Unit 8 When is your birthday?
Ⅱ.Teaching Guidance
1.Language Function:Talk about dates.
2.Target language:When is your birthday?/y birthday is November 11th./
When is Sarahs birthday?/Sarahs birthday is January 21th./How old are you?/Im thirteen.
When questions. /Possessives./How old are you?(formulaic)
onths of the year./Ordinal numbers 1st- 31st./birthday party,speech,contest,school trip
5.Learning strategies:Role-playing./Self-evaluating.
6.The Course Extension:Art.aths.Social practice.
Ⅴ.Teaching Time:Six periods.
The First Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.nowledge Objects;onths of the year.When is your birthday?y birthday is October tenth.
2.Ability Objects:Listening skillmunicative Competence.
3.oral Object:Express concern at classmates.
Ⅱ.Teaching ey Point
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
When is your birthday?/y birthday is October tenth.
Ⅳ.Teaching ethods:Listening and talking methods.Pairwork.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:A tape recorde r.A large wall calender showing all twelve months.A projector.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Section A
Step Ⅰ Greet the class as usual.
Step Ⅱ 1a
Show the neords on the screen.Teach them and ask students to repeat.
when adv.什么时候,何时
birthday n.生日
month n.月份
January n.一月
February n.二月
arch n.三月
April n.四月
ay n.五月
June n.六月
July n.七月
August n.八月
September n.九月
O ctober n.十月
November n.十一月
December n.十二月
tenth num.第十
fourth num.第四
fifteenth num.第十五
Or point to the calender and teach them the neords.ake sure each student understands the meaning and can read them .
Step Ⅲ
Focus attention on the list of the twelve months of the year.Ask students to write them on Page 47 like this:JanuaryJan.FebruaryFeb.and so on.
Step Ⅳ
Pronunciation Note.Point out that the stress comes on the middle syllable in the words September,October,November and December
Step Ⅴ
T:Can all of you read the twelve months of the year?
T:Well.Now lets sing a song about the months.
You can sing following the tape recorder.
The song of months
Step Ⅵ 1b
Tell students well hear 3 conversations.Ask students to number the conversations.Point out the boxes where students will write in a number for each conversation.
Play the recording for the first time.Students only listen.Then for a second time.This time students can numberthe conversation.Check the answers with the whole class.
Answers (from left to right):1,2,3
Conversation 1:
A:When is your birthday,Vera?B:y birthday is October tenth.
Conversation 2:
A:When is your birthday,ary?B:y birthday is January fifteenth.
Conversation 3:
A:When is your birthday,Jeff?B:y birthday is June fourth.
(This activity provides practice in recognizing the target language in natural speech.)
Step Ⅶ 1c
Play the recording again and ask students to listen carefully.Then tell students to say the conversation with a paroer.Then ask several pairs of students to perform the conversations for the class.
(This activity provides guided listening and oral practice with the target language .)
Step Ⅷ
Show an exercise on the screen.在图中空格内填入所缺的字母,使 每竖行都构成一个表示月份的单词。
Step Ⅸ Summary
This class weve learnt the twelve months of the year an English song and how to ask a persons birthday.
Step Ⅹ Homework
(1)Read the conversations.
(2)Record your selves as you say the conversations.
The Second Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.nowledge Objects:Ordinal numbers 1st to 31st./When is your birthday?/y birthday is November 11th.
2.Ability Objects:Listening and speaking skills./Communicative competence.
3.oral Object:Remem ber the birthday of family members and give them a present.
Ⅱ.Teaching ey Point:Ordinal numbers 1st-31st.
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points:When is Lei Las birthday?/Her birthday is September 5th.
Ⅳ.Teaching methods:Listening and reading method s.Pairworkmunicative approach.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:A tape recorder./A large calender./Number cards.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ
Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Have them play the recordings and listen to their pronunciation of the months of the year.
Step Ⅱ 2a
Show the neords on the screen and teach them to read for several times.
second num.第二
third num.第三
fifth num.第五
sixth num.第六
seventh num.第七
eighth num.第八
ninth num.第九
eleventh num.第十一
twelfth num.第十二
thirteenth num.第十三
forteenth num.第十四
sixteenth num.第十六
seventeenth num.第十七
eighteenth num.第十八
nineteenth num.第十九
twentieth num.第二十
thirtieth num.第三十
thirty-first 第三十一
Then play the recording and ask students to repeat each ordinal number.If students need extra practice,play it several times.Ask students if there are any numbers that they find difficult to pronounce and work on these separately.
