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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  rack 架子,支架,搁架 a clothes ~

  radiate(光,热等)辐射,发射 The sun ~s light and heat

  radical 根本的,基本的a ~ error

  rake (长柄)耙,耙机,耙状物 an oyster ~

  rally 集合,团结 ~ public opinion in favor of price controls

  random胡乱的,任意的,随意的,a ~talk

  range 排,行,一系列 a ~ of buildings

  rank排,行,列 the ~s of great pines

  rate 比率,率 Velocity is the ~ of change of distance with respect to time

  reap 收割,收获 ~ the rice in the field

  rear 后部,后边,背部a garden at the ~ of the house

  recall 回忆,回想I ~ seeing a poster on his wall

  reciprocal 相互的,交互的 ~ respect

  reckon 计算,数 ~ the days till Christmas

  reclaim 使改过,改造 ~ former criminals

  recognize认出,识别 Dogs ~ people by their smell

  recollect 回忆,想起 I am trying to ~ a forgotten address

  recommend 推荐,称赞 He ~ed me for the post of headmaster

  reconcile 使和解,使和好After each fight they ate soon ~d

  recover 追回,重新得到The police ~ed stolen watch

  recruit 招募(新兵)招收(新成员)try to ~300 men in two days

  rectify纠正,改正,矫正 ~ the mistakes in a bill

  refer 提到,谈到 Does the remark ~ to me

  refine 提炼~ crude oil into various petroleum products

  reform 改革,改良 He spend years trying to ~ the world

  refresh 使恢复活力,使振作精神 Sleep ~es the body

  refute驳斥,驳倒 The argument cannot be d at the moments

  regard 看待,认为,对待 I ~ the matter in this light

  regenerate 使恢复,使复兴,再生The human body can ~ hair, nails, etc

  regulate管理,控制,为制订规章 The policeman ~d traffic at the intersection

  reign 为王,统治In England ,the sovereign ~s but does not rule

  reinforce 增援,加强 They hope to ~ their domination in these countries

  rejoice 使感到高兴,使充满喜悦 The whole nation ~ over the victory

  relate 讲述,叙述 She ~d the experience of a Chinese girl in the United States

  relay 接力传送,传递 ~ a message

  release 排放,释出 ~ a bomb from an aircraft

  relevant 有关的,切题的I dont think his remarks are ~ to our discussions

  relieve 缓解,减轻,解除He smoked frequently to ~ nervous tension

  remark 评论,议论 It would be rude to ~ upon her appearance

  remedy 治疗,治疗法,药品 a folk ~

  remember 记得,回想起,不忘记 I ~ reading that boo when I was eight

  remind 提醒,使想起 I ~ed him of his promise

  remove 移开,挪走 ~ ones eyes from the picture

  render 使得,使成为 The blow ~ed him unconscious

  renew 更新,恢复,更换We feel totally ~ed in body ,mind ,and spirit

  renovate 修复,整修 ~ a two storey building

  repel 击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥 ~ the enemy

  repent 后悔,懊悔 ~of a thoughtless act

  replace 代替,取代,更换The calculator is rapidly replacing the abacus

  represent 代表,象征To many local people these castles ~ a hundred years of foreign domination

  reproach 责备,指责,斥责 mute ~

  rescue 营救,救援,搭救 ~ hostages held by the terrorists

  resent 怨恨 ~ those unfair comments

  reserve 保留,储备 Well the ticket for you till tomorrow noon

  resign 辞职,引退 He ~ed from his post

  resolve 决定,打定注意要 Have you ~d where to go next?

  resort 求助,凭借,诉诸 ~ to sb for help

  restore 恢复,修复,康复 The temple has been ~d out of all recognition

  restrain 抑制,遏止 ~ ones anger

  resume 重新开始,继续 When I quit golf, I ~d writing

  retain 保留,保持 ~the right to reply

  reveal 揭示,揭露 I promise never to ~ his secret

  revenge 报仇,复仇Man may destroy the balance of nature ,but ,from time to time, nature takes a terrible ~

  reverse 相反的,颠倒的,倒退的a ~ dictionary

  revise 修订,校订 ~ a dictionary

  revive 苏醒,复苏 He is dead and never will ~

  ridiculous 可笑的,荒唐的,荒谬的 In this department of English girls outnumber boys in a ~ ratio

  rigid 刚性的,坚硬的 a ~ piece of plastic

  ripe 成熟的,时机成熟的 a ~ cluster of grapes

  roll 滚动,滚落 Rocks were ~ing down the hillside

  rot 腐烂,腐坏,腐朽,腐败,腐化Meat may ~ if it is not refrigerated

  roundabout 绕道的,绕圈子的,不直接的 The car has to take a ~ course to avoid the flood

  rouse 惊起 The boat ~d wild ducks to flight

  row 吵闹,争吵 Whats all this ~ about?

  rub 擦,摩擦 He rubbed his eyes

  rush 冲,奔 ~ into the room

  rust 锈,铁锈 Iron gathers ~easily

  ruthless 无情的,残忍的,冷酷的 a~ enemy



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