5月1日四级真题词汇动词第一期1. It has been revealed that some government leaders ______ their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves. A)employ B)take C)abuse D)overlook
2. I suggested he should _____ himself to his new conditions. A)adapt B)adopt C)regulate D)suit
3. It is not difficult to ____ the idea that machines can communicate information to us. A)admit B)receiver C)accept D)convince
4.My camera can be _____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions. A)treated B)adjusted C)adopted D)remedied
5. Remember that customers dont _____ about prices in that city. A)debate B)consult C)dispute D)bargain
C 业已揭露,某些政府领导人滥用自己的职权为自己谋取非法利益。
A)employ 雇佣,使用;She is employed in a bank. 他受雇在银行做事。
B)take 带,拿;C)abuse 滥用,辱骂,虐待;abuse ones authority/drugs 滥用权威/麻醉药;abuse children 虐待儿童;The King abused his power. 那位国王滥用了权力。
D)overlook 忽略,看漏,宽容;His ability has been overlooked by his boss. 他的能力被他的领导忽略了。
2.A 我建议他应该适应新的环境。
A)adapt to (使)适应,改写,使适合于;adapt oneself / ones thinking to new manners / customs / environment 使某人/ 某人的思想适合于新风俗/ 习惯/ 新环境;adapt sth for a particular use 使适合某一具体用途;If you work in a foreign company, you may find it hard to adapt yourself to a different work style.你若在一家国外公司工作,你可能发现很难适应不同的工作方式。
B)adopt 采纳,收养;His proposal was adopted by the committee.他的建议已被该委员会采纳。
C)regulate 调节,校准,管理;regulate a clock/ a radiator/ the speed/ the pressure 校准时钟/ 散热器/ 调节速度/压力;The device will automatically regulate the temperatures of the room.该装置能自动调节室温。
D)suit 适合,相配;be suited for the position/ a teacher/ work 适合此职位/ 当老师/ 此项工作;be suited to the life/ situation/ condition 适合于这种生活 /情况 /条件;The changes did not suit his plans.这些变动不符合他的计划。
3.C 机器能为我们传递信息这个设想不难相信(接受)。
A)admit (sth / to doing sth) (不情愿的)承认、供认;admit a mistake/ guilt 承认错误/ 有罪;He admitted having stolen the car.他供认偷了那辆汽车。
B)receive 收到(指通过邮政等收到某物,但不表明是否接受);接见,接待;receive a letter/ present/ plan 收(接)到一封信/ 礼物/ 计划;receive insults/ thanks/ congratulations 受到侮辱/ 感谢/ 祝贺;She received a gift from him, but did not accept. 她收到了他的礼物,但没有接受。
C)accept 接受(礼物、邀请、建议、道歉等),同意;accept a gift/ invitation/ a piece of advice/ apology 接受礼物/ 邀请/ 建议/ 道歉;The new theory became widely accepted.这个新理论已被广泛接受。
D)convince (of) (通过摆事实,讲道理)使人相信一个事实;His words convinced me of his innocence. 他的话使我相信他是无罪的。
4.B 我的相机可以调节,无论在阴天或晴天都能拍照 . A)treat 对待,看待,医治,款待;The police are treating his death as a case of murder.警方把他的死看做一起谋杀案。
B)adjust 校正、调节、改变以适应;Some animals adjust themselves to their new environment by instinct.有些动物会本能地适应它们的新环境。The brakes need adjusting.制动器需要调节。
C)adopt 采纳,接受,收养;adopt a name/ custom采纳命名/风俗;an adopted son养子;Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan (as their son)。他们因为没有亲生儿女,所以决定领养一个孤儿(为儿子)。
D)remedy 纠正,补救,治疗;remedy a fault (mistake)/ loss 纠正错误/ 弥补损失;The situation could not be remedied.情况无法挽救。
5.D 要记住在该市顾客是不讨价还价的。
A)debate 辩论,争论;debate about / on a question 辩论/争论一个问题;They debated whether the new highway should be built or not.他们对这条新公路要不要修建展开争论。
B)consult 请教于,查阅,商量;consult with sb 与商量;consult ones doctor / lawyer向大夫律师/ 咨询。He consulted a doctor about his health. 他向大夫咨询过他的健康问题。
C)dispute 争论,争吵;They disputed at great length (about) where to spend their winter holidays.他们就到哪儿度寒假争论了好长时间。
D)bargain (with sb about/ over / for sth) 讨价还价;(就价格)洽谈,谈判;We bar gained with the farmer for a supply of mild and butter.我们与牧场主洽谈供应牛奶与黄油问题。
5月2日四级真题词汇动词第二期1. Im very sorry to have _____ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A)interfered B)offended C)impressed D)bothered
D 在这种场合下,还有那么多的问题打扰你,我真抱歉。on occasion在场合A)interfere (with sb / ones plan / duty)妨碍,打扰(人/ 计划/ 职责)
