Part III Listening Comprehension (30minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 shortconversations and 2 long conversations.At the endof each conversation,one or more questions will beasked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken onlyonce.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause,you must read the four choicesmarked A),B),C)and D),and decide which is the best answer,Then mark the corresponding letteron Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
A)Children should be taught to be more careful.
B)Children shouldnt drink so much orange juice.
C) There is no need for the man to make such a fuss.
D) Timmy should learn to do things in the right way.
A) Fitness training.
B) The newjob offer.
C)Computer programming.
D)Directorship of the club.
A) Heneeds to buy a new sweater.
B) He hasgot to save on fuel bills.
C) The fuel price has skyrocketed.
D) The heating system doesnt work.
A)Committing theft.
B) Taking pictures.
C) Window shopping.
D) Posing for the camera.
A) She is taking some medicine.
B) She has not seen a doctor yet.
C) She does not trust the mans advice.
D) She has almost recovered from the cough.
A) Pamelas report is not finished as scheduled.
B) Pamela has a habit of doing things in a hurry.
C) Pamela is not good at writing research papers.
D)Pamelas mistakes could have been avoided.
A) In theleft-luggage office.
B) At thehotel reception.
C) In ahotel room.
D) At anairport.
A) She was an excellent student at college.
B) She works in the entertainment business.
C) She is fond of telling stories in her speech.
D) She is good at conveying her message.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A)Arranging the womans appointment with Mr. Romero.
B) Fixing the time for the designers latest fashion show.
C) Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday.
D)Preparing for the filming on Monday morning.
A) Hertravel to Japan.
B) The awards ceremony.
C) The proper hairstyle for her new role.
D) When to start the makeup session.
A) He is Mr. Romeros agent.
B) He is an entertainment journalist.
C) He is the womans assistant.
D) He is a famous movie star.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A) Make an appointment for an interview.
B) Send in an application letter.
C) Fill in an application form.
D) Make abrief self-introduction on the phone.
A) Someone having a college degree in advertising.
B) Someone experienced in business management.
C) Someone ready to take on more responsibilities.
D) Someone willing to work beyond regular hours.
A) Travel opportunities.
B)Handsome pay.
C)Prospects for promotion.
D)Flexible working hours.
A) It depends on the working hours.
B) It is about 500 pounds a week.
C) It will be set by the Human Resources.
D) It is to be negotiated.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 shortpassages. At the end of each passage, you will hearsome questions. Both the passage and thequestions will be spoken only once. After you hear aquestion, you must choose the best answer fromthe four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on AnswerSheet 1 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Questions26 to 29 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
A) To givecustomers a wider range of choices.
B) To makeshoppers see as many items as possible.
C) Tosupply as many varieties of goods as it can.
D) To savespace for more profitable products.
A) On thetop shelves.
B) On thebottom shelves.
C) Oneasily accessible shelves.
D) Onclearly marked shelves.
A) Many ofthem buy things on impulse.
B) A fewof them are fathers with babies.
C) Amajority of them are young couples.
D) Over60% of them make shopping lists.
A) Salesassistants promoting high margin goods.
B) Salesassistants following customers around.
C)Customers competing for good bargains.
D)Customers losing all sense of time.
Passage Two
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A)Teaching mathematics at a school.
B) Doingresearch in an institute.
C)Studying for a college degree.
D) Workingin a hi-tech company.
A) Hestudied the designs of various clocks.
B) He didexperiments on different materials.
C) Hebought an alarm clock with a pig face.
D) Heasked different people for their opinions.
A) Itsautomatic mechanism.
B) Itsmanufacturing process.
C) Its wayof waking people up.
D) Itsfunny-looking pig face.
Passage Three
Questions33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
A) It isoften caused by a change of circumstances.
B) Itactually doesnt require any special treatment.
C) Itusually appears all of a sudden.
D) Itgenerally lasts for several years.
A) Theycannot mix well with others.
B) Theyirrationally annoy their friends.
C) Theydepend heavily on family members.
D) Theyblame others for ignoring their needs.
A) Theylack consistent support from peers.
B) Theydoubt their own popularity.
C) Theywere born psychologically weak.
D) They focus too much on themselves.
Section C
Directions: In this section, you will hear apassage three times. When the passage is read forthe first time,you should listen carefully for itsgeneral idea.When the passage is read for thesecond time,you are required to fill in the blankswith the exact words you have just heard. Finally,when the passage is read for the thirdtime,you should check what you have written.
There wasa time when any personal information that was gathered about us was typed onapiece of paper and (36) ______ away in a file cabinet. It could remain therefor years and,often (37) ______, never reach the outside world.
