1. Prefixes
1).dis- disadvantage, dislike, disagree, disappear, disarm, disaster, disastrous , disappoint, disable , disability, discharge, disclose , discount, discourage, discover, discovery, discrepancy , disease, disguise, disgust, dishonest, dismay , disorder, dispatch , disperse , displace , disregard , distort , distract
2).in- inability, incorrect, inability, incapable, inhuman, injustice, informal, inside, include, inclusive , income, increase, increasingly, incredible, indefinite, independence, independent, indifferent, indirect, indispensable, individual, indoor, inertia , inevitable, infamous ^, infinite, inhabit , inhabitant, inherent , inject , injection, inland , inlet , inner, innocent, innumerable , input, inquire, inquiry, insane , insert, inside, insight, insist, inspect, inspiration , inspire, install, installation, installment , instance, instant, instinct, insulate , intense, interior, internal, into, intrinsic, invade, invalid , invaluable , invariably , invasion, invert , investigate, invisible, involve, inward
3). im- impossible, imbalance, immature, immoral, impatient, implicit , impress, impression, import, immigrate, imprison, immerse
4).il-illegal, illogical
5).ir- irregular, irresponsible, irrespective
6).un- unable, uncover, undo, undoubtedly, undress ^, uneasy, unemployment , unexpected, unfold , unfortunately, unimportant, unlike, unload, unusual
7).non- nonsmoker, nonexistence, non-cooperation, nonstop, nonmetal, nonresident, nonsense
8).mis- misjudge, misunderstand, mislead, misspell, misstep, misfortune, misuse
9).de- deform, deface, demobilize, destruction, deforest, denationalize, depress, depression, devalue, decode ^, decrease, degenerate , degrade , descend, descendant , descent , devalue
10). pre- prefix ^, pre-historic, precaution, precede , preceding, preclude , predecessor , predict, predominant , preface, prejudice, preliminary, premature , premier , premise , premium , preparation, prepare, prepay, preside , president, presumably, presume , pretext , prevail, prevent, previous, prewar
11).ante-, anteroom, ante-Christian, antemeridian, anticipate, antique
12).fore- forehead, foreman ^, foretell ^, foresee ,
forefather ^, foreleg, forerunner , fore ^, foremost, forecast, forewarn
13).ex- ex-minister, ex-president, ex-Soviet Union, ex-wife, export, exclude, exclusive, excursion, exhibit, exile , exit, exotic , expand, expansion, expedition , expel , expend , expenditure , expense, explode, explosion, explosive, expose, exposition , exposure, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, exterior, external, extinct, , extra, extract
14).post- postgraduate, post-war, postmeridian ^, postpone, postscript ^
15). sub- sub, subject, subway, subtitle, submarine , sub-zero, submerge, submit, subordinate , subscribe , subsection, subsequent, subsidiary , subsidy , substance, substantial, substitute, subtract, suburb
16). infra- infrastructure ^, infrared ^
17). re- react, reaction, recall, recede , receipt, recipient , reclaim , recognize, recognition, record, recorder, recover, recovery, recreation, recur , recycle , redundant , reflect, reflection, reflexion, reform, refrain , refresh, refreshment , refund , refute , reinforce, reject, remember, remind, removal, remove, renaissance , renew, repay , repeat, repeatedly, repel , repetition, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representative, repression , reproduce, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, restore, resume, return, reunion , reuse, review, revise, revive
18). co-, col-, com-, con-, cor-co-existence, cooperate, cooperative , co-author, coalition , coherent , coincide , coincidence , collaboration , colleague, collide , collision, compassion, concentric, conjoin, coordinate, correlation
19). inter- international, interchangeable, interdependent, interpersonal, interview, interact , interaction, intercourse , interface ^, interfere, interference, Internet, interrupt, interval, intervene
20). macro- macroeconomics ^, macrocosm ^, macrostructure
21). micro- microcomputer, microeconomics ^, microscope, microphone, microsurgery
