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发布时间:2016-03-01  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  classical adj. 古典的;人文科学的

  classical music/古典音乐;

  clean adj. 清洁的,干净的 v. 打扫,使干净;

  clear adj. 清楚的,清晰的;

  clear away/清除, 消失;

  clever adj. 机灵的,聪明的;

  climate n. 气候

  a mild climate/温和的气候;

  clinic n. 门诊部;临床;

  around the clock/日以继夜;

  close v. 关,关闭;结束 n. 结束 adj. 近的,紧密的;封闭的;亲密的

  close down/关闭;封闭;

  close to/与接近;与靠近;

  coast n. 海岸;海滨地区

  along the coast/沿海岸;

  off the coast/在海岸附近;

  cold n. 寒冷;伤风,感冒adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的,不热情的

  catch [have, take] cold/感冒,受凉,伤风;

  collect v. 收集;聚集;搜集

  collect stamps/集邮;

  colorful adj. 华美的;色彩的;生动的

  a colorful language/生动的语言;

  combine v. 联合;使)结合

  be combined with/与结合着

  combine.. with.../把与结合起来;

  come v. 来;出现;来;出生;开始

  come about/发生

  come across/偶遇;碰到

  come up with/想出;作出;产生;

  comfort n. 安慰;舒适v. 安慰;使;缓和;

  comfortable adj. 舒适的;令人安慰的;觉得舒服的;

  command n. 命令;掌握v. 命令;指挥;克制;支配;博得;

  commercial adj. 商业的,商务的;

  commit vt. 犯;干;把交

  commit an error/做错事

  commit a guilt/犯罪

  commit suicide/自杀

  commit a mistake/犯错;

  common adj. 共同的;公共的; 普通的;

  communicate v. 沟通;通信:

  communicate with/交流;

  community n. 公社;社会;群落;

  compact adj. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的;

  companyn. 公司;陪伴

  compare v. / vt.比较;相比;比喻

  compare.. with..把..与相比

  compare.. to../ 把..比喻为..

  by comparison/比较起来

  in comparison with/和比较起来;

  compensate v. 偿还,补偿,付报酬 compensate for/赔偿;

  compete vi. 比赛,竞争

  compete with /与竞争

  compete for/为竞争;

  competence n. 能力;胜任;资格;

  competition n. 竞争;竞赛;

  complain vi. 抱怨;埋怨

  complain about/控诉;抗议;

  complaint n. 诉苦,抱怨,牢骚

  make a complaint/提出不满意见,对提出控告;

  complex adj. 复杂的,合成的,综合的;

  complicate v. 变复杂 vt.使费解,使难以处理;

  comply with/同意,答应;遵守;

  component n. 成分 adj. 组成的,构成的;

  comprehend vt. 领会,理解;

  comprise v. 包含,由组成;

  conceal vt. 隐藏,隐瞒;

  concentrate v. 集中,浓缩

  concentrate ones attention on/集中精力在某方面,专心于

  concentrate upon/集中在,专心于;

  concept n. 观念,概念;

  concern vt. 涉及,关系到 n. 关系,关心,所关心的事情

  as far as...be concerned/关于,至于,就而言

  be concerned about/关心;

  conclude v. 结束,终止, 作出结论vt. 推断,断定;

  condition n. 条件,情形,环境

  on condition that/条件是

  be in good condition/完好无误;

  conduct n.行为, 操行v.引导, 管理, 传导;

  conference n. 会议

  a press [news] conference/记者招待会;

  confess v. 承认,坦白

  confess ones error/承认自己的错误;

  confident adj. 自信的,确信的;

  confine vt. 限制,禁闭 n. 界限,边界

  be confined to/限于,限制[封闭]在;

  confirm vt. 确定,批准;

  conflict n. 斗争,冲突vi. 抵触,冲突

  in conflict with.../同相冲突[有抵触,有矛盾];

  confront vt. 使面临,对抗

  be confronted with/面临,面对;

  confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂;

  congress n. 大会,[C~] 国会,议会

  the National Peoples Congress/[中]全国人民代表大会;

  connect v. 连接,联合,关连

  connect with/和有联系,和有关;

  conquer vt. 战胜,占领,克服,破;

  conscious adj. 有意识的,有知觉的

  be conscious of/意识到;

  consequence n. 结果, 因果关系

  in consequence/因此,由此;

  consider vt. 考虑,认为

  consider.. as..把看作..;

  considerable adj. 相当大的,相当可观的;

  consist vi. 由组成,在于,一致

  consist of包括,由组成;

  constant n. [数、物] 常数,恒量 adj. 不变的,持续的;

  construct vt. 建造,构造,创立;

  consume vt. 消耗,消费;

  consumer n. 消费者;

  contact n. 接触,联系vt. 接触,联系

  contact sb/和联系

  be in/out of contact with.../和接触,有联系[脱离接触,失去联系];

  contain vt. 包含,容纳,容忍




  Passage 1(B/C级,出题难度上达到B级)

