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牛津英语七年级下册 unit2教案

发布时间:2016-03-02  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  牛津英语7B unit2语法

   and none

  no 1.通常只用作形容词,后面必须跟名词,意思相当于not a (an)或者not any。

  2.不能和另一个限定词(冠词、物主代词或者指示词)连用。否则应该用none of 。

  1.I cant get there----theres no bus.

  2.There were no letters for this morning.

  3.No teachers were there, either.


  1.通常用作代词,后面无需加名词,意思相当于no +名词。

  2.none of的意思是not any of。当其用于句首时,如果none指代的是可数名词,那么后面的谓语动词既可以用单 数,也可以用复数。

  1.There is no milk in this bottle, and there is none in that bottle, either.

  2.I like none of the food.

  3.None of my friends live(s) near here.


  1. ______ students are in the classroom and there is _____ teacher in it ,either.

  2. ---- Are there any books on the desk? ---- No, there are ________.

  3. Sorry I cant stop---- I have ______ time.

  4. Ive read _______ of these books.

  5. ______ of them came in time (按时).

  6. She had ______ idea what I meant.

  7. The sign means _______ smoking here.

  8. I like _______ of the food. It tastes sour.

  The definite article the


  主 要 用 法 例 词 或 例 句

  表示世界上独一无二的东西。 the sun, the earth, the moon, the sky

  特指某(些)人或事物。 The book on the desk is mine.

  特指说话双方都知道的人或事。 Open the window, please.

  特指上文提到过的人或事。 I have a pen. The pen is red.

  用在序数词和形容词最高级前。 The first truck is carrying the fewest of all.

  用在表示方位的名词前。 Shanghai is in the east of China.

  和某些形容词连用,代表一类人或东西。 The rich (富人), the poor (穷人), the deaf (聋人), the blind (盲人), the dead (死人)

  用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。 The Great Wall, the Womens Hospital

  用在一些习惯用语前。 In the morning / afternoon / evening , all the time, in the end, on the right / left


  1. There is _______ picture of ______ horse on the blackboard.

  2. _______ doctor told him to take _______ medicine three times _____ day.

  3. _______ Turners are living at ______ end of the Turner Street.

  4.________ old man is ______ teacher. He likes playing ______ basketball on weekends.

  5. We know ______ earth moves around _____ sun and ______ sea covers a large part of ______ earth.

  6. July is ____ seventh month of a year and it is _____ hottest in China.

  7. She plays ______ piano well and makes a living by teaching _______piano.

  8. This morning I met a man; ______ man was walking slowly in_____street.

  9.______ young should love and help ______ old.

  10._____ birds can fly very high in ______ sky.

  牛津英语7B unit2知识点归纳

  1.Welcome to Sunshine Town ( Welcome to +地点)

  2.There is no dog food.= There is not any dog food. ( no = not any )

  3.How many tins of dog food can we buy with that (= with that money) ?

  4.order a pizza

  5.a group of exchange students from Britain

  = a group of British exchange students

  6.plan some activities for the students

  7.love shopping / enjoy eating Chinese food / like watching films

  8.think of places for the exchange students to visit

  9.take them to the sports centre ( take sb. to +地点)

  10.Would you like to live in a modern town?

  11.It is only 40 minitues from the centre of Beijing by underground.

  =It takes 40 minutes to go to the centre of Beijing from Sunshine Town by underground.

  12.There is less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

  13.Look, here is such a tall building.

  14.Most of us live in places like this.

  15.We like it because we are close to our friends.

  16.We do not have to go far if we want (=need) help with our homework.

  17.If so (= If you like Chinese food ), you are here in the right place.

  18.choose any food you like /enjoy Beijing Opera

  19.lots of Western restaurants

  20.never mind

  21.teach us English (teach sb. sth) / teach us how to do it (teach sb. to do sth.)

  22.air pollution means things that make the air dirty

  23.There are many nice souvenirs to buy in Sunshine Town

  24.How many / How much的用法区别

  25.I think thirty of each will be enough

  26.What else do you want to buy? Nothing else.