B)offend 冒犯,违反,使厌恶;She was offended at / by my words.她被我的话激怒了。
C)impress 给极深的印象,使铭记,(压)印;I was very impressed by / with his performance.我对他的表演印象很深。
D)bother (sb.) (不停地)打扰,麻烦,使不安,费神;The boy keeps bothering his father with questions.这孩子不断提出问题打扰他的父亲。
2.Our company decided to _____ the contract because a number of the conditions in it had not been met. A)destroy B)resist C)assume D)cancel
2.D 本公司决定取消该合同,因为其中有许多条款未曾履行。
A)destroy (剧烈的)破坏,摧毁,彻底消灭;destroy a house / city / the evidence / sbs hope / career / reputation 摧毁房屋/ 城市/ 证据/ 某人的希望/ 事业/ 名望;Fire destroyed several stores in the business district.大火毁坏了这个商业区的几家店铺。
B)resist 抵抗,忍住;resist an enemy / attack 抵抗敌人/ 进攻;resist heat / damp /temptation 耐热/ 耐潮/ 经的起诱惑;I cannot resist making a joke.我忍不住讲了个笑话。
C) assume假定,承担,就职,装作;assume ignorance 装作不知情;In English law, an accused man is assumed innocent until he is proved guilty. 按英国法律,被告在被证明有罪之前,应假设是无辜的。
D)cancel 取消,撤销,删去,划掉;I have cancelled all other appointments.我已把其他约会都取消了。That sentence should be cancelled.那个句子必须删去。
3. The newest satellites can _____ a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV program at the same time. A)carry B)extend C)bring D)take
3.A 最新的人造卫星能同时传送1千门电话和一个彩色电视节目。
A)carry 运送,传送,携带;The wind carried the sound. 风传送声音。Many serious diseases are carried by insects.许多严重疾病都是昆虫传播的。
B)extend延伸,扩展,提供;extend ones hand / ones business 伸出手 / 扩大营业;The garden extends as far as the river. 花园延伸到河边。
C)bring 带来;bring about reforms / a war / sbs ruin 带来 / 引起 / 导致改革 / 战争 / 毁灭;The politicians dont seem to have brought any miraculous changes about. 政治家们似乎还没有产生奇迹般地变化。
D)take 拿,取,带,花费;He has taken his shoes to the shop to be repaired.他把鞋子送到店里去修理。
4.This hotel _____ $60 for a single room with bath. A)claims B)demands C)prices D)charges
4.D 带浴室的单人房,这个旅馆要价60美圆。
A)claim 声称,断言,索取,索赔;He repeatedly claimed to be right.他反复声称自己正确。 He claimed on the insurance after the car accident. 车祸后他向保险公司索赔了。
B)demand 要求,需要,询问;demand an immediate answer 需要立即答复;He demands that he (should) be told everything. 他要求将一切告诉他。注意:demand引出的从句要用虚拟语气(should)+v. C)price 定价;These goods are priced too high.这些货物定价太高。
D)charge 索价,控告;charge him with theft 控告他偷窃;charge for 索价;The prices charged for food and a bed at hostels are low.寄宿旅社的食宿要价低。
5. In Britain people ____ four million tons of potatoes every year. A)swallow B)dispose C)consume D)exhaust
5.C 英国土豆消耗量为每年100万吨。本题主要区分C,D两项,它们均表示use sth up (用尽),但其后跟的宾语不同,consume还表示吃,喝。
A)swallow 吞,轻信,承受,用尽;swallow ones food / pills 吞食/ 咽下药;swallow ones words 承认说错了话;swallow up ones earnings 耗尽挣来的钱;The ship was swallowed up by waves.船被大浪吞没。
B)dispose (of) 处理掉,处置(相当于 get rid of ); dispose of household waste 处理掉家庭垃圾;Also, there is a problem in disposing of the radioactive wastes in a way that will not endanger the environment. 此外,还有一个问题是如何处理放射性废料使之不危害环境。
C)consume 消费,消耗,耗尽;consume resources / time 耗尽资源/ 时间;The old car consumed much gasoline. 那辆旧车耗油很多。
D)exhaust 用光,是精疲力尽,排出(气体)Im completely exhausted.我已经筋疲力尽了。
5月3日四级真题词汇动词第三期1. In most of the U.S., the morning newspaper is ___ by school age children. A)directed B)discharged C)derived D)delivered
D 美国大部分地区,晨报是由学生送的。
A)direct 对准,针对,管理,指示,导演;direct traffic / a movie 指挥交通/到演电影;This warning is directed at you.这个警告是针对你的。
B)discharge释放,解雇,排放,放出,卸货;be discharged from the army从部队退役;He was discharged for dishonesty.他因不诚实而被解雇。
C)derive (from) 得到,派生出,起源于;derive knowledge from practice 从实践中得到知识;The word is derived from French.此词派生于法语。
D)deliver 投递,发表,接生;deliver mails / messages 投递邮件/ 送信息;deliver speaches/ lectures 演讲/讲课;Shall we deliver the goods to your house?要我们把货送上门吗?