Thingshave done a complete about-face since then. (38) ______ for the change hasbeenthe astonishingly (39) ______ development in recent years of the computer.Today, anydata that is (40) ______ about us in one place or another- and forone reason or another - canbe stored in a computer bank. It can then be easilypassed to other computer banks. They areowned by (41) ______ and by privatebusinesses and corporations, lending (42) ______, directmailing andtelemarketing firms, credit bureaus, credit card companies, and government(43)______ at the local, state, and federal level.
A growingnumber of Americans are seeing the accumulation and distributionofcomputerized data as a frightening invasion of their privacy. (44)____________________as the computer becomes increasingly efficient, easier tooperate, and less costly to purchaseand maintain. In 1970, a national surveyshowed that (45) ____________________. Sevenyears later, 47 percent expressedthe same worry. (46) ______________________.
11. C 12.A 13. B 14. A 15. B 16. D 17. C 18. D
19. A 20.B 21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. D
26. B 27.C 28. A 29. D 30. C 31. D 32. C
33. A 34.A 35. B
36. locked
39. swift
44.Surveys show that the number of worried Americans has been steadily growingover theyears
45. 37percent of the people Questioned felt their privacy was being invaded
46. Arecent survey by a credit bureau revealed that the number of alarmed citizenshadsoared up to 76 percent
M: I dont know what to do with Timmy.Thismorning I found orange juice spilled all over thekitchen floor.
W: Dont be so hard on him. Hes only four.
Q: What does the woman mean?
W: Excuse me, sir. I would like to knowabout the fitness training program in your club.
M: Ill have you speak with the director incharge of new accounts.
Q: What is the woman interested in?
W: Its really cold in this apartment. Canwe turn up the heat a little bit?
M: Sorry. Ive run out of money and canhardly pay the fuel bill.
Maybe youd better put on a sweater.
Q: What does the man mean?
M: Im sorry, Miss. But you have to comewith me to the security office. The video camerasin our shop have recordedeverything you did.
W: No. No. I... I didnt do anything.Illcall the police if you dare insult me.
Q: What does the man think the woman wasdoing?
M: I think you ought to see a doctor rightaway about that cough.
W: Well, Ill wait a few more days. Imsure Ill get over it soon.
Q: What do we learn about the woman?
M: Ive heard that Pamela made quite a fewmistakes in her lab report.
W: Well, she wouldnt have if she hadntbeen in such a hurry to get it done.
Q: What does the woman imply?
M: Wed better check out before 12 oclock,Mary. And now there are only 30 minutes left.
W: Lets hurry up. You go pay the bill andIll call the reception to have our luggage takendownstairs.
Q: Where did this conversation most probablytake place?
W: Have you ever heard this speaker before?
M: Yeah. Shes excellent. She gets herpoint across and is entertaining at the same time.
Q: What does the man say about the speaker?
Conversation One
M: What should I do about Mr. Romero?Remember? He said it was important and couldnt wait. I think he may want youfor that new movie hes directing.
W: Thats absolutely correct. Now, we haveto fit him in somewhere. Mmm, what does Monday morning look like?
M: That doesnt look so good. You have a make-upsession starting at 6:00. Then filming starts at 8:00 and thats going to takethe whole morning.
W: Well, whats after that?
M: You have lunch with your agent todiscuss the awards ceremony and you ought to meet him at one oclock at therestaurant.
W: Oh, terrific. Listen, I cannot missthat. But I still have to make time for Mr. Romero.
M: Well, now, dont forget youve got athree-oclock appointment with your fashion designer.
W: Thats right. You know hes showing thelatest fashions from Japan? You know that loose-fitting look? Those clothes areon show in this year.
M: At 4:30, you have an appointment withyour hairdresser. Then at 7:00, you have dinner with a journalist. Nowremember, be nice to that guy.
W: Do I have to? That wont be easy andits likely to run late. How does Tuesday look?
M: Well, you have to spend the wholemorning at the photographers. They are taking photos to publicize your newmovie.
W: What about the afternoon? Am I freethen?
M: Let me see...Yes, you are free after3:30.
W: Then you can set up a meeting with Mr.Romero at 4:00.
M: OK. Ill get on it right away.
Questions 19 to 21 are based on theconversation you have just heard.
19. What are the speakers doing?
20. What is the woman going to discuss withher agent over lunch on Monday?
21.What do we learn from the conversation about the man?
Conversation Two
M: Im phoning up about this job youadvertise in this paper. This...er...young sales manager?
W: Oh, yes.
M: Id like to apply for it. Would you sendme an application form?
W: No. You simply send in a writtenapplication, a letter.
