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发布时间:2016-03-04  编辑:查字典英语网小编


姓名: 准考证号:

  第一部分听 力






  26. If you work hard you will soon catch__________the other students.

  [ A ]out of [ B ]on to [ C ]up with

  27. We____________a nice talk about the plan yesterday morning.

  [ A ] had [ B ] have [ C ] having

  28. There are about twenty students in the class, but Mike is____________ strongest.

  [ A ]a [ B ]an [ C ]the

  29. Decide for yourself. This one __________ that one?

  [ A ] but [ B ] or [ C ] nor

  30. It __________ when he got up.

  [ A ] is snowing [ B ] was snowing [ C ] has snowed

  31. There\' s still quite a lot to go round, __________ you like some more?

  [ A ] Should [ B ] Could [ C ] Would

  32.-What will you do tomorrow ?

  -I\'ll go __________ tomorrow.

  [ A ] fishing [B]fish [C]to fish

  33. I don\' t need any help. Mind __________ own business, please.

  [ A ] my [ B ] one\' s [ C ] your

  34. He __________ into the office building when the fire bell rang.

  [ A ] was going [ B ] goes [ C ] has gone

  35. The suggestion __________ all right.

  [ A ] sounds [ B ] is sounded [ C ] has sounded

  36. Just a moment. I\'ll go with y0uias soon as I __________ my face.

  [ A ] will wash [ B ] shall wash [ C ] have washed

  37. It is very important, __________ you or I must do it.

  [ A ] Neither [ B ] Both [ C ] Either

  38. How careless he was! He __________ a lot of important ideas while reading.

  [ A ] kept [ B ] missed [ C ] passed

  39. I had a bad cold last Monday, and so I __________ in bed all day.

  [ A ] lay [ B ] lie [ C ] lied

  40. __________ I\'ve read this book, you can have it.

  [ A ] Though [ B ] Until [ C ] Since



  Joe was driving along a main road (Example: 0 ) one night. Suddenly 41 became

  wrong with his car wheel(轮胎). He did not know 42 to do and, worse still, he did not have a 43 wheel with him! Joe 44 to passing cars, but not even one of them stopped.

  At last, he tried a car just 45 his own. To his surprise, the car stopped and a\' young

  46 got out. Joe felt hopeless 47 he didn\' t think she could help him. The lady, 48 , gave him her own spare wheel, but Joe had to say that he had never changed a wheel in his life!

  She began to work 49 and fitted(安装) the wheel 50 a few minutes.

  41. [ A ] something [ B ] anything [ C ] nothing

  42. [ A ] how [ B ]what [ C ] where

  43. [ A ] useful [ B ] second [ C ] spare

  44. [ A ] said [ B ] spoke [ C ] shouted

  45. [ A ]as [ B ] like [ C ] for

  46. [ A ] man [ B ] woman [ C ] people

  47. [ A ] but [ B ] though [ C ] because

  48. [ A ] but [ B ] however [ C ] for example

  49. [ A ] at once [ B ] at first [ C ] at last

  50. [ A ] in [ B ] after [ C ] about




  51. People go there to borrow books, [ A ] newspaper

  52. People get on and off a train there. [ B ] airport

  53. People must have it to go abroad. [ C ] map

  54. People read it for some information. [ D ] railway station

  55. People use it to find their way. [ E ] passport

  [ F ] post office

  [ G ] library

  第二节 短文理解1

  阅读下面短文,从[A](Right)、[B](Wrong)、[C](Doesn’t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项.并在答题卡l上将该项涂黑.

  The poor little girl was tired and hungry in the forest(森林). She walked through the forest, hoping to find something to eat because she didn\' t want to die. Then she found a little house and thought it must be a woodman\'s( 伐木人的) house and she might be able to stay there. So she knocked at the door. As there was no answer, she opened it and went inside.

  There she saw a room with a long table. On it there were seven knives and forks, seven plates and drinking cups, and on the plates and in the cups were food and drink. The little girl was too hungry to turn away from the food, so she took a little from each plate and each cup.

  At the other end of the room, there were seven little beds. She tried to lie on some of them, and when she found a very nice one, she fell into a deep sleep, for she was very tired after a long walk through the forest.

  56. The little girl was happy to get to the forest.

  [ A ] Right [ B ] Wrong [ C ] Doesn\'t say

  57. When she got to the little house, someone opened the door to let her in.

  [ A ] Right [ B ] Wrong [ C ] Doesn\'t say

  58. There were no more than seven people living in the house. In the house she found a few

  things for seven people.

  [ A ] Right [ B ] Wrong [ C ] Doesn\'t say

  59. The room was the home of some short kind-hearted men.

  [ A ] Right [ B ] Wrong [ C ] Doesn\'t say

  60. The little girl slept very well in one of the little beds.

  [ A ] Right [ B ] Wrong [ C ] Doesn\'t say


科目名称 精讲班 报名
主讲 课时 试听
公共英语一级 那峙青 30 讲 座 报名
公共英语二级 常亚生 讲 座 报名
公共英语三级 古老师 讲 座 报名
公共英语四级 常亚生 讲 座 报名


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