根据《全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案》, 2006 年 6 月起的六级考试将全面进行改革。就其听力部分而言,主要变化体现在对话部分由原来的 10 题短对话改为 8 题短对话加 7 题长对话的形式;其次,听写部分也做了微调,由原来的 7 个单词加 3 个句子的考试形式变为 8 个单词加 3 个句子的形式;最后,题量方面篇章类的题目由原来的段子题和听写二选一考察的形式改为两者皆考的形式。以上三点变化使听力总题量从原来的 20 题增加到 36 题,分值从原来的 20% 上升到 35% ,时间从原来的 20 分钟加长至 35 分钟。 本文根据全国大学英语四、六级考试改革项目组和考试委员会设计的《四级考试新题型试测卷》,就以上四个方面分别谈一下其技巧与学习方法,尤其着重突出改革后新增的长对话部分的题型特点与应对策略。 短对话一直以来都是四级考试中最有规律也最易提高的一个部分,这主要是因为对话本身必须兼顾文化背景常识与语言考察点两个部分,所以考试时既不会出两人见面问候吃了没这样不符合文化背景的题目,也鲜见直接对 yes, no 这样简单单词提问的没有任何考察难度的题目。正是出于这两点考虑,加之为了保证考试成绩的公正性与平衡性,四级考试的短对话部分产生了一些固有的套路和思维模式。 《样卷》中所举 8 题短对话完全取自于以往四级考试真题,由此可见,以往四级短对话的技巧与学习方法依然适用于新四级的考试。根据近年出题思路与喜好偏向,我们不难发现,就考点而言,近年的短对话出题主要集中在以下五个方面: 原因考察 ,如 05 年 6 月第 6 题: W: Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences. M: He is certainly in the position to make that comment. He has been there so often. Q: What does the man say about? 本题考察的划线部分实际为前一句的原因阐述,因此成为考察重点。 建议句型 ,如 05 年 12 月第 1 题: W: Carol told us on the phone not to worry about her. Her left leg doesnt hurt as much as it did yesterday. M: Shed better have it examined by a doctor anyway. And Ill call her about it this evening. Q: What does the man think Carol should do? 本题中男人用 had better 一词表达了建议的内容,从而使之成为考察重点。 反问句式 ,如 05 年 6 月第 5 题: W: I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this years greatest hit. Why dont we go and see it at the Grand Cinema? M: Dont you think that cinema is a little out of the way? Q: What does the man mean? 本题中连续两个反问句式,前者表达了女人的建议,后者则表达了男人的言外之意,所以反问句式是个多功能的表达方式。 转折变化 ,如 05 年 12 月第 3 题: M: Hi, Melissa, hows your project going? Have you thought about going to graduate school? Perhaps you can get into Harvard. W: Everything is coming along really well. Ive been thinking about graduate school. But Ill talk to my tutor Dr. Garcia first and see what she thinks. Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation? 本题中句子相对比较长,但重点却非常突出地表现在转折之后。 场景考察 ,如05年6月第9题: W: Wow, I do like this campus. All the big trees, the green lawns, and the old buildings with tall columns. Its really beautiful. M: It sure is. The architecture of these buildings is in the Greek style. It was popular in the 18th century here. Q: What are the speakers talking about? 场景一直以来就是四级考试的重点所在,只是目前的考题中场景内容描述用词难度加大而已。 其他考点虽然考察较少,但依然值得注意,毕竟这些是历年来出题的主要思路与考察内容,其中主要包括:态度考察、细节把握、数字时间、场景地点、人物关系、言外之意、比较表达、近音词汇、词组词汇等。 就考试技巧而言,应该从考点着手,把握听力关键小词、加强对关键句型敏感度、忽略次要信息与混淆内容、积累场景相关词汇。 就新题型的变化而言,需要特别注意生活中常用的偏难词汇的把握,因为近年此类难题开始多次出现在听力考试中,类似 05 年 12 月考察到的 recruit 、 resume 等;其次,句子的加长也是目前考试短对话的必然发展趋势,因此培养对长句的记忆以及关键信息的捕捉,乃至一些必要的记录方法的养成将成为至圣关键;最后,特别值得一提的是,为了加大短对话难度,有一些词汇已经开始向具体化方向发展,即以一具体代表事物来代替抽象的表达,如: 05 年 6 月第 5 题中出现的 the Lord of the Rings ,引入《指环王》一词来代替我们所熟悉的电影,后文中也用了 hit 一词来避免 movie 和 film 的出现,以此混淆考生视听,以至无法理解对话内容,甚至连对话方向都无法获悉。试想以 Myth 、 Harry Potter 、 Star Wars 或者 King Kong 来代替考题中的《指环王》应该都无可厚非,但对我们听力难度的改变却是不言而喻的。 段子题也一如既往地秉承了以往考试的规律,打造了以议论文、说明文和记叙文三大体裁为基础的听力素材。 就考点本身而言,议论文的考点集中在论点、分论点、典型论据以及结论和作者态度方面等;而说明文主要关注说明对象、说明对象各方面的特点等;记叙文则以短小故事类为主,考察事情的起因、经过和结果。 综合以上特点我们会发现,就考试技巧而言,文章开篇可以说几乎是个必考的内容,无论是中心论点、说明对象还是事情起因都集中在文章首三句中,因此也使文章开篇异常重要;文末的考察点也相对密集,诸如议论文的结论和作者态度以及记叙文的结果等;至于文中部分一般考察的分论点与说明对象各方面特点都有比较明显的抽象性,而典型论据则具备典型词汇的辅助,如 first, main, only, vital, crucial, chief, major, above all, 最高级表达等,而经过部分核心句的表达方式也与经过部分大部分一波三折内容大相径庭。这些特点都是在做听力时能辅助我们寻找考点的明显特点。 就考试发展形势而言,近年来考题形式以说明文为主导,综合了各类文章考试特点而形成的综合式段子成为了我们的考试主流。考察点依然集中在文章开篇 3 句、结尾 3 句以及文章中间典型论据、原因转折、反复重复之处。 以《样卷》所给三篇文章为例,第一篇与第三篇的第一题均出自文章首三句中,而三篇文章的最后一题无一例外地都考在了末三句的范围之内。作为说明文,第一篇文章从现在已着手开发的电动汽车、未来交通状况以及星际旅行三个方面描述了未来人们行动方式与今天的不同,因此其第二题考察了未来交通状况这个部分的特点,为三个说明对象特点之一;第二篇的第二题则考察了一个原因考点,即澳大利亚人要将结婚戒指戴在未来妻子中指的原因;第三篇文章涉及剑桥大学各方面特点的说明描述,其第二、三题分别考察了该学校若干特点中的两个其学院所享有的权力以及其图书馆的特征。由于这些例文均取自往年考试真题,所以有普遍说服力和代表性。类似特点还可参考笔者所写的《 2005 年 12 月四级听力考试 Passage 部分解析》一文,由于与历年考题特征一致,所以此处不再赘述。 长对话作为新出现的考题形式,其实只是完全结合了短对话的考察点与段子题的出题分布而形成的所谓新题。 就其出题分布而言完全类似段子题的排布,一般会有一题整体把握,考察对话主题、对话人物关系或对话地点场景等。之后部分若对话为多话题内容,则选择其中几个话题进行考察,这类似于段子题中的说明文特点;若对话内容为单一事件的描述,则关注事件的起因、经过、结果等方面,这又完全雷同于记叙文的考察特点;如果是调研性内容,则考察点往往可能集中到被调研人的观点、意见、建议等方面,这又完全是我们议论文的考察模式;所以可以说就考点位置而言,会完全类似于我们的段子题,甚至可以比段子题更简单些,因为对话本身的特征决定了这些内容又往往在文中问答交替处,尤其是问题的回答部分,因为考生可就这个部分引起注意。 