22). super- super, supermarket, supersonic , superman, superpower, supernatural, supervise , superb, superficial, superintendent , superior, superiority , supreme
23). sur- surplus, surtax, surface, surpass , surround, survival, survive, suspect
24). ultra- ultramodern, ultrasound, ultra-violet
25). auto- auto, autocriticism, autoland, automobile, automation , automatic, autobiography ^, autonomous , autonomy
26) .mal- malfunction, maltreat ^, malnutrition ^, malpractice ^
27). tele- telegram, television, telegraph, telephone, telecommunications , telescope, telescreen, teleswitch, televise ^
28).semi-, hemi- semicircle ^, semiconductor, semi-colony ^, hemisphere
29). uni-, mono- uniform, unify , union, unique, unit, unite, unity, universe, universal, university, monologue ^, monopoly , monotonous , carbon monoxide
30).bi-, di- biweekly, bicycle, bilateral ^, billion, dialogue, carbon dioxide
31).tri- tricycle ^, triangle, trilogy ^, triple
32). quadri-, quadru- ^ quadruple ^, quadrangle ^
33). penta- ^ pentagon, Pentagon, Pentium
34).hexa- ^ hexagon, hexangular
35) .sept- ^ September, Sept-Wolves
36). octa- ^ octagon, octave, octopus, October
37). nona- ^nonagon, November
38). deci-, deca- decade, decimal
39). centi- centigrade, centimeter, centipede ^, century
40). kilo- kilo, kilometer, kilogram, kilowatt ^
41). mill- millennium ^, millimeter
42).multi- multi-purpose, multinational, multiple, multiply, multitude
43).counter-, anti-, contra- counterattack, counterclockwise, counterrevolutionary, antibiotic, antimatter, antiwar, contradict , contradiction, contramissile, contranatural, contrary, contrast
44).mini- minibus, miniskirt, minimum, minister, minimize, ministry, minor, minority, minute
45). max- maximum, maximal ^, maximize ^
46). out- outdo, outwit, outlive, outnumber, outdoor, outstanding, outskirts ^, outward, outcome, outer, outing , outline, outlook, output, outrage , outside
47). over- overwork, overuse, overtake, overpass , overthrow , overturn , overall, overdue ^, overhead, overhear , overlook, overseas
48). trans- transaction , transatlantic, transcend , transfer, transform, transistor , transit , transition , translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transmitter ^, transparent, transplant, transport, transportation
49). under- underdevelopment, underestimate, undergraduate, underground, underlie ^, underline, undersea, underlying , undermine , underneath, underwear^
50). neo- neo-Nazism ^, neolithic ^
51). be- befriend, belittle
52). bio- biology, biography , autobiography, antibiotic
53). en- em- embody, empower, endanger, enlarge, enrich
54). extra- extracurricular, extraordinary
55).mid- midday, midnight
56).poly- polycentric, polydirectional
57). pseudo- pseudomemory, pseudoscience
58). thermo- thermochemistry, thermometer
59). vice- vice-chairman, vice-president
2. Suffixes
1).ant, -entapplicant, component, servant, student
2). er, -or, -aremployer, interviewer, trainer, painter, New Yorker, Northerner, lighter, cooker, conductor, beggar
3).eeabsentee, abandonee, employee, interviewee, trainee
4). eerengineer, pioneer
5).an, -ian, -arian historian, humanitarian, librarian, musician, Canadian
6). eseChinese, Japanese
7). istartist, Marxist, capitalist
8). ism socialism, capitalism, mechanism
9). -ability, -ibilityability, flexibility
10). age postage, shrinkage
11). alarrival, refusal
12). ance, -enceappearance, reference
13). ancy, -encyemergency, expectancy
14). cyaccuracy, bankruptcy
15). domfreedom, kingdom, wisdom
16). erybravery, cookery
17). essactress, lioness
18). ettecigarette, novelette, cassette
19). ful handful, spoonful
20). hood childhood, brotherhood, neighborhood
21). ics economics, electronics, mechanics, physics, mathematics, politics
22). iondecision, discussion, inflation, translation, action, correction
23). ity, -tyreality, curiosity, purity, security, certainty, cruelty, difficulty, loyalty, poverty, safety
24). mentmovement, agreement, harassment
25). nesscarelessness, greatness, friendliness, weakness, tiredness
26). ologyfuturology, geology, biology, musicology, psychology, anthropology ^
27). ship hardship, friendship, sportsmanship