M: Can you tell me a bit more about thejob?
W: Well, we are really looking for someone whoisnt too concerned about working fairly long hours.
M: What do you mean by long hours?
W: This is a job which does, as theadvertisement says, have travel possibilities, and very often, one would beaway at weekends, for instance.
M: Oh, I thought you meant working in theevenings and working overtime.
W: Well, it could also mean working in theevenings. But for a managerial post, Im afraid we dont pay overtime. Mmm...thatsfor other grades.
M: Oh. What kind of money are you payingthen?
W: Well, this is to be negotiated. Oh, itdepends partly on your experience and education. Perhaps you can tell me brieflywhat that is?
M: Ive just left school and got A level ingeography.
W: Oh, I see.
M: And its the travel that appeals to me. Thatswhy Im inquiring about the job.
W: Yes, I see. What sort of salary were youthinking in terms of?
M: Starting off, I thought it would besomething like £500 a week?
W: Well, send in a written application andthen well consider your case along with all the other applicants.
M: Alright. Many thanks. Goodbye.
W: Bye.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on theconversation you have just heard.
22. What does the woman say an applicant shoulddo first to apply for the job?
23. What kind of a person is the companylooking for?
24. What does the man like most about thejob?
25. What does the woman say about thesalary if the man is accepted by the company?
Passage 1
A typical large supermarket offers around17 000to 20 000 items for sale and it wants to make surethat its customers seeas many of them as possible.Thats why youll only find essential goods likebread, vegetables and meat in completelydifferent parts of the store.
Products with a high profit margin are alwaysplaced on shelves within easy reach of thecustomer, while lower margin itemslike sugar or flower are on the top or bottom shelves. Manypeople makeshopping lists before they visit supermarkets. But even so, around 60% ofallsupermarket purchases are the result of decisions that are taken in the store. Forthis reason,supermarkets try to attract their customers by placing certainkinds of products next to eachother.
In the UK, beer will often be found next toitems for babies because research shows thatfathers of babies buy them ontheir way home from work and will buy beer at the same time.Research has alsoshown that this kind of impulse buy happens more frequently when nosalesassistants are nearby. Supermarkets have made selling such a fine art thattheir customersoften lose all sense of time. When interviewed, customersnormally guess theyve only spent halfan hour in the supermarket even whenthey have been there for over 45 minutes. But thatshouldnt be too surprising.Any witty profitable supermarket knows that it should keep itsclocks wellhidden.
Questions 26 to 29 are based on the passageyou have just heard.
26. Why are essential goods displayed intotally different parts of the supermarket?
27. Where are goods with a high profitmargin usually found?
28. What does the speaker say aboutsupermarket goers?
29. What shouldnt be too surprisingaccording to the speaker?
Passage 2
When Matty Sallin was working on a degreein arts and technology at university, he got aninteresting assignment inelectronics class: create something for the household. He decided tocreate analarm clock. Everybody has to use an alarm clock of some kind every day, anditsextremely unpleasant! he says. He asked different people what theyd liketo wake up toinstead of a noisy alarm. A lot of them said, the smell ofbacon. So Sallin invented a new kindof alarm clock: a wooden box with a pigface and a digital clock that uses the smell of cookingbacon rather than soundto wake someone up.
He explains, Theres no danger of burning,because I built it carefully. It uses light bulbsinstead of a flame forcooking and turns off automatically after ten minutes. Just a few easysteps arerequired to set the alarm. What you do is put in a couple of frozen stripsthe nightbefore, says Sallin. Bacon is preserved, so there is no danger ofits spoiling overnight. If youset the alarm for 8:00, it will turn on at 7:50and slow cook for ten minutes under the bulbs,he says. Then the bulbs turnoff and a fan blows the smell out through the nose of the pig. Soinstead of analarm, you smell yourself awake, says Sallin. Then you can open the door ontheside and pull the bacon out and eat it.
Questions 30 to 32 are based on the passageyou have just heard.
30. What was Matty Sallin doing when hecreated an alarm clock?
31. What did Matty Sallin do before makingthe new type of alarm clock?
32. What makes the newly invented alarmclock so unique?
Passage 3
Most people feel lonely sometimes, but itusually only lasts between a few minutes and a fewhours. For some people,though, loneliness can last for years. Psychologists are studying thiscomplexphenomenon and have identified three different types of loneliness.
The first kind of loneliness is temporary. Itusually disappears quickly and does not requireany special attention. Thesecond kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of aparticularsituation, for example, a divorce or moving to a new place.