2. American women were _____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard straggle. A)ignored B)neglected C)refused D)denied
2.D 经过多年的艰苦奋斗,美国妇女直到1920年才被给予选举权。
A)ignore 置之不理,不顾,忽视;They ignored our warning. 他们对我们的警告置若罔闻。
B)neglect 忽视,疏忽;neglect ones studies / duties / children 忽视自己的学习/职责/孩子;Dont neglect to lock the door when you leave.你离开时,别忘了锁门。
C)refuse 拒绝,不接受;refuse ones help 拒绝帮助;refuse a gift / an offer / an invitation 拒收礼物/拒绝帮助/拒不接受邀请;He refused to make self-criticism. 他拒不做自我批评。
D)deny否认,拒绝给予;deny a statement/ an accusation 否认一个说法/ 指责;He was denied admittance to the theatre for not being properly dressed.他因穿着不当而被拒之剧场门外。
3. There were beautiful clothes ____ in the shop windows. A)spread B)displayed C)exposed D)located
3.B 商店橱窗里陈列着各种漂亮衣服。
A)spread 展开,伸开,散步,涂,敷;spread out ones arms / wings 张开双臂/ 展开双翅;spread news / disease 散布消息/ 传播疾病;spread butter on bread 在面包上涂黄油;The strike has already spread to other factories.罢工已扩展到其他工厂。
B)display 陈列,展览,显示,表现;display goods/ flowers 展示商品/ 花卉;display ones anger / wealth 表现愤怒/ 财富;The students compositions were displayed on the wall. 学生的作文展示在墙上。
C)expose (to) 暴露,揭露,曝光,使处于作用下;expose a plot / crime/ fraud 揭露阴谋/ 罪行/ 骗局;Do not expose it to light. 谨防它暴露在光中。
D)locate 坐落于,探明,找出;locate the presence of minerals 探明矿物;The office is located in a business center.办事处位于商业中心。
4. However, at times this balance in nature is ____ , resulting in a number of possibly unforeseen effects. A)troubled B)disturbed C)confused D)puzzled
4.B 然而,自然界中这种平衡有时会被打破,从而可能会产生许多不可预计的后果。本题A)与B)近义,C)与D)近义。
A)trouble 麻烦,费神,使苦恼;be troubled by illness / doubt 因疾病/ 疑虑而苦恼;Might I trouble you to give me a lift to the station? 劳驾让我搭你的车去车站好吗?
B)disturb 扰乱,使不安;She has disturbed all my plans for going abroad.她打乱了我出国的全盘计划。
C)confuse 使困惑,混乱,混淆;They confused me by asking so many question.他们提了一大堆问题,把我弄糊涂了。Dont confuse Austria with Australia.别把奥地利与澳大利亚弄混了。
D)puzzle(使)迷惑,为难;(over) (使)苦思,puzzle over a problem苦苦思索某个问题;The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.美元的突然贬值,使经济学家大惑不解。
5. Before he left for his vacation he went to the bank to _____ some money. A)pull B)pick C)gain D)draw
5.D 他在出去度假之前,去银行取了些钱。只有D)项可与money 构成词组;draw some money (在银行)取钱。
A)pull 拔出,移动,拉;pull the curtains 拉上窗帘;How many coaches can that locomotive pull?那台机车能拉多少节车厢?
B)pick 采摘,挑选;pick and choose 挑挑拣拣;pick ones words 斟酌词句(一面得罪人);At last we picked the coolest room among these available.最后我们从那些可供使用的房间中选了一间最凉爽的。
C)gain 获得,增加,受益;He quickly gained experience. 他很快就有经验了。Only after ten years in the country did she gain her citizenship.她在这个国家住了十年后才取得了公民身份。(常与in连用)获益,增加;He gained weight after his illness. 病后他的体重增加了。
D)draw 领取,画,拖,拉,拔出,引起,推断;draw a conclusion 得出结论;Can I draw $50 from my account?我可以从我的银行账号上提取50美元吗?
