Ross Perot
Ross Perot, born in 1930, American business executive, philanthropist, and independent candidate for the United States presidency in 1992. Henry Ross Perot was born in Texarkana, Texas. In 1953 he graduated from the United States Naval Academy. Perot did not excel scholastically at the academy. However, fellow students elected him best all-around midshipman and class president for life. Perot served in the Navy at sea from 1953 to 1957.
Upon receiving his discharge from the Navy, Perot worked in Dallas, Texas, as a computer salesman for International Business Machines Corporation . In 1962, after meeting his annual quota for computer sales in the first three weeks of January, Perot left IBM to start an electronic data processing business, Electronic Data Systems . Through the 1960s, he built his business by serving the vast data processing needs of medical insurance companies.
In 1968 Perot profited enormously when EDS stock began to trade publicly. In 1984 Perot sold the company to General Motors for $2.5 billion and secured a seat on GMs board of directors. Differences with GM executives led to his departure from the board two years later. In 1988 Perot launched a new data processing service company, Perot Systems Corporation.
A self-avowed patriot, Perot received substantial media attention in 1969 when he attempted to deliver food, medicine, mail, and clothing to United States prisoners of war in Vietnam. In 1979 he organized a dramatic commando rescue of two EDS employees jailed in Iran after that countrys revolution, further burnishing his reputation as a man of action. Perot cemented this reputation when he declared his availability for the presidency on Larry King Live, a television talk show, in 1992. At that time, Perot expressed his dissatisfaction with the performance of the Republican and Democratic parties on issues such as the federal deficit, reform of term limits for members of Congress, and campaign finance reform.
Perot accused the two major political parties of pandering to the American people and refusing to ask citizens to make difficult choices necessary to move forward on the major issues of the day. He presented his own economic plan, in a series of paid, 30-minute infomercials on television. The plan proposed to deal with the problem of the national budget deficit by sharply increasing gasoline taxes, increasing taxes on benefits of wealthier Social Security recipients, and limiting deductions for mortgage interest.
Key words: business executive philanthropist independent candidate
这个人一开始压根儿不知道IBM 是什么,却很快成为IBM 在美国西部销售额最高的人;这个人并不倾心于计算机本身,却在60 年代初富有远见地创办了EDS全球最大的计算机服务公司;这个从小为了多挣一分钱而绞尽脑汁的人,却一下子成了80 年代IT 业最富有的人之一;在乔布斯被赶出苹果落魄之际,是他慷慨解囊投资创建NEXT。他还是一个人人皆知的爱国主义者,象《第一滴血》中的兰博一样,他亲自带领一个营救队去营救关押在伊朗的两名EDS 人质;这还不算,1992 年,正当共和党的布什和民主党的克林顿为总统席位角逐时,他打破了美国建国以来的传统历史,如同一匹黑马,代表无党派人士参加竞选。结果他的声威节节上升,民意调查的支持率一度达到19%,几乎与布什、克林顿并驾齐驱
The beautiful sound of violin
Life Together
I will persist until I succeed 1
国际电信世界大会召开 互联网规则成焦点
Hang In There 永不低头
Are you happy?
Today I begin a new life 2
The road of life
Every Woman is beautiful
Words to Live by 1
I will persist until I succeed 2
A big effort to make it a happy birthday
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