

  B: Yeah, I left a memo for her.


  n. 备忘录

  A: You have had such an interesting life, you should write your memoirs.

  B: I’ve already started them.


  n. 1.[pl.]回忆录,自传;2.记事录

  A: Do we have to memorise the whole poem, Sir?

  B: No, only the first two verses.


  v. 记住,熟记

  A: Get out from the kitchen, you are such a menace.

  B: Sorry, I was only trying to help.


  n. 1.具有危险性的人(或物);2.威胁,威吓

  vt. 威胁,威吓

  A: I do not understand Robin’s mentality.

  B: Yeah, she has some strange ideas sometimes.


  n. 心态,思想方法

  A: All of the merchandise in the shop is half price today.

  B: Oh, let’s go in!


  n. [总称]商品,货物

  vt. 买卖,经营

  A: Be careful, there is mercury in the thermometer.

  B: Don’t worry, I will be careful.


  n. 1,水银,汞;2[M-][罗神]墨丘利

  A: I think our ideas are beginning to merge.

  B: I think that is because we have spent so much time together.


  v. (使)结合,(使)合并,(使)合为一体

  A: Can you bring this note to your Mum?

  B: No, I am not your messenger.


  n. 送信人,信使

  A: This car is a little more expensive because of the metallic paint.

  B: I think it is worth is though.


  a. 1.金属的,金属制的;2.有金属特性的,像金属的

  A: Now, please pick out the main metaphors in the poem.

  B: Can you give us a clue, teacher?


  n. 1.隐喻;2.象征

  A: You are very methodical.

  B: I just like to be organized.


  a. 1.有条理的,井然的;2.办事有条不紊的

  A: You were meticulous about the details of our trip.

  B: I just wanted everything to go smoothly.


  a. 极其仔细的,一丝不苟的

  A: Shall we take the bus?

  B: No, the metro will be quicker.


  n. 地铁

  A: Did you report the crime?

  B: Yeah, straight away to the metropolitan police.


  a. 大城市的,大都会的

  A: You are a great violinist.

  B: I agree, I think we have a star in our midst.


  n. 中部,中间,当中

  in the midst of 1.在...之中;2.正当...的时候

  A: I am making a film about migrant workers in the city.

  B: That will be so interesting. I can’t wait to see it when it is finished.


  n. 1.移居者,移民;2.候鸟,迁移动物

  A: These birds migrate south in the winter every year?

  B: I’d like to go to warmer places also!


  vi. 1.(候鸟等)迁徙,移栖;2.移居(尤指移居国外),迁移

  A: Even though this car is old, the mileage is not very high.

  B: I shall buy it so.


  n. 1.里程,英里数;2.好处,利润

  A: A militant group of reformers attempted to overthrow the government.

  B: Were they successful?


  a. 激进的,好斗的

  n. 激进分子,斗士

  A: I want to be a millionaire some day.

  B: Well, you will either have to win the Lottery or work very hard.


  n. 百万富翁,大富翁

  A: The flavours in this soup have mingled well.

  B: Yes, it is delicious.


  vt. 使混合,使相混

  vi. 1.相交往,相往来;2.混合起来,相混合

  A: I bought a miniature house for my doll.

  B: And when you are old enough you will be able to buy a normal sized one!


  a. 小型的,微小的

  n. 1.微小的模型,缩影;2.微型画,微型人物像

  in miniature 小规模,小型

  A: We will rent a minibus to take us to the match.

  B: Are you sure we won’t all fit in a car?


  n. 小型公共汽车

  A: Margaret, you always do the minimal amount of work.

  B: Sorry, I will try harder from now on.


  a. 最小的,最低限度的

  A: Shall I turn the computer off?

  B: No just minimize the current screen.


  vt. 1.使减少(或缩小)到最低限度;2.极力贬低,对...做最低估计

  A: Would you like a mint ?

  B: No thanks, I have just brushed my teeth.


  n. 1.薄荷;2.铸币厂

  vt. 1.铸造(硬币);2.创造(词,词组等)

  A: I’m surprised to see you so soon after your accident.

  B: Yes, the doctors said I made a miraculous recovery.


  a. 奇迹般的,不可思议的

  A: I hope you are not up to mischief in there, Son.

  B: No Dad, I’m only playing a video game.


  n. 1.恶作剧,胡闹,捣蛋;2.淘气,顽皮;3.损害,伤害,危害

  A: My grandfather encountered a lot of misery during his lifetime.

  B: Yes, I am glad that I was not born back them.


  n. 1.痛苦,苦恼,苦难;2.悲惨的境遇,贫苦

  A: It rained heavily on my wedding day.

  B: Oh, what a misfortune !


  n. 1.不幸,厄运,逆境;2.不幸事故,灾难,灾祸

  A: Aside from some slight misgivings , I think Mrs. Jones should have the job.

  B: Actually I think she is perfect for it.


  n. 疑虑,担忧,害怕

  A: I was educated in South Africa by some missionaries .

  B: Oh, what country were they from?


  n. 传教士

  A: I think David has a mistress .

  B: No, he is happily married.


  n. 1.情妇;2.主妇,女主人

  A: But I don’t want to do the washing up.

  B: The sooner you stop moaning , the quicker it will get done.


  vi. 1.呻吟,呜咽;2.抱怨,发牢骚

  vt. 抱怨

  n. 1.呻吟声,呜咽声;2.怨声,牢骚


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