Historic a.历史上著名的,具有重大历史意义的;历史的,历史上的
The Gettysburg Address,a historic address delivered by Abraham Lincoln, concisely expressed many of the ideals and principles of democracy.亚伯拉罕.林肯发表的历史上著名的《葛底斯堡演 说》简明的阐述了民主的理想和原则.
July 13,2001 has become a historic day for China- Beijing succeeded in the 2008 Olympic bid. 2001年7月13日成为中国 历史上具有重大意义的日 子--中国申办2008年奥运会获得成功.
Incident n.发生的事,事件、事变
The Lugouqiao incident took place on July 7, 1937.芦沟桥事变发生在1937年7月7日.
limitation n.限制,限度 局限
I know my limitation, so I wont do the things beyond my ability.我知道自己能力有限, 所以我不会做能力范围之外的事.
Massive a.大的,大而重的, 大块的;大量的, 大规模的
The massive Allied invasion of Normandy is an action of enormous importance in the history of World War Two. 对诺曼底的大规模入侵在二战史上具有重大意义.
Doctors discourage massive doses of painkillers.医生不赞成大量服用止痛片.
Modify vt.更改,修改,修饰;缓和,减轻
Although it has been greatly modified,the game known in the US,as football can be traced directly to the English game of rugby. 虽然做了很大的改变,但所谓的美式足球仍可以直接追溯到英国的橄榄球比赛.
Opponent n.敌手,对手;反对者
Lenin spoke so convincingly that even his opponents were won over by his arguments.列宁的演讲很有说服力, 甚至连他的对手也被他的论述争取过来.
Penetrate v.透入,渗入,进入;刺入,刺穿;洞察,了解
Dont bother to penetrate girls minds as they are always changing.别费心机去洞察女孩的心思,因为她们总在变.
Precious a.珍贵的,贵重的
I believe that good health is the most precious thing for people.我认为健康对人来说是最珍贵的财富.
Priority n.优先,优先权,重点;优先考虑的事
To build Guangzhou into an international metropolis, the highest priority has been given to the problem of heavy traffic by the municipal government.为了将广州建成国际化大都市, 市政府已经优先考虑交通拥挤的问题
The top priority for school is to have a higher proportion of students entering advanced schools.学校的首要目标是让更多的学生进入更高级的学校念书.
Receipt n.发票,收据 收入,进款;受到,接到
You had better get a receipt for your expenses.你最好对开销索取收据.
The pop singer got huge cash receipt from his concert.那个流行歌星从演唱会中获得了巨额的现金收入.
reservation n.预定保留,犹豫;居留地
We have our reservation about his ability to do the job.我们对于他做该项工作的能力持保留态度.
If you want to have dinner on Valentines Day in a Western style restaurant, youd better make reservation earlier.情人节这天,你如果想在 西式餐厅用晚餐最好早些预定.
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