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英语六级词汇解析 Lesson 20

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Adhere vi.黏附,附着;遵守,坚持;追随,支持

  Dont spit out your gum on the ground.It may adhere to the sole of someones shoe.不要随地乱吐香口胶,那会粘到别人鞋底上的.

  The Government of Iraq adhered to its original plan,which was resented by many western countries.伊拉克政府我行我素,让许多西方国家憎恨不已.

  articulate a.善于表达的,表达得清楚有力的 vt.明确有力地表达;清晰地发音

  Wu Jinglian,a well- known economist in China,is articulate about the trend of the so-called New Economy.中国著名经济学家吴敬琏对于新经济的走向讲得头头是道.

  At the Press Conference the spokesman articulated Chinas strong opposition to the U.S. NMD.在记者招待会上,资讯发言人阐明了中国坚决反对美国的导弹防御计划的立场.

  Chronic a.慢性的, 久病的;长久的,不断地;积习难改的

  Patients suffering from chronic indigestion cannot eat more than enough.患有慢性消化不良症的病人不能多吃.

  A chronic state of civil war has been preventing Afghanistan from developing its economy.长期的战乱让阿富汗根本无法发展自己的经济.

  compatible a.兼容的;能和睦相处的合得来的

  Are your family members compatible with each other?你的家庭成员间能和睦相处吗?

  Accuracy is not always compatible with haste.忙中难免出错.

  Conform vi.遵守,适应,顺从;相似,一致,符合

  A coat must conform to the figure of the wearer.衣服必须与身材相配.

  On the first day when a pupil enters school, he is asked to conform to the school rules.从进校的第一天起,学校就要求学生遵守校规.

  Converge vi.会合,互相靠拢;聚集,集中; 趋近

  Raiway lines seem to converge when one looks at them from a distance.铁轨远看好像集中在一点.

  Parallel lines converge at infinity.平行线永不相交.

  Deprive vt. 剥夺;使丧失

  Women in old China were deprived of the right to education.在旧中国,妇女被剥夺了受教育的权利.

  Disperse vi.分散,散开;使消散,消失 vt.分散,赶散;消散,驱散

  Tear gas can be used to disperse a crowd.催泪瓦斯可用来驱散人群

  The crowd dispersed in all directions.人群向各个方向散开了.

  distribute vt.使分散,散布;分发,分送,分配

  Some students are distributing ad leaflets on the street.有些学生在街头派发广告传单.

  Whenever spring comes, the gardener will distribute grass seed over the lawn.当春天来临的时候,园丁就把草种播撒在草坪里.

  180 pounds of muscle were well distributed over his 6-foot frame. 180磅的肌肉均匀地长在他6英尺高的身躯上.

  Eligible a.有条件被选中的,有恰当资格的;合适的,合意的

  In the US,only native-born citizens are eligible to the office of president.在美国,只有在美国本土出生的公民才有资格当选总统.

  Evoke vt.唤起,引起,使人想起

  Tian Zhens singing evoked warm acclamations.田震的歌声博得了热烈的喝彩.

  Wang Shuos newly published review on Jin Yongs novels has evoked much controversy. 王朔新发表的关于金庸小说的书评引起了很多争论.

  The Grape of Wrath is a novel that evokes the Depression in accurate detail.《愤怒的葡萄》是一部以精确的细节再现大萧条的小说.

  Fake n.假货,赝品;骗子,冒充者a.假的,伪造的,冒充的 vt.伪造,捏造,伪装

  Many paintings looked old,but are fakes.很多画看上去年代久远,实际是赝品.

  Many evil merchants swindle the customers by imposing fake goods on them to make profits.许多无良商人用假冒伪劣商品坑害消费者,赚取利益.

  Gloomy a.忧郁的,沮丧的;令人沮丧的,令人失望的;昏暗的,阴沉的

  The gloomy damp weather and her gloomy face took away my appetite.阴沉,潮湿的天气以及她哭丧着的脸让我食欲全无.

