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发布时间:2016-03-18  编辑:查字典英语网小编

一、单词辨音,找出换线部分读音与其他不同的一项 。(5分)


( ) 1. name jacket grape paper

( ) 2. live kite nice night

( ) 3. house about cloudy young

( ) 4. whose wall what where

( ) 5. these think theatre three

二、词汇(共20分 )


1. teacher (动词 ) _______ 2. fatter ( 反义词 ) ______

3. catch ( 第三人称单数) ______ 4. winter ( 对应词 ) ______

5. run ( 现在分词) _______ 6. meet ( 过去式 ) ______

7. what time ( 同义词 ) _______ 8. two ( 序数词 ) _____

9. city ( 复数) ________ 10. America( 形容词 ) ________

(B)词组英汉互译。 (10分)

1. 看报 ______________ 2. 放学后_______________

3. 七点半 _______________ 4. 儿童节_______________

5. 在农场______________ 6. 四季 ______________

7. 去散步 _____________ 8. 去购物________________

9. on the 1st of August ____________ 10. his mobile phone _________

三、 选择填空。 (15分)

( )1.-- Are there _____ trees in the garden? --Yes,there are ____.

A. some ; any B. any ; some C. any ; any D. some ; some

( ) 2. We _____ a party yesterday afternoon.

A. have B. has C. had D. having

( ) 3. Where are the films? _____ in the schoolbag.

A. Theyre B. Its C. It was D. There are

( ) 4. My camera is new. How about ______?

A. you B. your C. his D. her

( ) 5.--- ____ you in Shanghai last week? ---Yes, I _____.

A. Are ; am B. Were ; was

C. Did ; was D. Were ; were

( ) 6. How do you go to work, ____ car or _____foot?

A.by; on B. in ; by C. by ; with D. by ; by

( ) 7. People usually eat rice dumplings at _______.

A. May Day B. Easter C. Halloween D. Dragon Boat Festival

( ) 8.--- ___ , wheres the nearest shop? --- _____, I dont know.

A. Sorry ; Sorry B. Excuse me ; Sorry

C. Sorry ; Excuse me D. Excuse me ; Excuse me

( ) 9. Go _____ the street and turn left ______ the fourth crossing.

A. away; in B. along ; at C. long; on D. down ; in

( ) 10 .---Where ____ she come from? ---She ____ from America.

A. is ; is B. is ; comes C. does ; comes D. do ; is

( ) 11. I can play ____ guitar and play _____ football.

A. the, the B. the , / C. a, a D . / ; the

( ) 12. ---_____ box is your sisters ? ---The blue one.

A. What B. Which C. What colour D. Whose

( ) 13. Would you like ____ kites with us ?

A. fly B. to fly C. make D. making

( ) 14. I ____ the storybook,but I cant ____ it .

A. look for ; look for B. find ; look for

C. look for ; find D. find ; find

( ) 15. Im as ____ as you. You ____ than me .

A. taller ; younger B. heavy ; tall C. young ; taller D.older; tall

四、句型转换, 按要求改写句子,每空一词 。(10分)

1. David has a new CD Walkman. ( 改为一般疑问句)

____ David ____ a new CD Walkman?

2. We often go to Baitiane Park . (用next Sunday改写句子)

We _____ ______ to Baitiane Park next Sunday.

3. There are some toys in my bedroom. .( 对划线部分提问)

_____ in _____ bedroom?

4 .What do you do at the weekends ?( 改为同义句)

____ do you ______ your weekends ?

5. I can see many old drivers over there. (全句改单数)

I can see ____ old _____ over there .


1. Helen is in the _____ ( read ) room now .

2. My mother ____ ( do ) housework every day.

3. There ____ ( be ) some milk in the bottle. .

4. How many _____ ( shape ) can you see ?

5. We shouldnt ____ ( pick ) flowers in the park .

6. Jim _____ ( watch) a Chinese cartoon just now.

7. Hi, Su Yang! Do you have any ______ ( hobby) ?

8. This is your pen . Wheres _____ ( my)?

9. Its nine oclock . The students _________ ( listen ) to the teacher .

10. Peter wants ______ ( make ) a penfriend in China.

六、改错题,将序号填入题前括号,并在横线上订正。 (10分)

( ) 1. Excuse me, can I have any stamps ? ______


( ) 2. We have a PE lesson in Monday afternoon. _____


( ) 3. How long is the shopping centre from here? _______


( ) 4. Tom is good at swim. He swims well. ________


( ) 5. I can say English with my classmates. ______


七、连词成句,注意标点和大小写 。 ( 10分)

1. favourite , whats , her , food ( ? )


2. a skateboard, Id , birthday, my , like, present ( . )


3. you , a , make , can , puppet ( ? )


4. does, sign, what , this , mean ( ? )


5. go, join , lets , and , them ( . )


八、选用方框内的短语补全句子,将序号填在横线上。( 5分 )

A. the only child B. the way to C. No smoking

D. learn from E. do more exercise F . after school

1. Im new here, please show me _____ the History Museum .

2. To get stronger, you should ______ from now on .

3. Look at that sign _____ , it means we cant smoke here.

4. Gao Shan studies carefully. We should ______ him .

5. I have no brothers or sisters, so Im _____ in my family.


( A) 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(10分)

Dear Mary

Thank you for your e-mail. Im very glad to be your net friend. Im in Grade Six. Im thirteen years old. Im one year younger than you . I like drawing and singing . My favourite subject is English . Im from a family of three people: my father ,my mother and I . My father is a policeman. He likes taking photos . My mother is a nurse. Her hobby is making clothes. They go to work from Monday to Friday.

Best wishes!

Li Ying

( ) 1. The e-mail is from _____ to _____.

A. Li Ying ;Mary B. Mary; Li Ying C. Mary ; Nancy

( ) 2. ---How old is Mary ? ---Shes _____.

A. 12 B. 13 C. 14

( ) 3. Li Yings father likes ______.

A. taking photos B. making clothes C. drawing and singing

( ) 4. Her mother works in a _____ .

A. supermarket B. snack bar C. hospital

( ) 5. Li Yangs parents dont work on _____.

A. Monday B. Saturday C. Friday

( B) 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F ) ( 5分 )

This is my study. Its small but nice. Near the window there is desk. On the desk, you can see some books, a computer and some flowers in the vase(花瓶).On the wall there is a map of the world. There is a clock on my bed . I can put my football under my bed. There is a chair near the desk . I often sit(坐) there and watch the trees and the flowers outside(外面) .

( ) 1. The study is very big and nice.

( ) 2. Theres a vase with some flowers on the desk.

( ) 3. The basketball is under the bed.

( ) 4. We can see a map of China on the wall.

( ) 5. There are some trees and flowers outside.


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