  27.no / none (none = no + 名词)

  28.no one / nobody / none / nothing

  29.How many chips are there on the table? There are none. We ate them all.

  30.too / also / either

  31.定冠词the的用法 (1. 独一无二; 2. 上文提及过的人或物)

  32.have a really good time

  33.help us a lot = give us a lot of help

  34.Thats because you think football is the best game in the world.

  35.Dont miss the great exhibitions at the Palace Museum.

  36.Taihe Palace ? golden throne; Baohe Palace works of art;

  Jingren Palace ?brones; Yonghe Palace ? pottery;

  Huangji palace ? Chinese paintings; Fengxian Palace ? clocks and watches

  37.There are lots of fun and interesting things to see anf (to)do

  38.Listen to the guides introduction to the Palace Museum.

  39.make plans to go out

  40.What time shall we leave in the morning?

  We shall be there at 9 a.m. to enjoy a full day there.

  Ill meet you at school at 8 a.m. tomorrow.

  41.meet friends at the youth centre

  42.show sb. around

  43.grow vegetables and flowers in the garden

  44.It takes about 20 minutes to get to the nearest town.

  45.I like going into town on my bicycle.= by bike.

  46.What type of house do you live?


  Unit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

  一 内容 Reading ⑴

  二 目标

  1.能正确听、说、读、写单词underground、air pollution、country、building、be close to、until、souvenir、Western、theatre



  三 教学重难点



  四 教学用具


  五 教学步骤

  Step 1 Revision

  Ask questions: ① Where do you live?

  ② Is Houxiang a modern town?

  ③ Would you like to live in a modern town?

  ④ Whats in the modern town? Maybe

  Step 2 Presentation

  1.Show buildings ① T: Whatre they? Ss: Theyre tall buildings.

  ② Read tall building

  2.Show country ① T: Look, this is a house. Its in the country.

  Guess country.

  ② Read country

  3.Show underground ① T: Whats this? Ss:地铁

  ② Teach underground

  ③ T: Is there an underground in Houxiang?

  Do you go to school by underground?

  4.Teach air pollution

  ① T: Look at the air. Its dirty. Its not clean. Its has much air pollution.

  ② Show the word and read.

  5.Guess and teach Beijing Duck

  6.Show Chinese restaurant ① T: Where is it? Ss: Restaurant.

  ② Teach Chinese restaurant.

  ③ T: Is this a Chinese restaurant? Ss: No.

  T: Its Western restaurant.

  ④ Teach Western restaurant

  7.Show Beijing Opera

  ① Teach Beijing Opera

  ② T: Where can we enjoy? We can enjoy in the theatre.

  ③ Teach theatre.

  8. Show flat

  ① T: Would you like to live in flats? (yes / no)

  ② T: This is Lucy. This is Lily. Lucy is near Lily. Lucy is close to Lily. Guess the meaning of be close to

  ③ Show be close to and give the winner a souvenir

  ④ Example: Xu Hui is close to Wu Feng.

  9. Show supermarket

  ① T: When does it open / close? Ss: It opens at 8:00am. It closes at 10:00pm.

  ② T: It means the shop is open until 10:00 in the evening.

  Guess the meaning of until

  ③ Give a souvenir to the winner and teach until

  10. Show two glasses of orange juice. Look at these two glasses of orange juice. The orange juice in glass1 is less then in glass2.

  Guess the meaning of less then.

  Give a souvenir to the winner and teach less then.

  Example: I have one yuan. You have five yuan. I have less money then you have.

  11. Teach the new word souvenir.

  Step 3 Reading

  1.There is a great new town called Sunshine Town. There are lots of things to do in Sunshine Town. Now, lets learn about the life in this great new town.

  2.Read paragraph1

  ① Answer questions: ① Where is Sunshine Town?

  ② How long does it take from the center of Beijing?

  ③ Whats the name of the country park?

  ④ What can you see in the country park?

  ② Read part1 after tape and read together.

  ③ Read by themselves then ask two to read out.

  3.Read paragraph2

  ① Do the exerciseand check the answer.

  ② Read after the tape and read together.