  Humanity n.人类,人;人性;人道,博爱,慈爱 人文学科

  AIDS and cancer are maladies that afflict humanity.爱滋病和癌症是折磨人类的疾病.

  Humanity is a mixture of good and bad qualities.人性是善与恶的混合体.

  Incentive n.刺激,鼓励

  Money is still a major incentive in most occupations. 在许多职业中,钱仍是主要的鼓励因素.

  Initiate n.新加入组织的人 vt.开始,创始;使初步了解;接纳,让...加入

  China initiated her reforms in every field in 1978 based on Deng Xiaopings conceptions.中国从1978年开始根据邓小平的构思启动各个领域的改革.

  Intricate a.错综复杂的,复杂精细的

  A detective novel usually has an intricate plot. 侦探小说通常有错综复杂的情节.

  Modern electrical facilities have intricate directions.现代电器设备的用法说明 都复杂难懂.

  Leaflet n.传单,散页印刷品,小册子 v.散发传单

  Many salesmen stood by the roadside to hand out the leaflets for their products to passers-bys. 很多销售人员站在路边向路人散发产品广告传 单.

  Migrate vi.迁徙,移栖;移居,迁移

  Some birds migrate to find warmer weather.有些鸟迁徙以寻找更温暖的气候.

  notorious a.臭名昭著的;声名狼籍的

  English soccer fans are notorious for their craziness and barbarism.英国球迷因他们的疯狂和野蛮而臭名昭著.

  Overlap vt.与...部分重叠,的部分相同 n.重叠,重叠的部分

  Tiles are laid to overlap each other. 屋瓦是一个压一个地重叠放置的.

  History and politics overlap and should be studied together.历史和政治有部分重叠, 应该结合起来研究.

  perpetual a.永久的,永恒的,长期的;无休止的,没完没了的

  Do you believe in perpetual love in this secular world?在这个世俗的世界你还相信有天长地久的爱情吗?

  The two sides signed a treaty of perpetual friendship.双方签定了永久友好条约.

  prescription n.处方,药方,药;开药方,开处方

  I can never read doctors prescriptions.我从来看不懂医生写的处方.

  profitable a.有利可图的,有益的

  Investigations revealed that selling genuine goods at a fair price ;调查显示,长此以往, 货真价实的经营

  can be more profitable in the long run. ;能赚取更多的利润.

  Recipe n.烹饪法,食谱;方法,秘诀,诀窍

  I am not good at cooking.I can only follow a recipe.我不善长烹饪,只能照着食谱做.

  Whats your recipe for a happy marriage?你认为幸福的婚姻是什么秘方?

  revelation n.被揭示的真相,新发现;揭示,透露,显示

  What a revelation!这真是一个意外!

  The revelation that the world is round once surprised people.揭示出地球是圆的事实曾使人们大为惊讶.

  Have you ever read the Revelations in the Bible?你读过《圣经》中的《启示录》吗?

  Shrewd a.机灵的,敏锐的,精明的

  However shrewd a businessman is,it is impossible that he has never lost money.再精明的生意人也不可能从不亏钱.

  subjective a.主观上的,个人的

  Our perception of things is often influenced by subjective factors,such as tiredness.我们对事物的感知能力受到主观因素的影响,如疲劳.

  Lyric poetry is subjective.抒情诗是抒发个人感情的.

  symposium n.讨论会,专题报告会;专题论文集

  A symposium is a meeting or conference for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations.讨论会即讨论某一论题的聚会或会议,尤指参与者既为听众、又作演讲聚会或会议.

  Toss vi.掷翻来覆去

  Toss n.掷钱币来决定;猛抬头 vt.扔,抛,掷;猛抬,拌; 使颠簸

  The ship tossed about on the stormy sea.船在波涛汹涌的海浪中颠簸着.

  Toss the vegetables in butter.在菜里拌点黄油.

  Lets toss to see who pays the bill.让我们掷钱币决定谁付帐.

  Verdict n.裁定;定论,判断性意见

  The verdict was that the prisoner was guilty.最后的判决是犯人有罪.



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