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少儿英语圣经故事107:Covereth his sins遮掩过犯

发布时间:2016-02-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Intro:There is a little poem that says, Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. That poem reminds me of our Bible verse for today.

  有一首诗歌这么唱:当我们开始欺骗,就为自己编制了复杂的网罗 这首诗歌和今天的圣经经文很有关系。

  Presentation:Proverbs 28:13 says, He that covereth his sins shall not prosper, but he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy. Explanation:There are two important c words in this verse. Can you see them?You might call them opposites. God says that when we try to hide our sin, He cannot help us and bless us. What are some ways people try to cover or hide sin?

  箴言28章13节告诉我们:遮掩自己罪过的、必不亨通.承认离弃罪过的、必蒙怜恤。。 你们有没有发现,在这节圣经中有一对反义词。神说当我们试图遮掩自己罪过的时候,他既不能祝福也不能帮助我们。 人们有哪些遮掩过犯的办法呢?把自己所犯的罪推到别人身上,或者借着谎言来遮掩。

  One way is by blaming others for our sin, another way is by lying. Using excuses like Everybodys doing it, or It was just a little thing, or It doesnt hurt anybody or anything are all ways people try to cover their sin. The truth is we can never hide or cover our sin from God, and we just get in a tangled web of so much trouble when we try to cover sin.

  有时候还会用这样的借口每个人都这么做,这不过是件小事,这样做不会伤害别的人。事实上我们永远也无法在神面前遮掩我们的过犯。 当我们试图遮掩自己过犯的时候,就为自己编制了更复杂的网罗。

  The other c word is confess. That means tell on ourselves to God. With hearts that are truly sorry for our sin, we can come to God and tell Him the truth, and He promises He will show us mercy. Mercy means Gods patient kindness to us. Forsake means to leave that sin alone.

  另外一种做法是认罪, 也就是说将我们所做的告诉神。我们从心里为所犯的罪忏悔,到神面前诚实地告诉他所犯的过错。 他应许给我们他的怜悯。怜悯就是说神会耐心地帮助我们。我们所要做的是不再犯罪。

  Application:If you know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, God changed your life the day you believed in Jesus. You became His child and He saved you from the everlasting punishment of sin. But even as Gods child there will be times when you sin. Dont cover it, confess it! As soon as Gods Holy Spirit shows you that you have thought, said, or done wrong, quickly go to God in prayer and tell Him the truth about it. He promises to show His mercy and forgive. Then thank Him and ask for His power to keep you from that sin.

  应用:如果你接受了主耶稣为你的救主,神从你信耶稣的那天开始改变你的生命。 你成为神的孩子,他救你脱离永远的刑罚。但是作为神的孩子我们仍然会犯罪。不要遮掩, 应当认罪!只要圣灵向你显明你所想,所说或所做的错了,马上向神祷告承认自己所犯的罪。他的应许是怜悯并原谅我们。然后我们要感谢他并且求他的能力保守我们远离罪恶。

  If you as Gods child try to cover your sin, remember God sees it all. You cannot deceive God or hide anything from Him. Your sin will break the sweet friendship with your Lord, and cause you much sadness and trouble, even as Gods child.So, dont cover it, confess it!Repetition:Will you write that verse 10 times this week and practice saying it?

  如果我们作为神的孩子却遮掩自己的过犯,应当记得神能看见一切。你不能欺骗神或在他面前遮掩任何事。 你的罪会中断与主的亲密关系并且带来伤心和烦恼。 所以不要遮掩, 应当认罪!你愿意在这星期内抄写这节经文十遍吗?

  How valuable it can become in your life if you learn it and do it! Lets sing about it too!Dear Christian, When theres sin in your life, Remember Gods Word divine,

  In Proverbs 28:13, and I John 1:verse 9.If you will confess that sin, God is faithful and just and true, Hell forgive and wash away your sin, And restore His joy in you!So, dont cover it, confess it!Let the Lord God take it away, Dont follow it, forsake it, Pray for Gods strength every day.Dont cover it, confess it!

  Let the Lord God take it away!


  我们若认自己的罪、神是信实的、是公义的、必要赦免我们的罪、洗净我们一切的不义。并且让你里面重新有神的喜乐。不要遮掩, 应当认罪!让神来把罪拿走,不要犯罪,放弃它!

  祷告求主每天赐下能力不要遮掩, 应当认罪!让神来把罪拿走!



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