  ③ Read by themselves then ask two to read out.

  4.Read paragraph3 and do the T/F questions.

  Read after the tape and read together.

  5. Read part4-5 and find questions in four.

  Ask and answer

  Read two parts after tape, and read together.

  Step 4 Exercise

  1.Go through the text and fill in the blanks.

  2.Ask someone to read and check.

  Step 5 Read the text by groups, then choose some groups to read.

  Step 6 Homework

  Read the text after class;

  Fish the exercise book.

  牛津版 7B Unit 2 教案

  Unit2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

  一、 教学目标:

  1、 学习如何描述自己的家乡。

  2、 复习本单元重要字词句。

  3、 复习本单元重要语法。

  4、 难点:本单元重要字词句及语法的融会贯通。

  二、 本单元小结:

  1、 重点词汇:

  none, order, underground, air pollution, area, country, building, such, close, far, until, so, Western, local, teach, dirty, take, less, waiter, shopper, sick, hospital, ham, chip, each, loaf, either, right, thirsty, finger, hold, group, full, nearby, ride, bicycle, wonderful, sunny, bottle, instead.

  2、 重要词组:

  tell sb. about sth. such a tall building go walking most of us by underground be close to have to do air pollution want to help with ones homework at night hold a party a group of

  have a good time send an e-mail one of the British students works of art Chinese paintings interesting things to see and do make a mistake make a plan

  youth centre ride a bicycle play ball games

  3、 重要句型:

  Theres no dog food.

  How many tins of dog food can we buy with that?

  Maybe we can order a pizza.

  Lets take them to the sports center.

  Theres less air pollution in Sunshine Town than in other areas of Beijing.

  Most of us live in places like this.

  You can shop until 10 oclock at night.

  If so, you are in the right place!

  You can choose any food you like in Sunshine Town.

  That is because you think football is the best game in the world!

  Dont miss the great exhibitions.

  Would you like to go to the Palace Museum tomorrow?

  What time shall we meet in the morning?

  We shall be there at 9 a.m. to enjoy a full day there.

  Im going to show you around my hometown.

  It takes about twenty minutes to get to the nearest town.

  Im going into town on my bicycle.

  I think it is a wonderful place to live (in).


  1) 熟练掌握how much 与 how many 的区别及用法

  2) 熟练掌握 no 和 none 的用法与区别


  3) 掌握冠词a, an, the的用法。

  三、 单元知识训练:

  1、 根据句意,用本单元所学的词填空:

  1) We can go fast around the city by u_____________.

  2) Most of the students live in tall b______________.

  3) I think Sunshine Town is a w_____________ place to live.

  4) My home is c________ to my school. SoIgo to school on foot.

  5) I need Coke when I am t___________.

  2、 对话排序:

  ( )1. What time shall we meet?

  ( )2. Are you free tomorrow?

  ( )3. Sure. What about half past six?

  ( )4. I think so. Why?

  ( )5. Where shall we meet then?

  ( )6. Good idea.

  ( )7. Why not meet a little earlier?

  ( )8. Shall we go to the park?

  ( )9. Lets meet outside the park.

  ( )10. Thats OK. See you then.

  ( )11. Lets make it seven oclock.

  四、 课堂教学活动:

  Step1: Greetings and daily report.

  Step2: Dictation.

  Step3: Quick reaction to review the key points of this unit.

  Step4: Read and finish the dialogue on P37.

  Step5: Do more exercises to consolidate the key points of the unit.


  7B Unit 2 第四课时(Vocabulary)

  教学内容:7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town Reading 复习总结和Vocabulary





  课型: 新授课

  教学方法: 游戏 操练

  教具准备: 多媒体课件

  教学重难点: 词汇的掌握,分类和归纳


  Step 1. Revision (8 min)

  1.Introduce life in Sunshine Town

  2.Introduce life in Changzhou

  Step 2. Guessing game (10 min)

  1.Show different pictures and ask students to guess what the men/women in the pictures are.

  2.Guess what places they should go if they want to do the following things.