5月4日四级真题词汇动词第四期1. This birds large wings _____ it to fly very fast. A)make B)enable C)ensure D)cause
B 这只鸟的大翅膀使它能快速飞翔。按结构,本题只有B),D)两项可引起不定式短语。
A)make sb. v. 时做某事;Her jokes made us all laugh. 她的笑话把我们全都逗乐了。
B)enable to v. 使能够干某事;A rabbits large ears enable it to hear the slightest sound. 兔子耳朵大,使它能听到极微小的声音。
C)ensure 保证,担保,确保;ensure success/ safety 确保成功/ 安全;ensure sb against danger 保护某人免受危险;Please ensure that all the lights are switched off at night. 夜间务请把所有的灯关掉。
D)cause to v. 使干某事;A loud noise caused me to jump. 一声巨响使我跳了起来。
2. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is ____ . A)granted B)exaggerated C)implied D)remedied
2.B 许多播音员坚持认为电视受到了不公正的评论,该媒体的力量被夸大了。
A)grant 授予,准予;grant licenses 发给许可证;take for granted 使为当然属实;The government will grant them permission for oil exploration.政府将允许他们探测石油。
B)exaggerate 夸大,夸张;exaggerate a fact 夸大事实;The thing is much exaggerated.此事被大肆夸张了。
C)imply 暗示,含有的意思;Silence often implies consent.沉默往往意味着同意。
D)remedy 补救,纠正,医治;Technicians tried to find and remedy faults.技术人员们试图找出毛病并加以补救。
3. Operations which left patients ____ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A)exhausted B)abandoned C)injured D)deserted
3.A 原先,手术使病人精疲力尽,需要长时间的恢复,现在使他们感到放松,舒坦。
A)exhaust 是筋疲力尽,用尽,耗尽;exhaust ones strength 耗尽力气;They felt quite exhausted when they got to the mountain top.他们登到山顶时已筋疲力尽。
B)abandon 放弃,遗弃,丢弃;abandon a person / a thing 放弃/ 遗弃/ 抛弃某人/ 物;The dark side of the internal combustion doesnt mean we should abandon cars and trucks. 内燃机的缺点并不意味着我们应该放弃小汽车和载重汽车。
C)injure (因事故或意外)受伤;伤害,危害(感情,声誉等);There were two people injured in the car accident. 有两个人在车祸中受了伤。 She was injured badly in an accident during the work.她在一次工伤事故中受了重伤。
D)desert 遗弃;抛弃;舍弃 ,背弃;离弃;The fort had been hurriedly deserted. 这堡垒被仓促地放弃了。
4. If you do not fasten your safety belt, your chances of being _____ will be greater. A)beaten B)hurt C)damaged D)stricken
4.B 假如不系好安全带,受伤的可能性会很大。
A)beat (连续地)打,击,敲,打败,难倒,(心)跳;beat the drum 击鼓;He beat me (at chess)。 他(下期)赢了我。(此句中不能用win,win的宾语不能是人,而是game, match等)
B)hurt 受伤,伤害;He was hurt in a traffic accident. 他在交通事故中受伤。Their criticisms have hurt him deeply. 他们的批评使他深受伤害。
C)damage (部分地)损坏,毁坏;His heart is slightly damaged as the result of long smoking. 长期吸烟损害了她的心脏。
D)strike 打,击,敲(钟);使突然想到,侵袭,罢工;It struck me that nobody is in favour of the changes. 我感到谁也不赞成这些改革。The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. 该地区突然爆发了霍乱。
5. If you want to know the train schedule, please ____ at the booking office. A)acquire B)inquire C)request D)require
5.B 要想知道火车时刻的话,该去售票处问询。
A)acquire 取得,学到;acquire knowledge 获得知识;The habit of smoking is easily acquired but broken up with difficulty. 抽烟的习惯染上容易,解除难。
B)inquire 询问,打听;inquire of sb about sth.向打听;inquire for sb 要求会见某人;inquire into sth 调查,了解某事;If you lose your way, inquire at a service station.如果你迷了路,可去服务站问路。
C)request (sth from / of sb) (以口头或书面形式客气,热切地)向请求;request sbs presence 请某人出席;We request the pleasure of your company of dinner. 敬请光临我们的宴会。
D)require (of sb) 需要,要求;Ill do all that the Party and the people require of me.党和人民所要求的我一定做到。
5月5日四级真题词汇动词第五期1. Putting in a new window will _____ cutting away part of the roof. A)contain B)comprise C)include D)involve
D 安装新窗户需要铲去部分屋顶。本题4词近义。本题需填需要,涉及含义的词。
