By investing more in improving the efficiency and proficiency of its employees, a big company can gain more dollars through innovation. It is because the employees working efficiency increases productivity and their functional proficiency upgrades quality. Productivity and quality being essential to the game of business, there are two rules to follow-- to give and to take.
A big company should provide sufficient funding that leads to generating an efficient and proficient workforce capable of delivering products and services that are characteristic of innovation. On the one hand, efficiency means you can successfully complete a task using the existing time and material to the best advantage. On the other hand, proficiency means you are skilled after training in a certain area. From a business point of view, investment in improving employees efficiency and proficiency is money well spent since it is the right way to keep the competitive edge in a market that is becoming increasingly global. It goes without saying that employees would feel rewarded and do their best if they could receive financial incentives for being more efficient; and, likewise, they would feel happy if they could get free pre-job and on-job training programs and become more proficient at work. In this respect, to give is the first business rule to follow, and certainly any big-time enterprise cannot afford to do otherwise.
Meanwhile, the second rule is to take. This shows that a series of investments made by a big company to improve the efficiency and proficiency of its employees would gradually bear fruits. Chances are that the company would lose money along with fame due to the lack of efficiency and proficiency of its employees, inevitably foreshadowing the absence of innovation. Simply put, without the spirit of innovation, it is next to impossible for a big business to survive and thrive. It is easy to imagine that the more seeds of innovation a company would plant in the field, the better harvest that company could expect to obtain in return. At this point, the old wisdom rings: a business only reaps what it sows.
When efficiency meets proficiency, a big company can manage to remain playing successfully in the game. Accordingly, it is important for a big company to innovate constantly by maintaining an efficient and proficient workface on the payroll. So, the success of a big company is judged by the profits it takes in and by the corresponding investments it gives out for innovation. (Essay created by Jeenn Lee Hsieh)
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