  The First Settlement in North America

  It is very difficult to say just when colonization began.The first hundred years after Christopher Columbuss journey of discovery in 1492 did not produce any settlement on the North America continent but rather some Spanish trading posts further south,a great interest in gold and adventure,and some colorful crimes in which the English had their part.John Cabot, originally from Genoa but a citizen of Venice,was established as a trader in Bristol,England. when he made a journey in 1497.But his ship。the Matthew,with its crew of eighteen, did nomore than see an island and return home.He and his son made further voyages across the north Atlantic which enabled me English crown to claim alegaltitle to North America~.But for a long time afterwards the Europeansinterest in America was mainly confined to the Spanish activities further south.

  The first beginning of permanent settlement in North America were nearly a hundred years after Columbuss first voyage.The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the whole of North America for England,calling it Virginia.In 1585 he sent a small group of people who landed in Roanoke Island,but they stayed only for a year and then went back to England with another expedition, led by Drake,in 1587.A second group who landed in 1587 had all disappeared when a further expedition arrived in 1590.

  The first permanent settlement in North America was in 1607. English capitalists founded two Virginia companies,a southern one based in London and a northern one based in Bristol.It was decided to give the name New England to the northern area.The first settlers in Virginia were little more t11an Wage slavesto the company.A11 were men and the experiment was not very successful.Many died.Those who survived lived in miserable conditions.By 1619 the colony had only a thousand people.


  colonization n.开拓殖民地

  crew n.全体船员一队,一

  settlement n.居民点

  Spanish adj.西班牙的

  Permanent adj.永久的


  1.We know for sure that colonization began at the end of the 15th century.

  A.right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  2.Among the early settlers in South America in the 16th century were Spanish traders.

  A.right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  3. With John Cabots arrival at an island off the New England coast in 1497,the British Crown claimed to be the legal owner of North America.

  A.right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  4.There were eighteen people on board the Matthew during its voyage tO North America in 1497.

  A.right B.Wrong C.NOt mentioned

  5.The first attempt made by European people to settle down permanently in North America occurred in the 1580s.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  6.The name Virginia was given to North America by Sir Walter Raleigh. .

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  7.The name New England was given to the northern area of North America by the boss of one of the two Virginia companies.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned


  1.文章主题分析:The First Settlement in North America

  It is very difficult to say just when colonization (殖民地)began.The first hundred years after Christopher Columbuss journey of discovery in 1492 did not produce any settlement on the North America continent but rather some Spanish trading posts further south,

  Rather: adv.宁可, 更愿意地, 更确切地;更精确地, 相当地

  Id rather go to the movies.我宁愿去看电影

  Hes my friend, or rather he was my friend.


  rather cold.相当寒冷

  2. 直接解题:

  1.We know for sure that colonization began at the end of the 15th century.

  A.right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned


  for sure adv.确实

  2.Among the early settlers in South America in the 16th century were Spanish traders.

  A.right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  A.分析:题干中出现的细节信息较多,因此考虑把题干中的信息进行划分:划分成2层: the early settlers in South America in the 16th century + were Spanish traders (= Spanish traders are among the early settlers),并利用题干中出现的特征信息: in the 16th century作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:

  It is very difficult to say just when colonization began.The first hundred years after Christopher Columbuss journey of discovery in 1492 did not produce any settlement on the North America continent but rather some Spanish trading posts further south(从该结构内容可以推出题干中的第1层和第2层信息),a great interest in gold and adventure,and some colorful crimes in which the English had their part.

  3. With John Cabots arrival at an island off the New England coast in 1497,the British Crown claimed to be the legal owner of North America.

  A.right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  B.分析:题干中出现的细节信息较多,因此考虑把题干中的信息进行划分:划分成2层:With John Cabots arrival at an island off the New England coast in 1497 + the British Crown claimed to be the legal owner of North America, 并利用题干中出现的特征结构:in 1497, an island off the New England coast ,the British Crown和 John Cabot作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:

  John Cabot, originally from Genoa but a citizen of Venice,was established as a trader in Bristol,England, when he made a journey in 1497.But his ship, the Matthew,with its crew of eighteen, did no more than see an island and return home.

  4.There were eighteen people on board the Matthew during its voyage to North America in 1497.

