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发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  anniversary n.周年纪念(日)

  The year 2001 is the ninetieth anniversary of the establishment of Tsinghua University ;2001年是清华大学 建校90周年纪念.

  antique a.古时的,古老的 n.古物,古玩,古董

  Chinese style antique furniture is regarded as a kind of fashion ;

  in many Western families. ;不少西方的家庭认为 中国式的古老家具是 一种时尚.

  apart ad.(空间,时间方面) 成距离,相间隔;分离, 分开 a.分离的,分隔的

  The Mc Donalds restaurant and the Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant ;这一家麦当劳餐厅与 那家肯德基餐厅

  are only 50 meters apart. ;相距仅50米.

  bid n.企图,努力;减价,出价 投标vi.喊价,出价,投标 vt.出(价)喊(价); 祝愿,表示;

  Recently,Lucent,Nortel Motorola and some other telecom companies ;最近,朗讯、北电、 摩托罗拉和其他一 些电信公司

  will make a bid for the contract of netwo- rk equipment supplier of China Unicom. ;将为取得中国联通公司的 网络设备供应合同进行投 标.

  concerning prep.关于

  Some people are always interested in hearsay news concerning pop stars and movie stars. ;有的人总是对关于流行 歌星和影星的小道消息 感兴趣.

  concession n.让步,妥协;特许, 特许权;承认,认可

  Negotiation is a process that ;谈判是

  contains a series of concessions made by both parties. ;一个由双方的一系列 让步组成的过程.

  confusion n.困惑,糊涂; 混淆;混乱,骚乱

  The disco was a confusion of loud noises. ;迪斯科舞厅一片混乱 的喧吵的噪音.

  congress n.代表大会; 国会,议会

  The National Peoples Congress is regularly held in Beijing. ;全国代表大会定期在 北京举行.

  connection n.联系,(因果)关系; 连接,衔接; [p熟人,关系(户)

  Do you believe that theres connection between smoking and heart disease? ;你相信吸烟与心脏病 有关系吗?

  document n.公文,文件,证件 vt.用文件(或文献) 等证明,记载

  Interpretation of Dreams is highly documented with actual cases. ;《梦的解析》记录了大 量真实病例.

  doll n.玩偶,玩具娃娃

  McDonalds offering Snoopy dolls for 10 yuan apiece ;麦当劳提供史努比 玩偶(玩具狗),每个 10元,

  with a value meal in a two-days-a-week promotion ;在一个一周两次的促 销中与一份等价餐 同时出售,

  resulted in various troubles and got lots of complaints and criticisms. ;这引起了各种麻烦的问 题,受到很多抱怨和批 评.

  era n.时代,纪元

  Does Tittos space trip promise an era of space travel? ;蒂托的太空之旅是否预示 着太空旅行时代的来临?

  estate n.(上有大片建筑物的) 土地;住宅区;地产, 财产;大片私有土地.

  Li Jiacheng the richest businessman of Asia,owns a large estate in Hong Kong. ;亚洲首富的商人李嘉诚 在香港有大量的地产.

  formation n.形成,组成;形成物, 结构;队形,排列

  Clouds are formations of tiny drops of water in the sky. ;云是由空中级细微的 水滴构成的物质.

  fortnight n.十四天,两星期

  Mid-autumn is still a fortnight away, ;离中秋节还有两星期,

  but many shops have already been selling moon cakes. ;许多商店早已在销售 月饼了.

  household n.家庭,户 a.家庭的,家用的, 普通的;家喻户晓的

  Kong Linghui,an outstanding table tennis player, ;在奥运会上的出色表现

  has become a household name after his excellent performance in the Olympic Games. ;使孔令辉这位优秀乒乓球 运动员的名字家喻户晓.

  hunt n. v.打猎,猎取; 搜寻,寻找;驱逐, 追逐,追捕

  Many people are hunting for better jobs in big cities. ;许多人都在大城市里 寻找更好的工作.

  leading a.最重要的,主要的; 首位的,带头的,领街的

  Ericsson is one of the leading companies of telecom networking around the world. ;爱立信是全球领先的 电信网络公司之一.

  Qian Zhongshu was a learned professor ;钱钟书是一位知识渊博 的教授,

  learned a.有学问的,博学的; 学术的

  who was able to speak up to five foreign languages. ;会说五门以上外语.

  precision n.精确(性), 精密(度)

  Laser technology has enhanced the precision of surgical procedures ;激光技术增强了外科 手术的精确性.

  pregnant a.怀孕的,重要的, 有意义的

  A pregnant woman needs to have a regular body check-up ;孕妇要定期做体检

  to ensure the baby is healthy before it is born. ;以确保婴孩出生前的健康

  preparation n.准备(工作), 预备;制剂

  Preparation for a wedding can exhaust a couple. ;婚礼的准备工作可以使 一对夫妇筋疲力尽.

  primary a.首要的,主要的, 基本的;最初的; 初级的

  Laziness is the primary cause of our failure. ;懒惰是我们失败的 主要原因.

  primarily ad.主要地,首先

  These advanced programs have been developed primarily for professionals. ;这些高级程序主要是为 专业人员开发的.

  statistic n.统计数值,统计资料 (~s)统计学

  Statistics show that there are more males than females in our country. ;统计数字表明我国男性 比女性人数多.

  statue n.塑像,雕像

  The Statue of Liberty was ;自由女神像是

  presented to the U.S. in the 19th century by the people of France. ;法国人民在19世纪 送给美国的.

  A steady hand is needed to be a surgeon. ;做一名外科医生要稳、 不颤抖.

  steady n.稳的,平稳的;稳定的; 持续的;稳重的 v.(使)平稳,(使)稳定

  stem n.茎,干;词干 vi. (~from)起源于 vt.堵住,止住,抑止,

  Correct decisions stem from correct judgments ;正确的决定于正确 的判断.

  stiff a.硬的,僵直的; 不灵活的;拘谨的, 生硬的;艰难的,费劲的 ad.极其,非常;僵硬地

  Hemp is a stiff fiber that ;大麻是一种硬质纤维,

  comes from a plant that grows in both hot and mild climates. ;取自一种炎热气候和温 和气候下都能生活的植 物.



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