  Eg. (1) if they want to buy food

  (2) if they want to eat a meal

  (3) if they want to study and learn

  (4) if they are sick etc.

  Step 3. Drilling (6 min)

  What kind of people can you see in these places?

  Eg. hospital, school, restaurant, supermarket

  Then finish the exercises in the textbook.

  Step 4. Expanding (8 min)

  Learn more about the names of different jobs and the workplaces.

  Farmer farm

  Driver bus, truck

  Policeman police station

  Postman post office

  Accountant bank, company

  Engineer factory

  Worker factory

  Step 5. Practise (10 min)

  Work in pairs to make up a short dialogue.

  A: What do you want to be when you grow up?

  B: I want to be a(n) .

  A: Where does a(n) work?

  B: He/She works in a ..

  Ask some pairs to report their dialogues.

  Step 6. Homework (3 min)

  Write a short passage about your family members. You should introduce their age, job, workplace, hobbies etc.

  If necessary, give an oral example.



  jobs workplaces

  teacher/student school

  doctor/nurse hospital

  waiter/waitress/cook restaurant

  shopper/cashier supermarket

  farmer farm

  driver bus/truck

  policeman police station

  postman post office

  accountant bank, company

  engineer factory

  worker factory


  7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

  Period 2

  Reading (1)

  Teaching objectives:

  1. To revise and expand vocabulary about lifestyles and activities.

  2. To guess general meaning from pictures, keywords and the context.

  3. To identify names of places and activities.

  4. To skim the context for overall meaning.

  Total teaching time: 45 minutes

  Teaching aids: Multimedia

  Teaching importances and difficulties: understand the whole context/ say something about the students hometown

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1. Revise

  Ask students some questions: What do you enjoy doing?

  Do you enjoy playing badminton?

  Have you remembered what the teacher enjoys doing?

  (Ss.: Traveling)

  Step 2 Learning

  T: This summer, I traveled in Beijing.

  Show some pictures of Beijing

  Ss: Learn the new words: pollution, building, theatre, underground, souvenir

  Step 3 Practice

  1. Ask the students to finish Part B1B2

  2. Fill in the blanks:

  This summer holiday, our English teacher traveled in Beijing. She lived in a tall __________ in Sunshine Town. There is less air _________ . Sunshine Town is a great town . It is only 40 minutes from the center of Beijing by ________ . Our teacher ate Beijing Duck in a Chinese ____________ and enjoy Beijing Opera in the local ________ . Whats more? She bought a special T-shirt as a _________ of the journey. It helps her remember the nice memory in Beijing.

  Step4 Skimming and scanning

  Ask the students to skim and scan the context.

  Do some true or false exercises:

  1. Sunshine Town is an old town in Beijing. ( )

  2. It takes 40 minutes to walk to the centre of Beijing from Sunshine Town. ( ).

  3. There is a beautiful park in Sunshine Town. ( )

  4. Many students live in tall buildings. ( )

  5. There are only two shopping malls in Sunshine Town. ( )

  6. You can eat Beijing Duck there and enjoy Beijing Opera at the local theatre. ( )

  Step5 Reading

  Divide the context into three parts.

  Let Ss. read the three parts one by one.

  Answer the nine questions:

  Part1: 1. How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing?

  2. Is there more air pollution in Sunshine Town.?

  3. What can they do in the Sunshine Park?

  Part2: 4. Where do most of them live?

  5. How many floors do the buildings have?

  6. Why do they like living in places like this?

  Prat3: 7. How long can you shop in Star Shopping Mall?

  8. Can you eat Beijing Duck in Sunshine Town.?

  9. What can you enjoy in their local theatre?

  Step6 Learn

  Welcome to Sunshine Town

  Townnew pollution underground park

  Housebuildings floors close help with

  Things to doshop Star Shopping Mall souvenirs eat Beijing Duck restaurants enjoy theater

  Useful patternsThere is/ are It has I like I often go to

  If, I can Why dont you?

  Step7 Practice

  Play a game: Are you a good guide?

  Welcome to Changzhou

  CityHow What

  My homeWhat kind of home do you live in?