This activity provides listening and speaking practice with the ordinal numbers 1st-31st
Step Ⅲ 2b
First ask students to listen to the conversation.Then tell them to circle the numbers in Activity 2a that they hear on the recording.
Check the answers finally.
Teacher:Now,lets fill in the class birthday calendar.Lei La,whens your birthday?
Lei La:Its September 5th,r Fisber.
Teacher:Oh,O.And how about you,Nick?
Nick:July 4th.
Teacher:And Robert?
Robert:y birthday is January 17 th.
Teacher:January 17th.O.And Jane,whens your birthday?
Jane:August 22nd.
(This activity provides listening and reading practice using the target language.)
Step Ⅳ 2c
Listen and match the names months and days.Say,Im going to play the recording.You will hear a conversation about birthday.Please draw a line connecting each persons name with the month and date of his or her birthday.
Play the recording for twice.Then check the answers with students.
Lei LaSeptember 5th NickJuly 4th RobertJanuary 17th JaneAugust 22nd
(This activity provides listening practice with the target language.)
Step Ⅴ Numbers Game
Give students some cards.On each card is a cardinal number or a ordinal number.Ask one student to read a cardinal number or a ordinal number.The other student answers.For example,one read3,while the other answers 3rd.Give students an example and make sure students know exactly what to do.Then begin the game.Give little presents to students who do well.
Step Ⅵ 2d
First model the sample conversation with a student.Ask questions and the student answers with information about his or her birthday.
Ask students to work in pairs.At last invite several p airs of students to present their conversations to the class.
A:When is your birthday?
B:y birthday is November 3rd.
A:When is your mothers birthday?
B:Her birthday is_______.
A:And when is your fathers birthday?
B:His birthday is_______.
Step Ⅶ Grammar Focus
Ill tell students my birthday.Then point to a day on calender.
Ask:Is this my birthday?
S1:No,it isnt.
Then ask another student.When is my birthday?Guide the student to answer.Your birthday is....
Step Ⅷ Summary
This class weve learnt ordinal numbers and to ask ones birthday.I hope you are able to remember yours parents birthday and say Happy birthday to them.
Step Ⅸ Homework
(1)Read ordinal numbers 1st-31st.
(2)ake a class birthday calender.(Ask students,about their birthday and make a list of all students birthdays.)
The Third Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.nowledge Objects
Use the target language to have oral practice.
Do some workbook exercises to practise the target language presented in this unit.
2.Ability Objects:Listening and speaking skills./Practice./Communicative competence.
3.oral Object:Arrange time reasonably and be the master of time.
Ⅱ.Teaching ey Point:Oral practice using the target language.
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Point:Culture note.
Ⅳ.Teaching ethods:Talking method.Practice method.Pairwork.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:A class birthday calender./Personal calender.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ
Greet the class as usual a nd check the homework.
Step Ⅱ
Learn the neords:
date n.日期 birth n.出生;出世;诞生 age n.年龄;年纪
old adj.年岁的;年老的;年长的 how old 多大年纪;几岁
Step Ⅲ
Ask students to display their class birthday calenders.
Then ask students questions such as When is Wang Bings birthday?His birthday is October tenth.
Then divide the class into groups of four.Say,now lets play the birthday game.Ask about birthdays and ages in your group.Line up from youngest to oldest.Ask students to look at the picture.
Ask each group to perform before the whole class.Each should say sentences like this:y birthday is_______.Im _______years old.
Then line up from youngest to oldest.If some of them do better,give them a present and praise them for it.
Step Ⅳ 3a
There are three pieces of ID.According to an ID and make conversation like this:When is your birthday,John iller?Its arch 21st.How old are you?Im fifteen.
Ask students to make the other two conversations.
When is your birthday,William Brown?
Its November 12th.
How old are you?
Im thirteen.
When is your birthday,Tina Johnson?
Its June 3rd.
How old are you?
Im seventeen .
(This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.)
Step Ⅴ 3b
Ask each student to use hi s/her own name,age and date of birth making an ID of his/her own.ake a conversation like Activity 3a.
Ask some of them to present their conversations to the class.
Step Ⅵ ake Plans for Everyday Life
Tell students if we have a schedule for every day,we can make everything go well.Teach students how to make a schedule.Give them an example or make it with them.For example,
5th English speech contest
10th others birthday
20 school trip
23rd English test
27th Party at Amys
(1)Ill have an English speech contest on November 5th.
(2)y mothers birthday is November 10th.Ill give her a present.
(3)Well have a school trip on November 20th.
(4)Well have an English test on November 23rd.So I will study hard for it.
(5)Ill go to Amys home on November 27th.Because it is her birthday.