A)contain (某容器,物质内)饱含,容纳;抑制; Whiskey contains a large percentage of alcohol. 威士忌含酒精的百分比很高。
B)comprise 包括,包含(全体组成部分),(由)组成;North American comprises the United States, Canada and Mexico. 北美包括美国,加拿大和墨西哥。A cricket team is comprised of 11 players. 板球队由11名球员组成。
C)include 包括,包含(整体中包括部分);The United States includes Alaska and Hawaii. 美国包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷。
D)involve 需要,牵扯,使卷入;involve sb in 使陷入,卷入;This lesson involves a lot of work. 这一课需要做的工作有很多。
2. Throughout his life, Henry Moore ____ an interest in encouraging art in the city of Leeds. A)contained B)secured C)reserved D)maintained
2.D 亨利摩尔对鼓励利兹市的艺术发展的兴趣终生不渝。本题指保持兴趣,D)项maintain 可与interest 搭配。
A)contain 包含,容纳;Sea water contains salt. 海水含有演。
B)reserve 保留,预定;reserve tickets 预订票;These seats are reserved for special guests.这些座位是留给贵宾的。
C)secure 得到,使安全,使牢固;secure the doors and windows关好门窗;You cannot secure yourself against all risks and dangers.你不可能使自己避免一切危险。
D)maintain 维持,保持;维修,保养,供养;maintain public order 维持社会秩序;maintain a family 养家;maintain friendly relations 保持友好关系;REM sleep helps maintain the ability to respond.眼球快速运动睡眠有助于维持大脑反应能力。
3. When we finally _____ to get home after the tiring long journey, we could hardly move a step farther. A)tried B)succeeded C)managed D)endeavored
3.C 经过长途劳累的旅行后,我们终于回到家,再也迈不动脚步了。本题中A),B),D)三项均可与不定时搭配,C)项与in 搭配。
A)try 试图努力,试验,审讯,考验;try to do sth 尽力,努力做;try (doing) sth 尝试(做)某事;I tried hard not to laugh. 我极力忍住不笑。She tried washing her hair with a new shampoo. 她试用新洗发剂洗发。
B)succeed 成功,继承;succeed in every thing 事事成功;Who succeeded Churchill (as Prime Minister)? 谁接任丘吉尔(任首相)?
C)manage 管理,经营,照顾;manage to vt. 设法做到某事;In space of these insult she managed not to get angry.尽管受到这些侮辱,她还是设法压住了怒火。
D)endeavor (for / after)尽力,力图(正是用法);They endeavored to make her happy but in vain. 他们尽力使她快乐,但却全然徒劳。
4. Cambridge had announced plans to establish a business school ______ the masters degree in business administration. A)representing B)presenting C)offering D)supplying
4. C 剑桥大学已经宣布计划,要建立一所能提供工商管理硕士学位的商学院。
A)represent 代表,表示,表现,象征;The rose represents England. 玫瑰花是英格兰的象征。
B)present 提出,提供;The committee is presenting its investigation report next week.委员会将于下星期提出调查报告。The baker presented his bill. 面包师呈上帐单。
C)offer 提供,风险;offer help 提供帮助;I must offer them an apology for not going to attend their get-gathering.我没有去出席他们的聚会,必须向他们示歉意。He offered me 300 dollars for that television. 他出300美元向我买那部电视机。
D)supply (with) 供应,供给;This shop supplies us with all kinds of electrical appliances. 该店为我们提供各类家电商品。
5. New York ____ second in the production of apples, producing 850,000,000 pounds this year. A)ranked B)occupied C)arranged D)classified
5.A 纽约的苹果产量居第二位,今年的产量为8亿5钱镑。
A)rank 分类,分级;列入(行列);rank second 仅次于;rank second to none 不亚于任何人;This town ranks high among beauty spots. 这城市在风景区中享有盛名。
B)occupy 占领,占用,使忙碌;occupy a house /seat 占用住房/座位;be occupied in doing sth忙于做某事。
C)arrange 安排,整理,排列;arrange a program 安排节目;Ive arranged for a car to meet you at the airport. 我已安排了一辆汽车到机场去接你。
D)classify 把分类,分级;classify by age 按性别分类;classify into 3 categories 把分成3大类;Would you classify his novels as serious literature or as mere entertainment?你认为它的小说属于文学类呢?还是通俗读物类?
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