  Things to doPictures

  Useful patternsThere is/ are It has I like I often go to

  If, I can Why dont you?

  Step8 Homework

  1.Ask students to read the context aloud and finish the article Welcome to Changzhou.

  2.Translate the following sentences:












  本课采用整体阅读训练法,通过多种形式的活动和练习让学生对课文有全面的理解。根据学生的认识规律,在听、说、读、写的过程中解决一系列由易到难的问题。注意铺垫和衔接,充分利用多媒体,给学生营造一个生动的学习情景。让学生通过教师的一系列演示活动把握文章结构,理清文章脉络,为顺利完成本单元的Main Task做好充分准备。注意不要做孤立的单词教学。单词一定要放在句子、段落中教,也就是教单词要有情景。另外,要提醒学生文中 How far is Sunshine Town from the centre of Beijing?这一问句的正确答案为40 minutes by underground而不能仅回答 40 minutes。对于文章中出现的长、难句,可以通过改写同义句的方法进行化解,做到不影响文章理解即可。至于这些句子的深入解析及练习巩固,可以在 Reading的第二课时中解决。

  7B Unit 2 第三课时(Reading第二课时)

  教学内容:7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town Reading 第二课时





  课型: 新授课

  教学方法: 阅读 小组讨论 操练

  教具准备: 多媒体课件

  教学重难点: 1.课文理解和复述



  Step 1. Revision (5 min)

  Ask and answer questions about the passage.

  (1)Do you think the British exchange students would like to live in Sunshine Town?

  (2)How far is Sunshine Town away from the center of Beijing?

  (3)Is there more air pollution in Sunshine Town?

  (4)Where can we go walking?

  (5)Where do most of the people live in Sunshine Town?

  (6)Is it good to live in tall buildings? Why?

  (7)What can we do in Sunshine Town?

  (8)What is peoples favourite shopping mall?

  (9)What can we buy in the malls?

  (10)How long can we shop there?

  (11)What can we eat in the Chinese restaurants?

  (12)What can we enjoy in the local theatre?

  Step 2. Explanation (20 min)

  Explain the language points, most of which are the answers to the above questions.

  1.It is only 40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground.


  by underground 乘地铁,介词by+交通工具。


  by bus/car/bike/boat/ship(sea)/plane(air)/land/taxi


  by telephone/letter/e-mail/post


  2. You can go walking there.你可以去那儿散步。 =You can go there for a walk.

  go walking是动词go+动名词。


  go(walking)shopping/swimming/fishing/skating 去(散步)购物/游泳/钓鱼/溜冰

  = go for a walk/swim

  do(some/the walking/sewing/shopping/washing/reading/running


  3. Most of us live in tall buildings.我们大多数人住在高楼大厦里。

  most of +复数名词/不可数名词,大多数,大部分。

  例如: As most of you know, Ive decided to resign.


  She read most of the books.大多数书她都读过。

  My cousin spent most of her money on clothes. 我表妹把大多数钱花在衣服上。

  ( most还可以作形容词,在句中作定语,修饰名词,最大的;最多的;大多数的。例如: Who do you think will get (the)most votes?你认为谁会得票最多? Peter made the most mistakes of all the class.彼得的错误是全班最多的。 Most students in our class do well in English.我们班大多数人英语学得好. )

  4. We do not have to go far if we want help with our homework!


  have to只好,不得不

  You have to stay here.你得留在这儿。

  We have to clean the desk before leaving.离开之前我们得把桌子弄干净。

  She has to do a lot of work .她得做很多工作。

  Do you have to look after your sister?你得照看妹妹吗?

  5. You can shop until ten oclock at night in Star Shopping Mall.


  until=till连词,基本用法相同。until通常用于句首;till多用于口语。直到时(为止)。例如: Wait until the rain stops.等到雨停了再说吧。

  Dont leave till I arrive.我不来你不要离开。(我来了你才能离开。)

  He didnt come till(until)ten oclock.他直到十点钟才来。

  I wont stop shouting until you let me go.你不放我走,我就一直喊叫。


  例如: Nothing happened until 5 oclock.五点钟以前没有出现任何迹象。(until=before)

  The street is full of traffic from morning till night.这条街从早到晚行人车辆很多。

  The secret was never told until after the old mans death.