Step Ⅶ Summary and Homework
This class weve had oral practice using the target language.After class use the exercises on Pages 30-32 of the workbook to practise the target language presented in this unit.
Ther Fourth Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.nowledge Objects:Neords.When is Sallys birthday party?Its October fifth.
2.Ability Objects:Listening and speaking skills,writing skill.
3.oral Object:Remember parents and grandparents birthday and sayHappy birthdayto them.
Ⅱ.Teaching ey Point:Speech contest,party,school trip,basketball game
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points:When is Sallys birthday party?/Its October fifth.
Ⅳ.Teaching ethods:Listening and speaking methods./Oral practice./Check method./Pairwork.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:A tape recorder./Some pictures./A class calender.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Section B
Step Ⅰ Greet the class as usual and
check the homework.
Step Ⅱ 1
Please look at the pictures and well learn some neords.
speech n.演说;讲演;说话;言论
contest n.竞争;竞赛;比赛
party n.晚会
trip n.旅途;观光旅行(通常指短程)
school trip郊游
basketball game篮球赛
Teach students to read the neords for several times and make sure every student can understand the meaning of the new vocabulary to the pictures.
Now open your books at Page 50 and look at the four expressions in the box.Please read after me.
(1)speech (3)school trip
(2)party (4)basketball game
Under the box there are four pictures a,b,c,d.You can see the sample picture d means speech contest.These people are talking to the whole school.Other people are waiting to speak.
In Picture a there are ten people.They are divided into two groups.They are playing basketball.Its_______.Students can say:basketball game.
Good!Picture b.On Saturday or Sunday we have no classes at school.We can go to the country by bus.aybe well have a map.Well have our picnic.Its_______.
S1:school trip
All right.Picture c. If today is Sallys birthday.He will invite some friends to his house.We will singHappy Birthday Song,eat cakes and dance.We will have a good time.Its a birthday_______.
T:Excellent.Now you can write the right letter in the box.Then check the answers.
1.speech contest d 2.party c 3.school trip b 4.basketball game a
(This activity introduces the key vocabulary.)
Step Ⅲ 2a
Look at the four pictures.Now youll hear a conversation about the pictures.Listen carefully and make a checkmark to the right of each word that you hear on the recording.Then play the recording again.Ask students to listen and check the words they hear.Check the answers with the whole class.
All the items should be checked:party,basketball game,school trip,speech contest
Joe:Sally.Can you help me fill in my calendar?
Joe:When is your birthday party?
Sally:y birthday party is October 5th.
Joe:O,and when is the basketball game?
Sally:The basketball game?Oh,its October 2nd.
Joe:Good.And,um,how about the school trip?
Sally:The school trip is September 26th and 27th.
Joe:And whens the speech contest?
Sally:Oh,thats Fr iday,September 29th.
Step Ⅳ 2b
Listen again and fill in Joes calender.
This is a calender September 24th-October 7th.Now let students listen to the conversation carefully and write the name of each event in the correct place on the calender.Pause the tape if students need to finish writing answers.At last check the answers with the whole class.
the school tripSeptember 26th and 27th the speech contestSeptember 29th
the basketball gameOctober 2nd the (birthday)partyOctober 5th
(This activity provides guided listening practice with the target language.)
Step Ⅴ 2c
Ask students to look at Joes calender in Activity 2b.Tell students to make conversations like this:When is Sallys birthday party?Its October fifth.
Ask pairs of students to practise together.Then ask some students to present their conversations to the class.
Some other conversations:
When is the school trip?Its September 26th and 27th.
When is the speech contest?Its September 29th.
When is the basketball game?Its October 2nd.
Step Ⅵ
Ask students to bring out the calender they made in last class and do more practice.
When si your English speech contest?Its November fifth.
When is your mothers birthday? Its November 10th.
When is your school trip? Its November 20th.
When is your English test? Its November 23rd.
When is amys birthday party? Its November 27th.
Step Ⅶ Summary
Weve learnt how to talk about dates.
T:Do you remember your birthday?
S :Yes.
T:And do you know your parents birthday?
Tell students if you dont know your parents birthday,you can ask them and remember it by heart.When your parents birthdays come,remember to sayHappy birthday to them.Your parents will be happy.
Step Ⅷ Homework
Have more practice using the target language in this a class.
The Fifth Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.nowledge Objects:Neords.What events do you have at your school?We have an Art Festival each year.
2.Ability Objects:Reading skill.Writing skill.
3.oral Object: Learn how to cooperate.
Ⅱ.Teaching ey Points
volleyball game event art festivalpop concertschool trip choruslecture music
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
When is the basketball game?Its on October 3rd.
