31. crash碰撞 坠毁 破裂声
Cars will be automatically controlled by a computer, all the driver will have to do is say where to go and the computer will do the rest. It will become possible for cars to crash into one another.
Did you hear about the air crash that occurred in southern American recently? It was quite a tragic accident.
No, I didnt see anything in the news about it, what happened?
32. create创造 创作
To be successful in the job interview, you should demonstrate certain personal and professional qualities, you need to create a good image in the limited time available.
33. creative创造的 有创造力的
Many people join in community theatres, because they want to perform or
to be creative.
34. credit 信贷 学分
Professor Smith, I really need the credits to graduate this summer.
Here in this school, the credits are earned not given.
35. crew全体机组人员 一队工作人员
Is the resuce crew still looking for survivors of the plane scrash?
Yes, they have been searching the area for hours, but they havent found anybody else. They will keep searching until night falls.
36. criminal罪犯 犯人 刑事犯
Cotton Ville is a new prison, specially designed for women criminals in Scotland
37. critical关键性的 批评的
Cosumes of medically related services have evidently not been affected
enough yet, to demand changes in our medical system. But if trends
continue as predicted, they will find that most critical hospital care will
be provided by new, inexperienced,and sometime inadequately trained
38. criticism批评 批判 指责 评论 评论文章
The modernity of literature is the sort of criticism, which embodies the
critiques both in the tradition and the modern civilization.
39. cupboard食橱 碗橱
Say your goal is to lose weight by dieting and cutting off sweets, but one
night you just have to have a cookie and you know theres a bag of your
favorites in the cupboard.
40. current当前的 流
Research has revealed that about 40 percent of the adult man and 55
percent of the adult women are dissatisfied with their current body
To be on the same wavelength 意气相投
Different types of ‘tissue’ 不同种类的“纸巾”
Under someone's thumb 受人控制
At sixes and sevens 乱七八糟
Pull your socks up 加把劲儿
Have your feet on the ground 脚踏实地
Spectacle, view, sight, vision, scene, scenery 几个词的区别
Infer vs conclude 两个易混词
Teenager, adolescent, kid and child 英语中“孩子”的几种说法
To have deep pockets 资金雄厚
Retailer, wholesaler, distributor, outlet 几个词的区别和用法
Shopping for ‘shoes’ 不同种类的“鞋”
Shade or shadow? “阴”和“影”的区别
Is breast cancer linked to night shifts? 乳腺癌与上夜班有关系吗?
Revise and review 的区别
So far 的用法
Pay through the nose for something 出高价,花大价钱
Double, treble, triple, quadruple 英语中表示倍数的单词
Parcel, sack, box 包裹类词语
Strapped for cash 手头紧
Football and soccer 两个词的区别
Armed to the teeth 全副武装
Have egg on your face 狼狈不堪
Work your socks off 拼命干活
Barrier, hurdle, impediment, hindrance 四个表示“障碍”单词的区别
Dictionary and other words 与“词典”相关的近义词
Improving your vocabulary 增加词汇量
Emperor/empress 和 king/queen 的区别
Tasmanian devil milk fights superbugs 袋獾乳汁可对抗“超级细菌”
A nest egg 储备金
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