Happiness its something people have searched for since the beginning of time. To achieve it isnt always easy, but you can certainly take steps to do so: sometimes its appreciating whats right in front of you, whereas other times it involved making major changes in your life. Either way, the bottom line is that it is possible; it just takes effort. Read on for 10 of the best, most effective happiness tips, and before you know it, youll be on the fast track to felicity. 快乐 是自开天辟地以来每个人都在寻找的东西。要想收获快乐并不容易,但也不是无能为力:有时候你需要欣赏眼前的事物,有时候你需要在生活中做出巨大改变。无论是什么方法,至少快乐是可以获得的,只是需要你努力一把而已。读一读下面的10个最好、最有效的收获快乐的方法,知道了它们,你就赶上了幸福的快车道。
1.Do Nice Things For Other People 1.为他人做好事 Doing good for others is not only a kind thing to do it can also help put you in a better mood; studies have shown it. While not everyone has time for volunteering, there are still many ways to brighten up someone elses day on a regular basis. Make helping someone with their belongings, smiling at a stranger, and youll reap the benefits as well. 研究已证实,为他人做好事不仅是一桩善举,也能给自己带来好心情。即使不是每个人都有时间去做志愿者,在我们日常的生活中仍然有很多方法可以点亮他人的一天。帮别人提一把行李,给陌生人一个微笑,这些小善举也会给我们自己带来益处。
2.YOLO 2.你只能活一次 YOLO, or the you only live once philosophy, there are lessons we all can take from it. Appreciating and taking advantage of the little things in life can go a long way. When was the last time you gave a flower to a good friend, or ate something youd never tried before? YOLO是你只能活一次的简称,我们可以从这种观念中学会很多。欣赏并利用生活中的小事情,有一条很长的路要走。你还记得上一次给好朋友送花是什么时候?或者上一次尝试从没吃过的东西是在什么时候?
3.Listen to Your Inner Guidance 3.聆听内心的声音 Theres only one rule you need to follow to achieve happiness. Notice what makes you really happy and what doesnt. You would be amazed to know how blind we go to our own joy or discomfort as we learn to follow cultural norms. 想要收获快乐,你只需要遵从一条规则就行。那就是发现你真正想要的和不想要的东西。你会惊讶于自己对于快乐和不快乐的选择是如何得盲目,是如何得受到文化、制度的束缚的。
4.Treat Yourself 4.善待自己 Without feeling guilty, that is. Theres nothing wrong with rewarding yourself, whether its with a trip to the spa or a day of disconnecting. Learn to actually make time for these types of moments and not feel bad about tuning out the rest of the world. 善待自己,不要内疚,就这样。对自己好一点,无论是去做个spa或者一天都不跟外界联系,这样做没有什么错。学着真正地花点时间去享受各种时光,不要为其他事而操心
5.How to Have a Good Day 5.学习快乐生活
If you want to change how happy you are with your entire life, then start with focusing on how to make day-to-day moments more enjoyable with just a few changes. From eating a healthy breakfast to putting out good energy (always say thank you!) to ending the day by reading a chapter from your favorite book, youll soon have a long list of things that make you both happy and grateful. 如果你想让整个生活变得快乐起来,你就要从改变生活中的点点滴滴做起,更享受生活。从吃健康早餐,到传递正能量(经常说谢谢!),再到用读一点好书来结束一天的生活。你很快就会列出一长串能够让你的生活既快乐又感恩的事情了。
6.Be Confident 6.充满自信
Going through life with a confident attitude sounds easier than it really is. Luckily, you can take steps to gain confidence. Challenge yourself by doing things that frighten you, and acknowledge where your insecurities lie. 充满自信听起来容易,做起来难。幸运的是,你可以采取一些方法来获得自信。你要做的就是,让自己去做害怕的事情,并且找到让自己缺乏安全感的原因。
7.Overcome Negative Thoughts 7.克服消极思想
We all have negative thoughts from time to time, and theres nothing wrong with admitting that. But we also have the will power to overcome them by making it a point to stop comparing ourselves to other people, thinking were not good enough, or talking badly about other people. 我们都会时不时地产生消极思想,承认这一点也无大碍。同时,我们可以用意志力去克服消极的想法,不要和他人去比较,不要觉得自己不够好,也不要说别人的坏话。
8.Buy Happiness 8.购买快乐
Yes, money does buy happiness, but its not the kind of spending you might think. Instead of owning fancy cars or homes, focus your money on other types of purchases. Some examples: spending on hobbies that you enjoy, investing in other people, or treating your friends to dinner. 没错,金钱可以买到快乐,但不是你想的那种花钱方式。比起购买豪车豪宅,把钱花在其他地方要更好,比如花钱在自己喜欢的兴趣爱好上,把钱投资在其他人身上,或者请好朋友去吃一顿大餐。
9.Make Vacation Bliss Last 9.让放假的快乐再飞一会
No one likes it when a trip comes to an end, and who can blame us? Fortunately, there are ways to bring the vacation home kind of. Picking up souvenirs, looking at pics and videos after youve returned, and taking freebies from hotels are just a few ideas for inducing the feelings you had when you were lounging on the beach into your everyday life. 没有人喜欢假期结束,谁也不能为此责怪我们。幸运的是,有一些方法可以让我们把假期的快乐带回家。把纪念品拿出来看一看,把拍的照片和录像带拿出来放一放,收集从酒店带回来的小物件,这些方法都可以让我们在从度假模式转换到日常模式的过程中感觉更加好一点。
10.Be Happy Without Spending a Dime 10.不花钱就能收获快乐
People say true happiness comes from the inside, and while some think of that as a clich, its completely true (although it certainly isnt always easy). Make an effort to increase your happiness by focusing on things that money cant buy. Try starting with these tips: define yourself outside of a title, keep your space clean, and pick up meditating. 人们说,真正的快乐来自于内心世界。尽管有人认为这是老生常谈,但这的确是事实(即使做起来并不容易)。通过关注那些金钱买不到的东西来让自己变得快乐起来。可以从以下一些事情做起:除去你的职位,想想自己到底是谁;把家里打扫干净,练习冥想。
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