A: Mr. Jones often alludes to his wealth.
B: yes, but actually I dont think he is wealthy compared to Mrs. Devan.
allude vi. 暗指,提及
A: Why did you come to Beijing?
B: I was allured by the bright lights of the city.
allure n. 诱惑力,魅力
vt. 诱惑,引诱,吸引
A: I heard an almighty amount of noise outside last night.
B: Sorry, that was my dog chasing my neighbours cat.
almighty a. 1. 全能的,万能的;2. 很大的,很强的
A: How often will you be able to work?
B: Only on alternate days I am afraid.
alternate a. 1. 交替的,轮流的;供选择的;2. 间隔的
v. 轮流,交替
A: I amassed a lot of lecture notes during my undergraduate degree.
B: I hope that you amassed them in your head also!
amass vt. 积累,积聚
A: Did you enjoy the end of the novel?
B: No, it was too ambiguous for me.
ambiguous a. 引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的
A: You work very hard.
B: Maybe, but I ma ambitious and want to do well in my career.
ambitious a. 1. 有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;2. 有野心的
A: Your essay is good. But I think that you need to amend the conclusion.
B: Oh, I thought the ending was the best part.
amend vt. 修改,修订,改进
n. 赔罪,赔偿
A: Do your parents get along well?
B: Yes, they at least have an amicable relationship.
amiable a. 和蔼可亲的,友好的
A: The army in my county is under-funded.
B: I think that it is a good thing that it can not afford more ammunition though.
ammunition n. 弹药,军火
A: Is there enough space in the back of the car?
B: Yes, ample.
ample a. 1. 足够的;2. 宽敞的,面积大的
A: I can not hear the lecturer.
B: He needs to amplify his voice more.
amplify vt. 1. 放大,增强;2. 扩大,详述,进一步阐述
A: My teacher used the analogy of an acorn and oak tree to explain the potential of the school.
B: He must think you all have a lot of potential then.
analogy n. 比拟,类比,类推
by analogy 用类推的方法
A: That guy is crazy.
B: Maybe he needs to see an analyst.
analyst n. 1. 分析家,化验员;2. 心理分析学家
A: You have a very analytic mind.
B: I think that is why I enjoy mathematics.
analytic a. 善于分析的;分析型的
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