Ummmm, dont you just love the smell of bread baking?Even better, dont you love getting to eat a piece of fresh bread! But tell me, after you eat a nice big piece of bread, would that be all the bread you would ever want to eat?No! A few hours later, you would be hungry again, right?In our Bible verse for today, Jesus tells us about a different kind of bread, and a different kind of hunger.Lets read that verse right from Gods Word the Bible, in John 6:35 I am the bread of life:he that comes to me shall never hunger
There are two kinds of hunger in every human being in this world. One kind of hunger comes from our stomach, and we satisfy that hunger with bread or other food. The other kind of hunger comes from our spirit. Jesus says He is the bread that will satisfy that hunger in our spirit, and will also give us everlasting life.
If you have never come to the Lord Jesus, believing on Him as your Savior from sin, then you still have that hunger in your spirit. Nothing else can fill that hunger but Jesus, the Bread of Life. Why not go right now to ?How to be a Child of God?and believe on the Lord Jesus today, so He can satisfy that hunger forever!
If you have already believed on the Lord Jesus, your hunger, or need to have your sins forgiven, has already been fulfilled! But as Gods child, you should daily hunger to know more about the Lord Jesus and spend time with Him. You can have that hunger fulfilled by starting a daily Quiet Time with Him. Most Christians, including myself, like to have a Quiet Time with Jesus first thing in the morning. When we spend some time alone reading the Bible and praying, we are feeding that inside part of us, called our spirit. Even though your sins have been forgiven, as Gods child you should daily spend time with our precious Lord Jesus. Now do you understand why Jesus told the people that He is the bread of life?He is the only One Who satisfies the hunger in that inside part called our spirit.
如果你已经相信耶稣是你的救主,他已经使你的罪得到赦免,你心灵的饥饿他已经满足。 但是作为神的孩子,你需要每天饥渴地要来多认识耶稣,花时间与他在一起。你可以开始每天在耶稣面前有一段安静的时间,来亲近他,让他来满足你。 基督徒,包括我自己在内,都愿意早上起来第一件事就是亲近耶稣,在他面前有一段安静的时间。当我们单独花时间读经,祷告,我们就是在喂养我们的心灵。 虽然你的罪已经得到赦免,作为神的孩子,你应该每天花时间与我们宝贝的主耶稣亲近。 你现在明白为什么主耶稣说他是生命的粮了吗?因为唯有他能够填满你内心深处,就是心灵中的饥渴。
I like to get up early and pray as I open my Bible, asking God to speak to me through His Word. Then I read for awhile and look for a message from God to me. Why not write down things God shows you, or a verse you want to memorize. After I read, I pray again. As a child of God you have so many things you can bring to your Heavenly Father in prayer! Praise and thank Him for all His goodness, ask Him to guide you through the day, pray for your family, the sick, missionaries, lost friends. Pray for wisdom to make the right decisions. When I finish my quiet time with the Lord Jesus, my Bread of Life, I feel satisfied in my spirit!
我喜欢起,打开圣经,在耶稣面前祷告,让神的话语来对我说话。 然后我读一段圣经,看看神要对我说什么。 你可以把神给你的话语,经节写下来。 读完圣经后,我又再祷告。做为神的孩子,你可以把许多事情带到神面前来祷告。 你可以因他的慈爱而感谢美他,求他引导你过每天的生活,为你的家庭祷告,为有病的,为传道人为还没信主的朋友祷告。你还可以求神给你智慧来做决定。当我有著这样一段安静的时间在耶稣-我的生命的粮面前,我的心灵就得到了饱足。
If you have already believed on the Lord Jesus, then that deepest hunger has been satisfied! Your sins are forgiven and you have His everlasting life! But daily, you need to spend time with the Lord Jesus, feeding from Gods Word and praying. Will you this week take 7 minutes each morning to read from Gods Word and pray?Why not start in the book of Mark in the New Testament of the Bible. Before you read, ask God to help you see what He is saying to you. Spending time with the Lord Jesus will be feeding that most important part of you called your spirit. Remember, He is your Bread of Life!
如果你已经相信耶稣是你的救主,你心灵的饥饿他已经满足。他已经使你的罪得到赦免。更赐给你永远的生命。但每天,你要花时间在主耶稣面前,靠主的话语使你得到喂养。 你在这个星期,好不好每天早晨花七分钟的时间来读神的话语并祷告?你可以从新约圣经中的马可福音开始。在你读圣经之前,求神帮助你看到他要对你说什么。花时间与耶稣在一起,就是来喂养我们的心灵,心灵是我们身上最重要的一部份。 记住!主耶稣就是我们生命的粮。
Lets say that verse again! John 6:35 ?I am the bread of life:he that comes to me shall never hunger? Can you say that verse at least 7 times so you will remember it?Also, why not sing this song over and over until you learn it too!You have a longing, deep inside,That only Jesus can satisfy. I am the Bread of Life, Jesus said,The soul that comes to me Shall be fed.
让我们再说一遍今天的圣经经节。约翰福音6:35节说:我就是生命的粮,到我这里来的,必定不饿。 请你至少读7遍,直到你背下来为止。
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