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敢不敢抛弃智能手机 Digitally weary users switch to dumb phone

发布时间:2016-03-03  编辑:查字典英语网小编


In January, British actor Eddie Redmayne made headlines around the world as he became the latest in a growing band of smartphone refuseniks.

今年1月,英国演员埃迪雷德梅因(Eddie Redmayne)成为全球头条资讯,因为他加入了人数越来越多的智能手机拒绝者的行列。

“It was a reaction against being glued permanently to my iPhone during waking hours,” he explained, turning instead to an old-fashioned “dumb phone” handset that could only make and take calls.


He is not alone. There is a small but busy market for phones that are simple and cheap at a time when smartphones are becoming ever more complex and expensive.


Feature phones — handsets with some basic functions such as playing music and accessing the internet — are gradually being replaced by low cost smartphones, according to Francisco Jeronimo, research director for European mobile devices at IDC, the research group. But there is still a significant demand for older-style phones.

研究机构IDC的欧洲移动设备研究总监弗朗西斯科瀠坧尼莫(Francisco Jeronimo)表示,功能手机(具备一些基本功能的手机,例如播放音乐和上网)正逐渐被低价智能手机取代。但更老式的手机仍有可观需求。

Strategy Analytics, a research group, estimates that 44m basic phones were sold in 2015, accounting for 2 per cent of the global market.

研究机构Strategy Analytics估计,2015年基础手机销量为4400万部,占全球手机市场的2%。

Some phonemakers, such as Sony and LG, have already turned their back on the market. But others like Microsoft and Samsung are still producing devices every year aimed at the feature market.


Many smartphone users bemoan having to buy devices that are easily broken, require daily recharging and which will be superseded by a new, better version within a year. Even basic smartphones offer computing power that not many people need.


Some users buy phones with limited or no internet connections in a conscious attempt to decouple from the modern digital world. Light Phone founder Joe Hollier falls into this camp. The 25-year-old former skater has developed a credit card-sized phone without a data connection and no extra functions other than to make calls. He describes a feeling of huge relief when the ability to check emails or status updates is removed.

一些用户为了有意识地试图与现代数字世界隔绝,而购买上网功能有限或者没有上网功能的手机。Light Phone创始人乔攠利耶(Joe Hollier)就是其中的一员。这位25岁的前滑板运动员开发了一款信用卡大小的手机,除接打电话外,没有数据连接或其他额外功能。他形容,移除查看邮件或更新状态功能带来一种巨大的放松感觉。

Analysts say that there is a growing number of “second phoneys” who use an expensive smartphone or “phablet” during the day, but turn to cheaper, pocket-sized devices when they go out in the evening.


The Light Phone functions as a compnion device to a smartphone but Mr Hollier hopes it will also encourage people to unplug from the modern internet world.

Light Phone就像是智能手机的伴侣,但奥利耶希望它还会鼓励人们时不时暂别现代互联网世界。

There are also practical reasons why some are turning their backs on smartphones. The short battery life of devices is a source of constant complaint and many travellers are still attracted to the reliability and long battery life of older phones.


This market is still being served by Microsoft, which now owns the Nokia brand. The US group last year launched the Nokia 215, for example, a simple, robust device that has a standby battery life of 29 days. The Nokia 515 has a massive 38 days standby time.


The phone has a simple layer of apps and basic data connectivity, but the main attraction is the $30 price tag. As Microsoft boasts: “Exceptional battery life and impressive durability are standard features. When you own a Nokia, you own a phone that’s built to last.”


Dumb phones have more specific uses, however, for example being given to children for calling home. They are simple, robust and cheap if lost.


Likewise, there are simple phones for the elderly, such as those made by Doro, which prioritise large buttons and the amplification of volume rather than how quickly they can access the internet.


Mr Jeronimo says that such products are becoming a niche opportunity for companies. Doro has grown to become the third-largest feature phonemaker in western Europe after Microsoft and Samsung, he adds.


Feature phones are also more popular in developing markets because of the combination of low prices and long battery life.


“Using a smartphone in some countries in Africa, for instance, is not an option for many users, as it would require to charge it on a daily basis,” says Mr Jeronimo.


“On the other hand using a smartphone means little for users who cannot connect to a 3G network, either because they are not available or because the connectivity is extremely expensive.”


And, for those that find even basic phones are too much, there is a solution: the $5 NoPhone Zero. It claims to be the least advanced phone ever created, has no buttons or components and is just a plastic rectangle. It is a joke, but one that says much about our modern anxiety about technology.

对于那些认为连基础手机都显过分的人而言,这里有一个解决方案:5美元的NoPhone Zero(见右上图)。这款手机自称是目前最低级的手机,它没有按键和零部件,只是一块长方形塑料。它是个搞笑产品,但它在很大程度上揭示了现代社会的科技焦虑。


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