Writes an essay, considering and assessing arguments for and against the following view: As reading is important for a good education, we should encourage our children to read whatever appeals to them.
The famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, Reading makes a full man. Reading books can strongly shape you inclination, mature your thoughts, widen you horizon and enrich your personality. Life is limited, but knowledge is boundless. The more books we read, the more knowledge we get. Hence, We should encourage our children to read more books.
However, books can also be harmful, particularly the pornographic books. Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex. Lets suppose that you are in the position of a parent. Would you allow your children to read whatever appeals to them? If your answer to the question is yes, you are either extremely permissive or just plain irresponsible. If children read bad books, the evil thoughts would poison their mind gradually. They will be dispirited and perhaps commit a crime.
Good books, on the other hand, teach and help children to do good things. Good books are childrens real companions, and they are both instructive and inspiring. Children know past events from history books, study communication by language book, learn space and numbers through mathematics books. In a word, different kinds of good books can give them a large amount of ideas and knowledge.
Consequently, those who read good books can be inspired to grow healthily, while those who read bad ones will lead a wicked life and meet with miserable failure. So before we encourage our children to read books, we should teach and help them to identify good and bad books.
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