Pack ) 包装 Supplys 包装
Package 包装 How Supplied 包装方式
Packing for Hospital 医院用包装 Method of Supply 包装方式
Package Quantitiess包装量
Presentation 包装 Hospital Packs 医院用包装
Availability 包装 Trade Packs 商品包装
Modeof Issue 包装
2 常见的包装单位的英语表示法:
ampoule 安瓿 carton 纸盒
blister pack 铝塑包装
pack 包
blister strip 铝塑条状包装
sheet 张
bottle 瓶
strip 条
box 盒
tube 管
canist 罐
vial 玻璃小瓶
3 药物的常见剂型的英语表示法:
aerosol 气雾剂 ampoule 针剂
capsules 胶囊 oral solution 口服液
coatedtablets 包衣片 pill 丸剂
cream 乳膏 powder 粉剂
derm TTS 皮肤贴膏 retard capsules 缓释胶囊
dregees 糖衣丸 scored-tablets 刻痕片
drops 滴剂 solution 溶液剂
emulsion 乳剂栓剂 sugar-coated tablets 糖衣片
film-coated tablets 薄膜片。膜衣片
suppositories 栓剂
granule 颗粒 suspension 悬浮剂,混悬剂
injection 注射剂,针剂
sustainedrelease tablets 恒释片
liniment 搽剂 syrup 糖浆
liquid 液剂 tablets 片剂
ointment 软膏
4 本项的结构特点;内容结构简单,多为不完全句,或仅仅列出包装工具、剂型、装量等,词汇量容易阅读。
例1 Presentation 30 capsules.
例2 Packages:Box containing one 100 mg bottle
包装:盒装,每盒1瓶,每瓶100 mg。
例3 Packing Bottle of 12 capsules 250 mg and 500 mg.Bxo of 12 capsules 250 mg in blister.
Bottle for pediatri use : 20 gm granulated contain 1 gm ampicillin, The content of the spoon included in the packing corresponds to 100 mg ampicillin.
包装瓶装12粒胶囊,每粒含量250或500mg。盒装12粒胶囊,每粒含量250mg。瓶装儿童用颗粒剂:20克颗粒剂每瓶含有 1 g 氨苄青霉素。附在包装内的一匙的量,相当于1O0 mg 氨苄青霉素。
例4 Mode of issue Ceopran Is issued in vials containing 250 mg, 500 mg and 1 gram of cephaloridine.
包装方式本品小瓶包装,内装 250mg、500mg及 1 g 头抱菌素II。
例5 Trade packs Trade packs containing 50 and 100 sugar coated tablets.
商品包装 50 及 100 糖衣片包装。
例6 Packs250: Cross-scrored tablets each containing 200mg levodopa+50 mg benserazide.
包装 美多巴250刻痕片,每片含200mg左族多巴50mg羟苄丝肼。
例7 Method of supply Tablets in tubes, each containing 30 tablets. Paint in glass bottles of 24 ml.Meladinine is supplied only on prescription.
包装方式 管装片剂.每管30片。玻璃瓶装搽剂,每瓶24ml。敏白灵只按处方供药。
例8 Availability Syrup: Orbenin syrup is available in bottles containing reconstitutable powder for preparing an aqueous solution. When dispensed each 5 ml teaspoonful contains 125mg cloxacillin as the sodium salt.
包装 糖浆:全霉林糖浆为瓶装,内含可供再配制水溶液的粉末。配制后的每茶匙5ml药液中含125ml 邻氯青霉素钠盐,
例9 How supplied Tablets: Coumadin , For oral use, single scored imprinted numericallyand Packaged in bottles with potencies and colors as follows:
包装 片剂:香豆定。供口服。药片上有一条划痕,印有数字。瓶装,效价及颜色如下:
例10 Also available in Hospital Unit-Dose blister package of 100.
替马利尔25U:白色有刻痕标记的薄膜片,一面刻有250mg字样、每片含 291.5mg 盐酸环丙沙星-水合物。
例12 Packs Standard packs of 20 dregees Hospital packs of 100,500 and 1000 dregees.
包装 标准包装为20粒糖衣九。医院用包装为100,500及1000粒糖衣丸。
例13 Package ouantities Beconase Nasal Spray is a metered-dose aerosolsol with a specially designed nasal applicator. Each canister provides 200 sprays.