  Dont open it till your birthday.等到你过生日那天再打开。

  She was a bank clerk until the war, when she trained as a nurse.


  6. less than 比更少

  little less least

  There is less water in this bottle than in that bottle.

  There is less rain this year than last year.

  morethan 比更多

  many/much more most

  There are more students in Class One than in Class Two.

  There are more comics in my bag than in your bag.

  Step 3. Feedback (8 min)


  1. 从我家到学校乘地铁要二十多分钟。

  It _____ over twenty minutes _____ _____ to the school from my home by underground.

  2. 他朋友每天做作业直到十点。

  His friend _____ _____ homework until 10:00 every day.

  3. 他们相互很亲近。

  They are _____ _____ each other.

  4. 市中心有多少大卖场?

  _____ _____ shopping malls are there in the center of the city?

  5. 睡觉前我得读英语。

  I _____ _____ read English before going to bed.

  6. They have no time to chat with friends.(改为同义句)

  They _____ _____ ______ time to chat with friends.

  7. We will stay until he comes back. (改为同义句)

  We _____ ______ leave until he comes back.

  Step 4. Discussion (10 min)

  It is better to live in the modern city.

  It is better to live in the country.

  It is better to live in the town.

  Which statement does your group agree? Why?

  Discuss in groups of four for a few minutes. Encourage students to use the information and expressions in the passage. Their own ideas are also welcomed.

  Step 5. Homework (2 min)

  Suppose the exchange students are coming to Changzhou next week. Can you introduce Changzhou to them. You can talk about it like what we learned. You can also talk about something else, such as traveling, etc.


  Teaching Plans for 7B Unit2 Grammar

  [Teaching Objects]

  How much and How many Noun+

  Possesive adjectives and pronouns; The definite article the

  [Teaching Aims]

  1.Learn to ask questions about quantities with How much and How many.

  2.Be able to use Noun+s correctly

  3.Identify Possesive adjectives and pronouns

  4.Master The definite article the

  [Teaching Difficults]

  1.Master The definite article the 2. its and its

  Period 1

  [Teaching Steps]

  Step1 Revision and Presentation

  1.Show some pictures to learn about countable nouns and uncountables: (5minutes)

  [C] chip egg tomato fork plate

  [U] ham beef bread milk


  1)用much,a ot of, lots of, some,a little.

  许多水 much water 许多牛奶 a lot of milk

  一些咖啡 some coffee 一点儿果汁a little juice


  一听肉 a tin of beef 一罐猪肉 a can of pork

  一块面包 a loaf of bread 一碗米饭a bowl of rice


  一瓶牛奶a bottle of milk 两瓶牛奶two bottles of milk

  一袋盐 a bag of salt 三袋盐three bags of salt

  3.Use How much and How many to ask and answer qusetions:

  How many chips /eggs /tomatoes do you need?

  How much bread /milk /beef /ham do you need?


  1)对不可数名词前表示数量的词整体提问时,要用How much.

  There is a glass of juice in the fridge.

  How much juice is there in the fridge?

  2)对不可数名词前的数词提问,要用How many

  There is a loaf of bread in the box.

  How many loaves of bread are there in the box?

  Step2 Practice(9minutes)

  1.Finish A1 on page31.

  2.Use how many or how much to complete the sentences:

  1).__________ apple juice is there in the cup?

  2).__________ cartons of milk do you need?

  3).__________ bread do we have in the fridge?

  4).__________ friends do you have in your class?

  5).__________ bottles of water do you have?

  6).__________ mangoes are there in the box?

  7).__________ coke is there in our bag?

  3.Ask and answer questions in pairs: (3minutes)

  S1:How many pencils do you have?

  S2:I have

  S3:How much milk do you drink every day?

  S4:I drink a carton of milk every day.

  4.Discssion: Do you have ? (3minutes)

  How many/much do you have?

  May I have ?

