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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  taboo 禁忌,忌讳Movies producers attempted to break down all the ~s

  tackle 用具,装备 shaving ~

  tailor 裁缝 go to the ~s

  talk 讲话,谈话 Is your baby talking yet?

  tame 驯化的,驯服的,温顺的 ~animails

  tan棕黄色,黄褐色 buy some shoes in tan

  tax 税(款)Half of his wages go in tax

  tear 撕开,撕裂tear open an envelope

  tease 戏弄,取笑 The boy is teasing the cat

  tedious 单调乏味的,冗长的,罗嗦的a ~ debate

  temper 心情,脾气 be in a good~

  tempt 引诱,诱惑 Nothing could ~ me to do such a thing

  tend 趋向,倾向 Interest rates are ~ing upwards

  tender 嫩的 a ~ piece of meat

  tentative 试验性的,试探性的,暂时的,推测的 a ~plan

  term 学期 the spring ~

  terminate 停止,结束,使终止 ~ a contract

  terrify 使害怕,使惊吓 She was terrified out of her wits

  testify 作证,证明 He agreed to ~ on behalf of the accused man

  thermal 热的,由热造成的 ~burns

  thirst 渴,口渴 The heat creates a ~ in me like Ive never had before

  thread 线,线状物 cotton ~

  thrill 使非常兴奋,使非常激动 Its a sight that never fails to ~ me

  thrive 兴旺发达,繁荣 His business is thriving

  thrust 推,刺,戳,插,挤He was ~ into power

  tick (钟声等发出的)滴答声

  tidy 整洁的,整齐的a ~ room

  tilt 使倾斜,使倾倒 Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat

  time 时间,时刻,时候 ~ and space

  tip 末端,尖端 the tips of the fingers

  toast 烤面包,吐司 two slices of ~

  token 表示,标志,象征He did that as a ~ of good faith

  torture 拷打,拷问 ~ a confession from a prisoner

  toss 扔,抛,掷 The children tossed the ball to each other

  tough 坚韧的,牢固的 Some plastic are as ~ as metal

  tow 拖,拉,牵引 tow a damaged ship into port

  tower 塔,塔楼,高楼 a television ~

  trace 痕迹,踪迹 The wound healed, leaving almost no ~ of a scar

  track足迹,踪迹~s in the snow

  tragedy 悲剧 Hamlet is one of shakespeares best known tragedies

  trail 痕迹,足迹 a ~ of destruction left by the violence

  tramp 步行,跋涉 He loves ~ing over the hills

  transfer 转移,调动 the company has transferred to an eastern location

  transform 变形,改观 ~ a hotel into a hospital

  transient 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 ~ happiness

  transmit 播送,发射 ~ a match live

  transparent 透明的 Glass is ~

  transplant 移植,移种,移居 ~ a human heart into a patient

  treasure 财宝,财富 dig for buried ~

  trend 倾向,趋势an upward ~ of prices

  trick 诡计,骗局 He got the money by a ~

  trifle 琐事,小事 One should not get angry about such a ~

  trim 整齐的,整洁的 ~ lawns

  trip 旅行,旅游 a ~ round the world

  triple 三倍的,三重的,三部分的,三方的Black unemployment rate runs ~ the figure for whites

  triumph 胜利 a ~ over the enemy

  trivial 琐碎的,不重要的,无价值的 ~ matters

  tuck 夹入,藏入 He ~ed the letter in a book so he wouldnt lose it

  tug (用力)拖或拉He tugged the door but it wouldnt open

  tumble 跌到,滚下The baby is just learning to walk and hes always tumbling over

  tune 曲调,曲子 She wrote the words of the song and her brother wrote the ~

  turbulent 骚乱的,动荡的,混乱的,狂暴的a ~ crowd

  turn 转动,旋转Turn the hands of the clock until they point to 9 Oclock

  tutor 家庭教师,指导教师 When the students are making their choices, their ~ may well guide them

  twinkle 闪烁,闪耀,闪亮 The diamond on her finger ~d in the firelight

  twist 捻,搓,绞,拧 ~ a rope out of threads



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