包装 喷雾剂是一种气雾剂.配有专门设计可供鼻用的喷雾器,每罐可喷雾 200次。
1. 本项常用的英语表示法:
Precaution 注意事项 Special note特别注意
Caution 注意事项 N.B. 注意
Noto 注意 Warning 警告
Important 重要事项 Important for the patients 患者须知
2. 本项中常见的检查项目:
blood count 血细胞汁数 Kidney function 肾功能
blood picture 血象 Liverfunction 肝功
blood level 血浓度 serum concentration 血清浓度
blood pressure 血压 serum creatinine test 血清肌酸酐检验
clotting time 凝血时间 urine routine 尿常规
creatinine clearance 肌酸酐清除率
3. 本项的特点是内容长短不一,有难有易;词汇量大,涉及面广,既有普通词汇,也有大量的专业词汇及编写词。许多词汇、结构和句型可在药理作用、适应症、禁忌症、剂量和用法、副作用,贮藏等项中见到。从英语结构上分析,句型变化较多,长句、难句也屡屡出现,是比较难读的一个项目。
例1 Warnings and precautions: Ciprofloxacin should be used with caution in epileptics and patients with a history of CNS disorders and only if the benefits of treatment are considered to outweight the risk of possible CNS side-effects.
例2 Ciprofloxacin could result in impainnent of the patients ability to drive or operate machinary, particularly in conjunction with alcohol.
例3 Warnings: Vepeside should be administered under the supervision of a qualified physicain experienced in the use of cancer chemotherapeutic agents.
例4 The most serious risk associated with anticoagulant therapy with sodium warfarin are hemorrhage in any tissue or organ and less frequently, necrosis and/ or gangrene of skin and other tissues. The risk of hermorrhage is related to level of intensity and the duration of anticoagulant therapy.
例5 The occurrence of a platelet count below 50,000/mm3 or an absolute neutrophil count below 500/mm3 is an indication to withhold further therapy until the blood counts have sufficiently recovered.
血小板数低于s0,000/mm3 或绝对中性白细胞数低于500/mm3 ,表明不能继续使用本品治疗,待白细胞计教充分恢复后才能继续用药。
例6 Warfarin therapy should be discontinued when warfarin is suspected to be the cause of developing necrosis and heparin therapy may be considered for anticoagulation.
例7 Dosage should be controlled by periodic determinations of prothrombin time or other suitable coagulation tests.
例8 Please note Cerebral convulsive disease is regarded as a relative contraindication for examinations in the subarachnoid space. If after careful consideration, these examinations are nevertheless performed, all equipment and medicines necessary to counter any convulsions may occur must be prepared ready for use beforehand.
例9 Caution must be exercised in the case of hypersensitivity to iodinated contrast media, latent hyperthyroidism and bland nodular goitre.
例10 Caution Alcohol intake may enhance nitrate effects and occasionally induce hypotension with subsequent impairment of reactivity. During the first three months of pregnancy drugs should only be used on the express direction of the attendant physician. Isket spray should not be stored at temperatures above 25。C! Temperatures above 40 ℃ are to be be avoided, even for bried periods! Do not force canister open, even when empty!
例11 As with all new drugs, patients should be followed carefully so that any side-effects or unusual manifestations of drug idiosyncrasy may be detected. If any allergic reaction to Keflex occurs, the drug should be discontinued and the patient treated with the usual agents.
例12 In patients with normal renal function, chronic hypercalcemia may be associated with an increase in serum creatinine. While this is usually reversible, It is important in such patients to pay careful attention to those factors which may lead to hypercalcemia.
例13 Precautions 一Avoid the concomitant use, in the absence of special monitoring laboratory of parameters, of anticoagulants or aspirin. 一Inform the attending physician in the event of bleeding or of the occurence of a hematoma.
例14 Periodical examination of hepatic or renal function and blood picture is desirable since Kedacillin may increase SGOT. SGPT and BUN, and decrease erythrocyte and leucocyte.
例15 N.B.Transference from insuline to Glutril may be attempted in case of maturity-onset diabetes with obesity;dosage is based upon the result of the necessarily frequent metablic tests.
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