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高三英语课文理解 Unit 26 Grade 1

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1. This time he has more difficulty in getting through. 这次电话比较难打通。

  have difficulty in doing something有困难做某事: Some students have a lot of difficulty (in) doing math problems. 一些学生做数学题有很大困难。Do you have any difficulty in supporting such a large family? 你供养如此大的家庭有困难吗?

  2. Itll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen. 这将是世界上从未有过的最大的现场音乐会。

  句型the + 最高级 + 名词 + that 定语从句: This is the most wonderful film that I have ever seen. 这是我有史以来看过的最精彩的电影。注意从句中的时态:He is one of the best men (that) I have ever met. 他是我碰到的最好的人之一。

  1. He is ringing up some pop stars; he wants them to play in a concert. 他正在给一些流行歌星打电话,想请他们在一个音乐会上演出。play 在此处表示演奏、演唱。可是及物动词,也可是不及物动词。如:She played the pipa quite successfully. 她的琵琶弹得非常成功。She went on playing the music of Beethoven. 她继续弹奏贝多芬的曲子。词组 play with 表示玩, 如:Ask the children not to play with fire. Its very dangerous. 叫孩子们不要玩火,那非常危险。

  2. Itll be the biggest live concert the world has ever seen. 这将是全世界人从未看过的最大的现场音乐会。the world 指全世界的人。它作主语的时候, 谓语动词常用单数,很少用复数。如:The whole world is waiting for the results of the talks. 全世界的人都在等侯会谈结果。Its a simple fact; the whole world knows it. 这事很简单,全世界的人都知道。

  3. His greatest success has not been in singing but in organizing other singers to sing for him for free! 他的最大成功不在演唱,而在于组织其他的歌唱家为他演唱,而且是免费演唱。notbut 是一个连词词组,作不是..而是解释,连接两个并列的成分,表示意思上的转折。如:He is not English but American. 他不是英国人,而是美国人。They need not money but hi-tech. 他们需要的不是钱,而是高科技。The servant cant read and write in English, but can speak English fluently. 这个仆人不能读英语和写英语,但能流利地说英语。Not the students but the teacher is hoping to go there.不是学生,而是老师想去那儿。注意:not ...but 连接两个主语时,谓语动词要与紧靠它的主语在人称和数上一致。试比较:Not the teacher but the students are hoping to go there. 不是老师而是学生们想去那儿。

  4. He left school and worked first in a food factory and later as a worker building roads. 中学毕业后,他先在一家食品厂工作,后来当了一名筑路工人。work as 当: His father works as a truck driver. 他父亲当卡车司机。She worked as a nurse and had a large family to support. 他当护士,要养活一大家人。

  5. From 1979 to 1982 they were the top group in Britain, but in 1982 the group stopped playing together. 从1979年到1982年,他们的乐队是英国最好的乐队,但是1982 年这个乐队就停止在一起演出了。stop doing sth. 是从那时起停止做某事; stop to do sth.是停止正在做的事情而去做其他的事情。如:We all stopped talking! 我们都停止了讲话。She stopped to enjoy the view. 她停下来欣赏风景。

  6. If they managed to sell lots of copies, then the money from the record sales could be spent on food and other things for Africa. 假如他们设法销售大量的唱片,那么,销售唱片得来的钱就可以用来为非洲购买食品和其他物品了。manage是及物动词,后面多跟不定式作宾语 : manage to do sth 设法完成某件困难的事。如: Its heavy, but I can manage to carry it. 东西很重,不过我可以设法把它搬走。注意:manage to do sth.的意思和try to do sth.相似,但千万不要把他们弄混淆了:try to do sth.是设法去做,但不提及成功与否。而且去做的事情不一定都是困难的。manage to do sth. 有两层意思,第一是完成的事是困难的事情,第二设法去做的结果是完成了。如:He tried to pass the message to his boss, but he failed. 他设法将消息传给他的老板,但是没有传到。He managed to pass the message to his boss. 他设法把消息传给他的老板。

  7. Bob made sure that the record was played many times on the radio. 鲍勃努力通过无线电广播把这碟唱片播放了多次。make sure 弄肯定、设法做到: I will make sure that he arrives there safely. 我一定设法使他安全到达那儿。Please make sure that the facts are right. 请注意把事实弄清楚。

  8. He wanted to see for himself what the problems were. 他要亲自看看是什么问题。see for oneself 亲眼看看。如:If you dont believe its snowing, come here and see for yourself. 你要是不相信这儿在下雪,你来这儿亲眼看一看。see for oneself还能表达亲身体验之意。如:This is a very good method to lose weight. Try it and see for yourself.这是减肥的好方法,试试看,亲身体验一下吧。

  9. He soon realized that hunger was only one of the problems in the African countries which he visited. 他很快认识到饥饿仅仅是他所走访的非洲国家的问题之一。掌握realise/realize的用法:⑴认识到;了解: He realizes his mistake. 他认识到他的错误。She realized that he had been lying. 她明白了他一直在说谎。⑵实现: He realized his hopes. 他实现了自己的希望。

  10. He also persuaded other people to provide money or to give help. 他还说服其他人提供资金或给予帮助。persuade 说服、劝服。如:Do you think you can persuade me? 你以为你能说服我吗?persuade sb to do sth.说服某人去做某事,如:I persuaded my mother to let me join the army. 我说服妈妈让我参军。还可以说:persuade sb into doing sth. 英语中还有一个表示劝说、劝告的单词advice,两者的区别如下:persuade 强调劝告的效果已经达到;advice 不涉及劝说的效果,有可能劝而不服。如: I persuaded my friend to see a doctor. 我说服朋友去看医生。I advised my friend to see a doctor, but he refused. 我劝我的朋友去看医生,但他拒绝前去。注意persuade somebody to do something在做谓语的时候,一般表示劝说成功。

  11. By the end of the year, the total money collected had come to over 92 million dollars, all of which were sent to Africa. 到这年底,全部所得总计达到9200多万美元,所有这些钱都被寄往非洲。掌握total的用法:⑴adj. 全部的;完全的(通常作定语): The total number of tractors produced this month comes to 17,000. 本月生产的拖拉机总数打一万七千辆。 ⑵n. 总数: What does the total come to? 总数是多少?That will cost you $70.5 in total. 你总共要花70.5元。⑶v. 合计: Your debts totalled one thousands pounds. 你的债务总计1000英镑。

  12. live ,alive 和living 都是形容词,且具有共同的词义活着的,但用法不尽相同。三者的区别如下:live 在此作形容词,表示现场播出,读音作[laiv]。如:There will be a live TV broadcast of football match between China and US.


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