  5. Finish A2 on page32.(2minutes)

  Step3 Presention

  1.Present Possesive adjectives and pronouns with the ssobjects: (6minutes)

  Where is my English book ? Is this my book ? Oh,no .It isnt mine .Whose book is this ?

  mymine youryours herhers ourours theirtheirs

  hishis itsits

  2.Pronouns=possesive adjectives + nouns

  Its and its


  1)They are not my books. They are ____ .(his)

  2)Please give this to Susan. It is ____ ( her) pen.

  3)We are working hard on ____ (our) project.

  4)My flat is on the third floor.___ (their) is on the tenth floor.

  5)I cant find my ruler .Can I borrow ___ ( your)?

  Step4 Homework

  1.Finish Exercises1-2 on page43 in Learn English with you

  2.Prepare for the next class.

  Period 2

  Step1 Revision (5minutes)

  1.This is ___ (I) comic book. ____ (you) is over there.

  2.Whose car is that ? Its ____ (he).

  3.____ (we) team will win the game.

  4.Who teaches ____ (he) English.

  5.___ (she) mother is ill. She has to look after ____ (she).

  Step2 Presentation(15minutes)

  1.Teacher asks a student:Is this your key ring?(The student answers acording to the truth.)

  Then the teacher says :It is As. It belongs to A. or It isnt Bs .It doesnt belong to B.


  1)一般在名词词尾加s或 (以s结尾的复数加不以s结尾的复


  the teachers reading room todays newspaper


  Lucy ang Lilys desk

  3) 表示无生命名词的所有关系用of(也能用于有生命名词的所有格)

  the windows of the house

  4) 一些用于表距离、时间、国家或城镇等无生命的名词,也可使用s


  ten minutesdrive Chinas culture

  Step3 Practice

  1.Finish Part B(2minutes)

  2.Ask and answer in pairs : Whose is the? (3minutes)

  3.Play a game in groups of six: one student asks the other students Is this As ? The other sudents answers yesor no.Anyone asks less than three times ,he will win. (5minutes)


  1.Students finish PartD on Page35 by themselves.

  2.Check the answers together and summarise the use of The definite article the.


  Lucy bought a new bike ,the bike is green.


  the sun the moon


  Open the door ,please.


  She is always the first to get to school.


  play the piano play the violin


  the rich the young


  the Great wall by the way

  Step5 Exercises(5minutes)

  1.Where is Peter ? He isnt at _____ () school.

  2.Do you enjoy playing ____ () football?

  3.There is only ___ () apple and ___ () milk in the fridge.

  4.____ (the) umbrella belind the door belongs to Sandy.

  5.At Mid-Autumn Festival ,families get together to enjoy ___ () bright round moon.

  6.I have ____ () new bike .Every day I clean ____() bike very carefully.

  Step6 Homework

  1.Review the grammar.

  2.Finish the exercises in Times(English Post)


  本单元语法包括四大要点:1、How much and How many 2、Noun+ 3、Possesive adjectives and pronouns; 4、The definite article the。我把这一课分为两个课时,第一课时专门讲解How much and How many和Possesive adjectives and pronouns。第二节课讲Noun+s和The definite article the。先讲Possesive adjectives and pronouns,后讲Noun+s,两节课上下来以后,觉得这样处理是很合适的。在教学中为了避免教学的枯燥,教学力求简单化,通俗易懂,不用过多的专业术语。我采取了五个步骤: 1.巧设情景, 自然导入 2.变换情景, 口头操练 3.侧重归纳, 适当检测 4.结合实际,综合运用 5.多种形式, 巩固所学。并注意加大信息密度,拓宽知识广度和深度。


  7B Unit 2 Welcome to Sunshine Town

  Period 1

  Comic strips ~ Welcome to the unit

  Teaching objectives:

  1. To revise vocabulary about activities and places in the new situations.

  2. To make suggestions about visiting different places of interest.

  3. To link an activity with a place.

  4. To make students familiarize themselves with Sunshine Town.

  Total teaching time: 45 minutes

  Teaching aids: Multimedia

  Teaching importances and difficulties: some new words/ like doing/

  take sb. to/ We can do

  Teaching procedures:

  Step 1. Free talk

  1. Let Ss. make a daily report.

  2.Ask some questions: Whats your name? ( If you are new here.)

