dazzle: v.1.使目眩 2.使昏眩,使惊诧不已,使倾倒
debase: v.贬低,贬值
debilitate: v.削弱的力量,使衰弱
decent: a.1.合宜得体的 2.高雅严肃的,正派的
deferential: a.恭敬的,惯于顺从的
defiance: n. 挑战, 蔑视, 挑衅
definitive: a.决定性的,最后的,确定的,权威性的
defy: vt. 不服从, 公然反抗, 藐视, 挑衅, 违抗, 使难于 n. 挑战
deign: v.降低身份,屈尊,俯就,垂顾
delicacy: 1.雅致,细微 2.微妙,棘手
deluge: n.大洪水
demise: n.1.死亡,终止,逊位,消失 2.转让,遗赠,传位
demonstration: n.游行示威,示威集会
deprived: a.被剥夺了的
desperate: a.1.绝望的,危急的,极严重的 2.孤注一掷的,不顾一切的 3.极度的,极强烈的 4.极度渴望的,极需要的
detachment: n.超然公正,不偏不倚
deter: v.威慑,阻拦,使不敢
deterrent: n.威慑力量,制止物
detract: v.1.减损;去掉 诽谤;2.贬低;毁损 3.转移
detrimental: a.有害的,不利的
detrimental: a.有害的,不利的
devastate: v.1.使荒芜,破坏,蹂躏 2.压倒,使垮掉,使混乱
deviatin: n.偏离,偏差,违背常规
deviation: n.背离,偏离,偏差
devoid : a.毫无的,没有的
dictate: v.规定,支配,命令
die hard: v.1.难改掉,难消亡 2.顽固到底,难断气
differential: a.有差别的,不同的
differentiate: v.1.使有差异 2.区分 3.使变异
dim: v.使暗淡,使模糊,使失去光泽
disagreeable: a.1.不合意的,令人不快的,讨厌的 2.不友善的,难相处的,脾气坏的
discipline: n.科学
disclose: v.1.使显露 2.揭露,泄露,透露
discourse: n.1、论文 2、演讲 3、谈话 4、语段
discourteous: a.粗鲁失礼的,没礼貌的
discredit: v.1.败坏的名声,诽谤 2.使不可置信,怀疑,推翻
disenfranchise: v.剥夺的公民权,剥夺的权利,终止的特许权
disgrace: v.1.使丢脸,使受耻辱 2.使失宠,使失去地位,贬谪
disguise: v.1.假扮,化装 2.伪装 3.掩盖,掩饰
disjunction: n.分裂,分离
dismiss: v.1.让离开,把打发走,解散,遣散 2.解雇,免的职,开除 3.摈弃,抛弃,不予考虑
disparage: v.1.贬低,轻视 2.诋毁,损害的名声
disparate: a.全异的,异类的,不相干的
disrupt: v.1.使破裂,使瓦解 2.扰乱,使中断
dissipation: n.1.浪费,消耗 2.放荡,乱闹 3.驱散
dissonance: n.1.不和谐的音 2.不和谐,不协调,不一致
distinction: 1.不同;区别特点;2.特色;非凡;3.卓越殊勋;殊荣
distract: v.1.使转变 2.转移,分散 3.使混乱
divulge: v.泄漏
dogmatist: n.教条主义者,武断者
dramatize: v.1.改编成戏剧,用戏剧形式表现 2.戏剧性地描述,生动地表述,使引人注目
dwindle: v.1.缩小,减少 2.衰落,退化,堕落
A no-brainer?
Written all over it?
Have baggage?
Man of the world
Technically speaking?
Deer in headlights?
Rubbing it in
Don’t wear it on your sleeve
Damon and Pithiest
Straws in the wind?
Pulling her leg?
Keep his feet to the fire
Well-heeled area?
Don't expect anyone to cut you any slack
Victory lap?
Do you second-guess?
Heads I win, tails you lose
The penny has dropped
Let's fall in love
Manufacturing hits brick wall
Leaving it at that
Ripple effect
耶鲁校友支招 如何选择国外院校(二)
Moral fiber
Off the table?
Ahead of the curve?
That said?
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