当然,就考点本身特点而言,则完全可以模仿短对话中的反问、建议、原因等内容特色来出题,所谓换汤不换药,只是对话多几个回合罢了。 以《样卷》所给的两篇长对话为例: Conversation One W: Hello, Gary. Howre you? M: Fine! And yourself? W: Cant complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal? M: No, not really. Can we go over it now? W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago. // M: How much will that cost? W: We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million. M: OK. Well have to discuss these costs with finance. // W: We should also consider human resources. Ive been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory. M: And whats the picture? W: Well probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory. // M: What about advertising? W: Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials. M: TV? Isnt that a bit too expensive for us? Whats wrong with advertising in the papers, as usual? W: Quite frankly, its just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors. // M: Will we be able to afford all this? W: Ill look into it , but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in higher profits for our company. M: Well have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments. W: All right. Ill see to it. // Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 19.What are the two speakers talking about? 20.What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory? 21.What does the woman suggest about human resources? 22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV? 本文已用 // 划成 5 段,分别对应 1 个话题的 5 个不同方面:设备、价格、人力资源、广告以及投资,其中第一段中还包括了对话主题。四题中第一题就是明显的对话整体把握题,考察对话主题,出现在文章第一段中问答处;第二题也在第一段中,考察了 5 个方面中的第一个方面,正因为是 first ,自然也最重要,因此也借用了段子题中典型论据的特点;第三题考察了第 3 段人力资源的问答处,主要考察了短对话中言外之意和建议句型的特点,该问题: Whats the picture? 表示计划情况如何的意思;第四题也是对第 4 段广告部分中建议句型的考察。 Conversation Two W: Sir, youve been using the online catalogue for quite a while , Is there anything I can do to help you? M: Well, Ive got to write a paper about Hollywood in the 30s and 40s, and Im really struggling. There are hundreds of books, and I just dont know where to begin. W: Your topic sounds pretty big. Why dont you narrow it down to something likeuh the history of the studios during that time? M: You know, I was thinking about doing that, but more that 30 books came up when I typed in movie studios. W: You could cut that down even further by listing the specific years you want. Try adding 1930s or 1940s or maybe Golden Age. M: Golden Age is a good idea. Let me type that in Hey, look, just 6 books this time. Thats a lot better. W: Oh another thing you might consider have you tried looking for any magazine or newspaper articles? M: No, Ive only been searching for books. W: Well, you can look up magazine articles in the Readers Guide to Periodical Literature. And we do have the Los Angeles. Times available over there. You might go through their indexes to see if theres anything you want. M: Okay, I think Ill get started with these books and then Ill go over the magazines. W: If you need any help, Ill be over at the Reference Desk. M: Great, thanks a lot. Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 23. What is the man doing? 24. What does the librarian think of the topic the man is working on ? 25. Where can the man find the relevant magazine articles?
The Handyman Comes
Shark Attack
No Doughnuts for Old Folks
A Little Respect, Please
A Trip to Egypt
A Dream from Beyond (1)
Love in the hospital
Adventurer Disappears
Too Soft on Crime
“Semper Buy”
Putting Bunny to Sleep
Smells like Chicken
Tagger Shoots Woman
In Harm’s Way
Betting Big in Vegas
Let He Who Is Without Sin…
A Walk in the Wild
The Wedding Gift (1)
An Unhappy Worker
Darn Battery
You’re Not My Daddy
Suspicious Shoppers
Hurricane Dean
An Open House
Up, Up, and Away
First Driving Accident
The Waiter
Pluto Chases Kid
Death Is Part of Life
Six Feet Under
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