28). thbirth, death, breadth, strength, truth
29). -ureclosure, exposure
30).able, -ibleacceptable, admissible, avoidable, eatable, countable, notable , suitable, variable
31). al educational, additional, normal, natural, essential
32).an, -arian, -ian suburban, disciplinarian, Canadian
33). ant, -entdifferent, resultant
34). ary, -oryadvisory, customary
35). ate considerate, fortunate
36). engolden, wooden, woolen
37). ernnorthern, southern
38). eseChinese, Japanese
39). freecarefree, troublefree
40). ful careful, painful
41).ic, -icalatomic, biological, economic, economical, historic, historical, scientific, medical, mechanic, mechanical
42). ishselfish, childish, womanish, greenish, reddish, yellowish, Swedish, Danish
43). ivecreative, decisive, supportive
44). lessuseless, fruitless, boundless, groundless, hopeless, jobless
45). likechildlike, ladylike
46). ly manly, monthly
47). ous, ious, -uous, -eousvarious, continuous, courageous
48).proof airproof, bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof
49). some tiresome ^, lonesome, quarrelsome, troublesome, worrisome ^
50). ward downward, homeward
51). hairy, noisy
52). endeepen, fasten, lengthen, strengthen, harden
53). ifybeautify, classify, electrify, horrify, modify, simplify
54). ize, -yze, -ise, -yse analyze, modernize, industrialize, popularize, specialisation ^, professionalisation ^
55).lyclearly, easily, quickly
56).ward, -wards inward, outward, upward, downward, homeward, northwards
57). -wise clockwise, otherwise
3. Stems
1). aero aerial , aeroplane, aeronautics ^
2). agri agriculture, agronomy ^
3). ann anniversary, annual, semiannual, centennial
4). astro, aster astrology ^, astronomy , astronaut ^, disaster, asteroid
5). audi audience, auditorium ^, audit ^, auditor ^, auditory ^ audio-visual
6). bell rebel, rebellion, rebellious, belligerent
7) .ced precede, precedent, unprecedented, exceed, proceed, succeed
8). cid, cis decide, decision, decisive , concise, suicide, homicide, pesticide
9). claim exclaim, proclaim, acclaim, clamor
10). clar declare, clarify, clarity
11). cord cordial, concord, discord ^, accord
12). cred credible, incredible, credulous, credit, credential
13). dent dental, dentist
14). dict contradict, dictate, dictator, predict, indicate, indicative
15). fact factory, manufacture, benefactor, malefactor
16). flu fluent, influence, influenza , fluid
17). geo geography, geometry, geology , geopolitics ^
18). gram, graph diagram, telegram, program, photograph, geography, telegraph
19). insul insulate, insulator ^, insular, peninsula
20). ject project, inject, reject, subject, eject
21). liber liberate, liberty , liberal, liberalism ^
22). liter literate ^, literacy, illiterate, illiteracy, literature, literary, literal , literally
23). log dialogue, apology, prologue, monologue, logic
24). manu manuscript , manufacture, manufacturer, manual, manage, management, manager
25). medi immediate, medium, media, mediate, medieval, median
26). mort mortal, immortal, mortality
27). nov novel, novelty, novice, innovate
28). ori orient, oriental, Oriental, orientation, origin, original, originate, disorient
29). pend depend, dependent, dependency, dependable, independent, suspend, expend, spend, expenditure, expense, expensive, pension
30). port portable, import, export, deport, porter, support
31). pur purify , purity , Puritan ^
32). rect correct, rectify , erect
33). rupt interrupt, disrupt, bankrupt, bankruptcy, corrupt
34). sal salary, salad
35). sist resist, resistance, resistible, consist, assist, exist, insist, persist
36). spect spectacle, spectacular, prospect, retrospect, inspect, respect, suspect, circumspect ^, spectator , conspicuous , perspective
37). spir inspire, inspiration, spirit
38). tract tractor, attract, protract, contract, abstract, extract, distract
39). urb urban, suburb, suburban
40).vac vacant, vacation, vacuum
41). vit vital, vitality, vitamin, vitalize
42). vis visible, vision, visual, visit, visitor, advice, supervise, television
43). viv survive, survival, survivor, revival, vivid, vivacity
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