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发布时间:2016-03-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

Regrets: One in 20 people think they should have married an expartner and 16 per cent feel they wasted years with the wrong partner. 遗憾:20个人中有一个会认为他们应该跟前任恋人结婚,而16%的人觉得他们在错误的恋人身上浪费了时间。

Wish you had seen more of the world, exercised more or worked harder at school? Youre far from alone. 是不是希望你能更多看看世界,以前应该多锻炼,在学校的时候应该更努力呢?不止你一个人这样想。

It seems most of us carry around a few regrets and we spend more than two hours a week dwelling on them. 似乎大多数人都会有一些后悔的事,而且每周我们会花2小时以上后悔。

A study has found that we typically have six things we would love to change, with the most common cause of remorse being not having travelled enough. 一项研究表明,我们通常都想改变6件事,其中最常见的就是后悔没有足够的旅行。

More than half of those surveyed admitted wishing they had made a different life choice at some point, such as having a different career, living somewhere else or marrying someone different. 受访者中有一半以上的人承认,希望自己在某些时刻做出了不一样的人生选择,比如不一样的职业、住在其他地方,或者跟一个不一样的人结婚。

A fifth of women regretted wasting time with the wrong partner, compared to 10 per cent of men. 20%的女人后悔跟错误的恋人一起浪费了时间,而男人中有10%这么想。

But a quarter of the 2,000 participants said they did not believe it was possible to live a life without regrets, perhaps explaining why, on average, we spend 19 minutes per day or more than two hours a week thinking about things we could have done differently. 2000位调查参与者中,有25%的人表示他们相信人生不可能没有后悔,这或许就解释了为什么我们平均每天会花19分钟(或者说一周花超过2小时)去考虑那些我们不那样做的事情。 TOP 20 GREATEST LIFETIME REGRETS 人生最后悔的20件事

1. Not travelling more and seeing more of the world 1. 没有更多的旅行,更多看看这个世界

2. Not keeping in touch with more friends from the past 2. 没有和更多以前的朋友联系

3. Taking too little exercise 3. 锻炼太少

4. Not saving enough money 4. 没有存足够的钱

5. Taking up smoking 5. 抽太多烟

6. Not working harder at school 6. 在学校时不够用功

7. Choice of career 7. 职业选择

8. Wasting years with the wrong partner 8. 浪费时间在错误的人身上

9. Eating unhealthily 9. 吃得不健康

10. Not asking grandparents more about their lives before they died 10. 在爷爷奶奶生前没有更多关心他们的生活

11. Not learning to speak a foreign language properly 11. 没有很好地学习一门外语

12. Not spending enough time with family and friends 12. 没有花足够时间陪伴家人和朋友

13. Not telling a relative whos now dead that I loved them 23. 没有在过世的亲人生前告诉他们我爱他们

14. Drinking too much alcohol 14. 喝太多酒

15. Not undertaking a once in a lifetime challenge 15. 没有接受人生一次的大挑战

16. Not learning to play a musical instrument properly 16. 没有很好地学习一门乐器

17. Falling out with a friend and not patching things up 17. 跟朋友闹翻了但没有补救

18. Choosing the wrong subjects at school or university 18. 在学校或大学选错了专业

19. Not standing up to a bully 19. 没有勇敢面对恶霸

20. Not taking a gap year 20. 没有用空档年去休整(英国学生高中毕业进入大学前的1年休整期)

More than a third of us blame a lack of cash for preventing us from fulfilling our dreams, while 25 per cent think loved ones held us back. But 32 per cent admitted that the blame lay with their own lack of courage, according to the research by the British Heart Foundation. 根据英国心脏基金会的研究,超过三分之一的人抱怨没钱阻止了自己实现梦想,而25%的人认为爱人妨碍了发展。但32%的人承认自己缺乏勇气才是主要原因。

Dr Gayle Brewer, senior lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire School of Psychology, said: There seems to be a certain air of resignation amongst us that living out our dreams may simply not be possible for a variety of reasons. 盖尔布鲁尔是中央兰开夏大学心理系高级讲师,他表示:我们似乎都妥协了,认为我们无法实现梦想的原因有很多。

But perhaps in an effort to ensure we have fewer regrets to dwell on in future, the survey also revealed that we have a rather ambitious to do list with winning the lottery our number one goal. 或许是为了让我们未来少一些后悔作出一些努力,调查同样发现人们还有一张有雄心的待办清单其中中彩票排在第一位。

TOP 10 ITEMS ON TO DO LIST 待办清单上前10件要做的事

1. Win the Lottery 1. 中奖

2. Travel the world 2. 环游世界

3. See the Northern Lights 3. 看北极光

4. Experience a once-in-a lifetime challenge 4. 体验一次人生的大挑战

5. See world famous landmarks such as the Taj Mahal or the Egyptian Pyramids 5. 参观世界著名的标志性建筑,如泰姬陵、埃及金字塔

6. Swim with dolphins or sharks 6. 和海豚或者鲨鱼一起游泳

7. Live and work abroad 7. 在国外工作和生活 8. Build your own house 8. 自己盖房子

9. Go on an African Safari 9. 非洲之旅

10. Start up a dream business and run it 10. 开始一个梦想的事业,并开始实行


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