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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Ccall - v to give a name to ; to ask for or request ; to ask for or request

  calm - ad. quiet; peaceful; opposite tense

  camera - n. a device for taking pictures

  camp - n. a place with temporary housing

  campaign - n. a competition by opposing political candidates seeking support from voters; a connected series of military actions during a war

  can - v. to be able to; to have the right to; n. a container used to hold liquid or food, usually made of metal

  cancel - v. to end; to stop

  cancer - n. a disease in which dangerous cells grow quickly and destroy parts of the body

  candidate - n. a person who seeks or is nominated for an office or an honor

  capital - n. the official center of a government; the city where a countrys government is

  capitalism - n. an economic system in which the production of most goods and services is owned and operated for profit by private citizens or companies

  capture - v. to make a person or animal a prisoner; to seize or take by force; to get control of

  car - n. a vehicle with wheels used to carry people; an automobile; a part of a train

  care - v. to like; to protect; to feel worry or interest

  careful - ad. acting safely; with much thought

  carry - v. to take something or someone from one place to another

  case - n. a legal action

  case - n. an incident of disease

  cat - n. a small animal that often lives with humans

  catch - v. to seize after a chase; to stop and seize with the hands

  cause - v. to make happen; n. the thing or person that produces a result

  ceasefire - n. a halt in fighting, usually by agreement

  celebrate - v. to honor a person or event with special activities

  center - n. the middle of something; the place in the middle; a place that is the main point of an activity

  century - n. one hundred years

  ceremony - n. an act or series of acts done in a special way established by tradition

  chairman - n. a person leading a meeting or an organized group

  champion - n. the best; the winner

  chance - n. a possibility of winning or losing or that something will happen

  change - v. to make different; to become different

  charge - v. to accuse someone of something, usually a crime; n. a statement in which someone is accused of something

  chase - v. to run or go after someone or something

  cheat - v. to get by a trick; to steal from

  cheer - v. to shout approval or praise

  chemicals - n. elements found in nature or made by people; substances used in the science of chemistry

  chemistry - n. the scientific study of substances, what they are made of, how they act under different conditions, and how they form other substances

  chief - n. the head or leader of a group; ad. leading; most important

  child - n. a baby; a boy or girl

  children - n. more than one child

  choose - v. to decide between two or more

  circle - n. a closed shape that has all its points equally distant from the center, like an O

  citizen - n. a person who is a member of a country by birth or by law

  city - n. any important large town

  civilian - ad. not military

  civil rights - n. the political, economic and social rights given equally to all people of a nation

  claim - v. to say something as a fact

  clash - n. a battle; v. to fight or oppose

  clean - v. to make pure; ad. free from dirt or harmful substances

  clear - ad. easy to see or see through; easily understood

  clergy- n. a body of officials within a religious organization

  climate - n. the normal weather conditions of a place

  climb - v. to go up or down something by using the feet and sometimes the hands

  clock - n. a device that measures and shows time

  close - v. to make something not open; ad. near to

  cloth - n. a material made from plants, chemicals, animal hair and other substances

  clothes - n. what people wear

  cloud - n. a mass of fog high in the sky

  coal - n. a solid black substance used as fuel

  coalition- n. forces, groups or nations joined together

  coast - n. land on the edge of the ocean

  coffee - n. a drink made from the plant of the same name

  cold - ad. not warm; having or feeling great coolness or a low temperature

  collect - v. to bring or gather together in one place; to demand and receive

  college - n. a small university

  colony - n. land controlled by another country or government

  color - n. the different effects of light on the eye, making blue, red, brown, black, yellow and others

  combine - v. to mix or bring together

  come - v. to move toward; to arrive

  command - v. to order; to have power over something

  comment - v. to say something about; to express an opinion about something

  committee - n. a group of people given special work

  common - ad. usual; same for all

  communicate - v. to tell; to give or exchange information

  community - n. a group of people living together in one place or area

  company - n. a business organized for trade, industrial or other purposes

  compare - v. to examine what is different or similar

  compete - v. to try to do as well as, or better than, another or others

  complete - ad. having all parts; ended or finished

  complex - ad. of or having many parts that are difficult to understand; not simple

  compromise - n. the settlement of an argument where each side agrees to accept less than first demanded

  computer - n. an electronic machine for storing and organizing information, and for communicating with others

  concern - n. interest, worry ; v. to fear

  condemn - v. to say a person or action is wrong or bad

  condition - n. something declared necessary to complete an agreement; a persons health

  conference - n. a meeting

  confirm - v. to approve; to say that something is true

  conflict - n. a fight; a battle, especially a long one

  congratulate - v. to praise a person or to express pleasure for success or good luck

  Congress - n. the organization of people elected to make the laws of the United States ; a similar organization in other countries

  connect - v. to join one thing to another; to unite; to link

  conservative - n. one who usually supports tradition and opposes great change

  consider - v. to give thought to; to think about carefully

  constitution - n. the written general laws and ideas that form a nations system of government

  contain - v. to hold; to include

  container - n. a box, bottle or can used to hold something

  continent - n. any of the seven great land areas of the world

  continue - v. to go on doing or being

  control - v. to direct; to have power over

  convention - n. a large meeting for a special purpose

  cook - v. to heat food before eating it

  cool - ad. almost cold

  cooperate - v. to act or work together

  copy - v. to make something exactly like another; n. something made to look exactly like another

  corn - n. a food grain

  correct - ad. true; free from mistakes; v. to change to what is right

  cost - n. the price or value of something ; v. to be valued at

  cotton - n. a material made from a plant of the same name

  count - v. to speak or add numbers

  country - n. a nation; the territory of a nation; land away from cities

  court - n. where trials take place; where judges make decisions about law

  cover - v. to put something over a person or thing; n. anything that is put over a person or thing

  cow - n. a farm animal used for its milk

  crash - v. to fall violently; to hit with great force

  create - v. to make; to give life or form to

  creature - n. any living being; any animal or human

  credit - n. an agreement that payments will be made at a later time

  crew - n. a group of people working together

  crime - n. an act that violates a law

  criminal - n. a person who is responsible for a crime

  crisis - n. an extremely important time when something may become much better or worse; a dangerous situation

  criticize- v. to say what is wrong with something or someone; to condemn; to judge

  crops - n. plants that are grown and gathered for food, such as grains, fruits and vegetables

  cross - v. to go from one side to another; to go across

  crowd - n. a large number of people gathered in one place

  crush - v. to damage or destroy by great weight; to defeat completely

  cry - v. to express or show sorrow or pain

  culture - n. all the beliefs, traditions and arts of a group or population

  cure - v. to improve health; to make well ; n. something that makes a sick person well

  curfew - n. an order to people to stay off the streets or to close their businesses

  current - n. movement of air, water or electricity; ad. belonging to the present time

  custom - n. a long-established belief or activity of a people

  customs - n. taxes on imports

  cut - v. to divide or injure with a sharp tool; to make less; to reduce



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