When is it?Its in April.
Ⅳ.Teaching ethod:Scene teaching method.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:Objects.Pictures.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Step Ⅰ
Greet the class as usual and check the Homework.
Step Ⅱ
Teach neords.Bring out a volleyball.Tell the students:This is a volleyball.Then show a picture about a volleyball match.Teach the word:volleyball game.
art n.艺术;美术;艺术品
festival n.(音乐、芭蕾舞、戏剧等之)节;节目
Spring Festival春节
Art Festival艺术节
pop adj.通俗的;流行的;大众的
pop songs流行歌曲
concert n.音乐会
school day学校上日(指非假日)
chorus n.合唱团;合唱曲
ecture n.演讲;讲
music n.音乐
Step Ⅲ 3a Pairwork
Ask students to work in pairs.Ask and answer questions to complete the schedule.Give an example.When is the basketball game?Its on October 3rd.
ake sure students knohat to do.
Check answers at last.
A:Whens the basketball game?
B:Its on October 3rd.
A:Whens the English speech contest?
B:Its on October 7th.
A:Whens Daves birthday party?
B:Its on October 19th.
A:Whens the school trip?
A:Its on October 26th and 27th.
A:Whens the volleyball game?
B:Its on October 30th.
(This activity provides guided oral and writing practice using the target language.)
Step Ⅳ 3b Pairwork
Ask students to read the list of events to the class.Imagine you are a school headmaster.Which of these events will you have at your school?Complete the chart beloAsk questions about your partners school.
Then let students do exercise in the box.There are five events in the box.Check()the boxes.Write the month if you know it.
(This activity provides reading and writing practice using the target langua ge.)
Step Ⅴ Groupwork
Ask students to do a game.Each student writes five things on a piece of paper.Let students write their age,birthday,what they like or dont like such as food,movies.Then ask students to exchange papers.Ask a student to read a paper.Let other students guess who it is.
(This activity provides reading,writing and oral practice using the target language.)
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
This class weve had a lot of reading,writing and oral practice.After class you can have more practice.
The Sixth Period
Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands
1.nowledge Object:All the key words and structures in Unit 8.
2.Ability Object:Practice skill.
3.oral Object:Learn from Lu Xun,Li Siguang and so on.Study hard and be a useful person to the society.
Ⅱ.Teaching ey Points
birthday date month party school trip speech contest basketball game
Ⅲ.Teaching Difficult Points
When is your birthday?/y birthday is November 11th/.When is Lei Las birthday?/Her birthday is September 5th.
Ⅳ.Teaching ethod:Check method.
Ⅴ.Teaching Aids:The blackboard.Test papers.
Ⅵ.Teaching Procedures
Self Check
Step Ⅰ Greet the class as usual.
Step Ⅱ 1
Ask students to look at key word check.If they dont know some of them,they can ask each other or use a dictionary.
(This activity provides a comprehensive review of all key vocabulary presented in this unit.)
Step Ⅲ 2
Ask students to write five neords in their vocab-builder on Page 52.After that ask some of them to report their lists to the whole class.
(This activity helps build vocabulary by providing a specific time and place for students to record neords.)
Step Ⅳ 3
Look at the photos of famous people.
Ask:Do you know their names,ages and birthdays?How do you think about them?If you dont know,you can access the Internet to try and find more information after class.
Now lets look at the first one.This is Thomas Edison.He was a great inventor.He invented many things.Who can tell me?All right.Electricity.
He made a lot of contribution to the world.We must learn from him.Study hard and be a useful person to the society.
Thomas Edison Birthday:February 11,1847
Lu Xun Birthday:November 25,1881
Li Siguang Birthday:October 26,1889
Isaac Newton Birthday:December 25,1642
Nie Er Birthday:February 14,1912
arie CurieBirthday:December 7,1867
(This activity gives students the opportunity to use birthdays in a real context.)
Step Ⅴ Just for Fun
Ask students to read the conversation.Explain the meaning to them.Ask students to say the conversation for the class.
(This activity provides guided reading practice with the target language.)
Step Ⅵ Homework
(1)Workbook Pages 32-33.
1.When_______your birthday?
2.Tom will have a basketball game_______July.
3.Bill was born_______ay 14th.
4.How old_______your brother?
5.Womens Day is _______arch 8th.
1.Childrens Day A.December 25th
2.National Day B.June 1st
3.Christmas Day C. October 1st
4.New Years Day D.September 10th
5.Teachers Day E.January 1st
Answers:(2)1.is 2.in 3.on 4.is 5.on
(3)1.B 2.C 3.A 4. E 5.D
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