  Whats the weather like today?

  Do you like such a hot day?

  What can you do on such days?

  Do you often play outside on these days?

  ( Ask the questions as quickly as possible and pay attention to the students answers.)

  Step 2 Lead-in

  1.Watch a video ( The sports star Liuxiang is singing.)

  2. Ask some questions: Whats his name?

  Is he good at singing?

  (If a student answers No, you can invite him to sing a song.)

  Do you like singing?

  Step 3 Learning

  1. Show pictures of ball games one by one.

  T-Ss.: What does he love doing?

  Does he love playing football?

  (learn a new word: badminton)

  2. Show pictures of sports one by one

  S-S: Do you love swimming?

  What do you love doing?

  Step 4 Practice

  1.Let Ss. know the background information.

  2.Show some pictures about other things to do when visiting another country.

  3.Ss. construct a chain story ( Work in groups)

  4.Ask Ss. to finish Part A.

  5.Ask more able Ss. to do extra exercises: Choose and fill

  A.In summer, I like ________ with my friends.

  B.I always love _________ music while I am doing my homework.

  C.Do you enjoy ________ TV when you have a rest at home?

  D.Mother often does some _______ at weekends.

  E.After ________ supper, I walked my dog in the park.

  F.I often like ________ English in the early morning.

  G.The little boy is interested in ________ the erasers into small pieces.

  H.I always spend more time _______ my homework than others do.

  Step 5 Learning

  T: Im new here and I love traveling. So will you take me to the bookshop or China Dinosaur Park?

  Ss.: Match the two groups.

  ( Group 1: things to do Group 2: places to go)

  Step 6 Practice

  1.Ss: make the complete sentences by using the useful expressions.

  (They like/ love/ enjoy doing, Lets do, We can do, take sb. to sw.)

  2.Finish Part B

  3.Ask more able Ss. to do extra exercises: Choose and fill

  A.If you want to try the traditional Chinese food, you can go to that ________.

  B.At weekends, there are many shoppers in the ____________.

  C.Yesterday afternoon, we paid a visit to the _________ in Sunshine Town.

  D.More than 2000 people can enjoy films in that __________ at the same time.

  E.We can go to the _________ if we want to be healthier.

  F.The __________ is full of all kinds of food and drinks.

  Step 7 Learning

  1.Show a picture of a big pizza. (learn new words: pizza, order, no, none)

  T: Whats it?

  Do you love eating pizza?

  It looks delicious, doesnt it?

  Do you feel hungry? So you can order it.

  I have no money. What about you?

  2. Play the radio

  Ss.: listen and answer the question: Does Eddie want to order a pizza?

  3. Read and answer: A. Are they hungry?

  B. Is there any food left in the fridge?

  C. Where does Eddie want to go to buy food?

  D. Do they have any money? How much?

  E. Do you think we can order a pizza with one yuan? Why?

  Step 8 Discussion

  What can we buy with one yuan?

  Write down as many possible answers as you can.

  Step 9 Homework

  1.Say something about yourself according to the following questions: Whats your hobby? What do you like doing during the weekends? What does your father/mother like doing after work/ ? What kind of city do you like to live in?

  2.Read the comic strips and write a story about Eddie and Hobo. And you can start your story with One day, Eddie played badminton with Hobo. After that, they felt very


  本课以学生喜爱的体育明星作为导入,通过出现大量的图片来激发学生参与谈论的兴趣。在每一小节均有配套的巩固练习及拓展训练,课堂容量大。因此教师要注意把握好课堂节奏。一方面,Part A 部分的图片较直观,而且无须展开,教师可快速呈现,组织学生以两人一组为单位、以竖排一小组为单位分别进行快速操练。另一方面,在拓展练习及讨论题的处理上也要注意分层,做到优差生兼顾。可以让学困生优先回答或降低问题的梯度,尽量让每一个学生都参与到课堂的学习中来。



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