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心灵鸡汤: 3招教你将事业,家庭和自由全入囊中

发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

By Elizabeth Schaeffer Brown, co founder of Maiden Nation. 来自 Maiden Nation 创始人 Elizabeth Schaeffer Brown的建议

A generation after many prominent feminists encouraged women to have it all, we continue to decry the absence of women in politics, business and other positions of power. At the same time, even though there is more opportunity for women now than ever before in history, some professional women argue that we cant or shouldnt want to have it all.


But is it really too much to have a prominent career and a family? Must we make just one choice to tip the balance of power?


I dont think so women can have it all, and here is how: 我不同意这个观点!


Define what having it all means to you. Like many women, I didnt want to work so hard for someone else that I wouldnt have time for a family. Not only did I want to have a successful career and a family, I wanted the freedom to do the kind of work I pleased.

1. 根据你自己的实际情况拥有全部下个定义。大部分妇女会这样想:我不想因把太多的精力放到为别人工作上,而导致没时间与家人在一起。而我,不仅仅想事业家庭双丰收,还想要有选择做自己喜欢做的工作的自由。

Yet working for a branding firm in Manhattan, I found myself staying late and coming in on weekends to represent products and companies I didnt believe in. I was frustrated. I realized that what I most wanted more control over my hours and over the people, companies and products I worked with.


2. Strike out on your own gradually, if needed. If you want to avoid what Anne-Marie Slaughter calls the time macho of male-dominated corporate culture, why not start a business or a freelance career?

2. 为自己独辟新径如果需要,可以逐步进行!如果你想避免生活在一个如同Anne-Marie Slaughtert所说的男性主宰时代的企业文化中,为什么不尝试创业或者做一位自由职业者呢?

Like any major transition, owning your own business can be a gradual process. After several years of working for a company, I had enough confidence in my work as a graphic designer to strike out on my own and start freelancing. While freelancing, I developed relationships with businesses, potential clients, and other entrepreneurs who wanted to partner with me.


I developed an interest in branding and eventually in how alternative forms of cause marketing could alter the marketplace (and lives). Slowly but surely, I found my way, and gradually built a life of freelancing into a business.


3. Make your own rules. Maybe you can accomplish the same amount of work in 50 hours that others can in 90 hours. Maybe you work better from home; maybe you work better at night. Maybe you are more creative if you get enough sleep and spend time with your family. Maybe you want to measure success by results rather than how much time you have logged. Or maybe you think your employees will do better work if you treat them well.

3. 制定属于你自己的规则。或许你用50个小时可以完成别人90个小时才能完成的工作,或许你在家工作是效率更高,或许当你睡眠充足,花更多的时间与家人在一起时,你可以更富有创造力,或许你更倾向于通过结果来衡量自己的成功,或者你认为当你对员工越好,他们的工作成果越好。

In a world where you set the rules and the measure of success, it is possible to create an alternative culture. It is possible to stop asking to be part of the game (or trying to fit into the game) and start your own game instead.


Over time, I was able to choose clients and associates who shared my vision of a business in which success would be measured by more than revenue, a business that would help make the world a more humane place.


I still work hard, but I choose my own hours, and all my work fuels a vision I have for my new company Maiden Nation a community devoted to the idea that women can live the lives they imagine for themselves.

我一如既往的努力工作,但是我可以分配自己的时间,并且我所有的工作都在为我的新公司Maiden Nation愿景增加燃料一个致力于让女性可以过自己想要的生活的社区。

You can live the life you imagine, too. The first step is knowing what that looks like.



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