Although this kind of loneliness can causephysical problems, it usually does not last formore than a year. Unlike thesecond type, the third kind of loneliness usually lasts more thantwo years andhas no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness haveproblemssocializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many of them thinkthere islittle or nothing they can do about it. Psychologists agree that oneimportant factor in lonelinessis a persons social contacts, for example,friends, family members, etc. We depend on variouspeople for differentreasons. For instance, our families give us emotional support and ourfriendsshare similar interests and activities. However, psychologists have found thatthe numberof social contacts we have is not the only reason for loneliness. Itis more important how manysocial contacts we think or expect we should have. Inother words, though lonely people mayhave many social contacts, they sometimesfeel they should have more. They question theirown popularity.
Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passageyou have just heard.
33. What does the speaker say aboutsituational loneliness?
34. What problem will people have if theyexperience habitual loneliness?
35.Why do some people suffer loneliness according to psychologists?
There was a time when any personalinformation that was gathered about us was typed on apiece of paper and lockedaway in a file cabinet. It could remain there for years and, oftenforgotten,never reach the outside world.
Things have done a complete about-facesince then. Responsible for the change has beenthe astonishingly swiftdevelopment in recent years of the computer. Today, any data that iscollectedabout us in one place or anotherand for one reason or anothercan be stored inacomputer bank.
It can then be easily passed to othercomputer banks. They are owned by individuals and byprivate businesses andcorporations, lending institutions, direct mailing and telemarketing firms,creditbureaus, credit card companies, and government agencies at the local, state,and federallevel.
Agrowing number of Americans are seeing the accumulation and distributionofcomputerized data as a frightening invasion of their privacy. Surveys show thatthe numberof worried Americans has been steadily growing over the years as thecomputer becomesincreasingly efficient, easier to operate, and less costly topurchase and maintain. In 1970, anational survey showed that 37 percent of thepeople questioned felt their privacy was beinginvaded. Seven years later, 47percent expressed the same worry. A recent survey by a creditbureau revealedthat the number of alarmed citizens had soared up to 76 percent.
19. B. He worked at the Brownstone Companyfor several years.
【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词working experience可定位至Can you tell me something aboutyour experience in this kind ofwork? 根据男士的回答可知,他曾在Brownstone Company工作了很多年。因此,正确答案为B。
20. D. He prefers a full-time job with moreresponsibility.
【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词leave his present job可定位至Tell me, why do you want to leaveyour present job? 根据男士的回答可知,他想要一份全职的工作。因此,正确答案为D。
21. A. Travel.
【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词interested in可定位至Could you please tell me about yourspecial skills and interests? 根据男士的回答可知,他喜欢旅游。因此,正确答案为A。
22. C. When he will be informed about hisapplication.
【解析】细节题。根据题干可定位至would you like to ask me any questions? 根据男士的回答可知,男士想知道的是何时通知面试结果。因此,正确答案为C。
23. B. She is pregnant.
【解析】推测题。根据对话前半段的提示信息,如what they say about pregnant women really istrue.及Father hastold all his business friends the good news about the baby. 可推测出,Lisa怀孕了。因此,正确答案为B。
24. A. He works as a sales manager.
【解析】细节题。根据女士说的Thats because we have a wonderful sales manager you. 可知,男士是一个salesmanager。因此,正确答案是A。
25. D. It is in urgent need of furtherdevelopment.
【解析】细节题。根据题干关键词his company可定位至最后一轮对话。根据男士所说的Our littlecompanys in danger. We are out ofdate. We need to expand.可知,公司需要扩张,furtherdevelopment是对expand的同义置换。因此,正确答案是D。
30.答案:A. The majority ofthem find it interesting.
【解析】细节题。文章开篇谈到根据调查,美国年轻人认为阅读很重要,并进一步强调比电脑和科学更重要。紧接着又摆出数据:Over 50% of the 12 to 18 years old interviewed say they enjoyreading alot. 79% find it stimulating and interesting. 超过50%的青少年很喜欢阅读。79%认为阅读很有促进作用、很有趣。因此,正确答案为A。
31.答案:B. Novels andstories.
【解析】细节题。文章中间部分谈到读各类书籍的人数比例时,提到Over 66% of teens like to readfiction, such as novels and stories.64% of students listed reading stories about people my ownage. Thats afavorite topic.超过66%的青少年喜欢读小说和故事。因此,正确答案为B。
32.答案:A. Listening tomusic.
【解析】细节题。文章最后部分谈到最难放弃的活动时,提到一句话When asked which activitywould be the mostdifficult to give up for a week, 48% said listening to music. TV wouldbedifficult to give up for 25% of those surveyed.48%认为一周不碰的活动最难舍弃的就是听音乐,25%认为是看电视。因此正确答案为A。
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