Remember your 16-year old self, the one who thought finding the right prom date and getting an A in geometry were crucial to existence itself? Or what about your early 20s self, who, holed up in a tiny apartment and slaving away at an entry level job, suspected that it would be that way forever? Ever wish you could go back and comfort her? Give her some perspective, help her avoid the mistakes you now regret, somehow assure her that she would be okay? 还记得16岁的自己吗:那个把找合适的舞伴和在几何学考试中得A当成是天大的事的自己?或者你还记得20岁出头的自己吗:那个蜗居在小公寓里,累死累活地做着基础工作,怀疑人生的自己?你有没有想过回到过去,去安抚一下那时的自己?给那时的自己一点洞见,帮助她少走弯路,告诉她一切都会好起来的。
We recently asked our community the question, If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would that be? We got over a hundred responses, ranging from relationships and careers to body image and confidence. Below are our favorite 15 responses. 最近我们在社区里做了一个活动如果你可以给年轻的自己一个建议的话,你会说些什么呢?我们收到了上百条回复,回复内容从处理人际关系、职业指导到外在形象、自信自尊等都有。以下就是精选的15条最棒的建议。
1.When people tell you that you are amazing, strong, resilient, smart, and capable - BELIEVE them. 1.当别人告诉你你很棒、很坚强、有韧劲、聪明、有能力的时候。相信他们的赞美。
2. High school does not determine who you are for the rest of your life. You may fall in love with your high school sweetheart but that love feels nothing like the love you will feel with your spouse. People may make fun of you but continue to stay true to who you are. Real friends will be there for the long haul. Dont sweat the small stuff! Life as an adult is much more difficult. Have fun! 2.高中生活并不能决定你未来的生活。也许你会在高中里谈恋爱,但是当时对小男友的感情和你今后对爱人的感情是完全不同的。别人也许会取笑你,但你还是要保持自我,真正的朋友是会一直在你身边的。别为小事抓狂!成年人的生活远比现在要困难得多。好好享受!
3. Dont follow the crowd. You were born to lead! 3.别随大流。你生来就是当领导的料!
4. Realize that you are a treasure, and deserve to be treated as such. Never settle for anything less. 4.要知道你就是一件珍宝,你值得别人对你好。别把自己想得太差了。
5. Youre the only one who can fix your problems. 5.只有你自己才能解决问题。
6. Dont marry just because it seems everyone else is and you dont know you can be happy alone. Multiple times. 6.不要因为别人都结婚了就草草嫁人。一个人也可以活得很快乐,而且要快乐得多。
7. Dont let others dampen your passion! Passion is what will drive you to live your life to the fullest and enjoy what you do. 7.别让他人熄灭你的激情!激情可以引导你的生活变得圆满充实。享受你做的事吧。
8. What sets you apart isnt a burden, it makes you, you. 8.你和别人不同,这不应该成为你的负担,而是成就你的基石。
9. Think about future; worklife needs when planning your career. 9.未雨绸缪,你的工作生活需要事先做好职业规划。
10. Ignore your parents advice when it comes to your career. They come from a different generation. 10.当你选择职业的时候,别去听父母的建议,因为你们生活的时代不一样了。
11.Put 10% of each paycheck, and all of any bonus into savings. Use it to help with early retirement. 11.把每个月收入的10%存起来,把所有的额外收入也都存起来。利用这些钱去应对早退的问题。
12.You cant please everyone, so stop trying! 12.你不可能让所有人都高兴,停止这种做法!
13.Take more risks, or else you may have regrets. 13.更多地去冒险,不然你会后悔的。
14.Dont put so much energy into worrying about the size of your ass, worry about something you can actually affect. 14.不要总是去担心自己的大屁股,担心那些你可以掌控的事情。
15.Take your education very seriously; your future depends on it. 15.认真对待你的学习,你的未来就指望着它。
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