  A.right B.Wrong C.NOt mentioned

  B.分析:题干中出现的细节信息较多,因此考虑把题干中的信息进行划分:划分成2层:There were eighteen people on board the Matthew + during its voyage to North America in 1497, 并利用题干中出现的特征信息:eighteen people, he Matthew和 in 1497 作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:

  John Cabot, originally from Genoa but a citizen of Venice,was established as a trader in Bristol,England, when he made a journey in 1497.But his ship, the Matthew,with its crew of eighteen(该结构揭示的含义是有18名水手与信息1中提到的船上有18人不一致,因为肯定John Cabot本人也在船上), did no more than see an island and return home.He and his son made further voyages across the north Atlantic ...

  5.The first attempt made by European people to settle down permanently in North America occurred in the 1580s.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  A.分析:题干中出现的细节信息较多,因此考虑把题干中的信息进行划分:划分成2层:The first attempt made by European people to settle down permanently in North America + (The first attempt)occurred in the 1580s,并利用题干中出现的特征信息:1580s 和European people 作为答案线索,并注意题干中的修饰词first 和permanently,这样发现答案相关句:

  The first beginning of permanent settlement in North America were nearly a hundred years after Columbuss first voyage(Christopher Columbuss journey of discovery in 1492)(该句内容基本上与信息1和信息2的内容一致,但信息1中提到的欧洲人试图定居下来的尝试在该句中找不到相关内容).The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the whole of North America for England,calling it Virginia.In 1585 he sent a small group of people who landed in Roanoke Island,but they stayed only for a year and then went back to England with another expedition, led by Drake,in 1587.(这些划线句反映的内容都是英国人(欧洲人)((爵士) Walter Raleigh)带领下的登陆定居尝试。)因此,可见题干中所反映的内容在文章中都有呼应,因此判断该题的答案是正确。

  6.The name Virginia was given to North America by Sir Walter Raleigh. .

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  A.分析:该句内容较单一,因此直接看成1层信息。利用题干中出现的特征词Virginia和Sir Walter Raleigh作为答案线索,这样找到答案相关句:

  A second group who landed in 1587 had all disappeared when a further expedition arrived in 1590.

  The first permanent settlement in North America was in 1607. English capitalists founded two Virginia companies,a southern one based in London and a northern one based in Bristol..


  (第2段)The Englishman Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the whole of North America for England,calling it Virginia该句句意与题干内容完全一致,因此判断该题的说法正确。

  7.The name New England was given to the northern area of North America by the boss of one of the two Virginia companies.

  A.Right B.Wrong C.Not mentioned

  C.分析:题干中出现的细节信息较多,因此考虑把题干中的信息进行划分:划分成2层:The name New England was given to the northern area of North America + (given)by the boss of one of the two Virginia companies,利用题干中出现的特征词New England和 two Virginia companies作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:

  English capitalists founded two Virginia companies,a southern one based in London and a northern one based in Bristol.It was decided to give the name New England to the northern area.,因此判断该问题句的说法为没提到。

  The first settlers in Virginia were little more than wage slavesto the company... Passage 2

  Studies Show U.S.Spending Doesnt Get Best Health

  The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries but it is not getting results to match, according to studies released on Tuesday.

  But in the study of five wealthy countries,published in the journal Health Affairs,researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care system.

  Gerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins Universitys school of public health and colleagues came up with a list of 2 1 health fields they could evenly compare across the five countries Australia, Canada,Britain,New Zealand and the United States.

  None of the five countries is consistently the best or the worst on all 2 1 indicators, Anderson said during a telephone briefing for reporters.

  If you are looking for the place to get the best care.there isnt a single place.Every country has at 1east one indicator where it scores the best of the five countries and each country has at least one indicator where it scores the worst of the five countries.

  But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money.The United States should be particularly concerned about these results, given that we spend twice as much on health care as any other country.So spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomes.

  Andersons group of international health experts sponsored by The Commonwealth Fund spent five years working on the study,getting the latest possible data from the five countries on areas such as breast cancer and 1eukemia survival,suicide rates,death rates from asthma,vaccination rates and cancer screening.


  indicator n.指标,指示者

  commonwealth n.联邦

  leukemia n.白血病

  vaccination n.种痘

  briefing n.基本情况介绍会

  breast n.乳腺

  asthma n.哮喘

  1.The U.S.spends twice as much on health care as other rich countries

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  2. The U.S.is the place where people get the best health care.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  3. Each year, the U.S. spends more money on health care than the previous one.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  4.The more a country spends on health care,the better care its people enjoy.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  5. The study involved 5 countries and lasted 5 years.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  6.The other four countries provide better health care than the U.S.

  A Ri2ht B Wrong C Not mentioned

  7. The U.S.is determined to do something about its health care system.

  A right B Wrong C NOt mentioned


  1.文章主题分析:Studies Show U.S.Spending Doesnt Get Best Health


  1.The U.S.spends twice as much on health care as other rich countries

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  A .C 分析:根据句子中出现的细节信息,把句子划分成2层信息:The U.S.spends twice as much on health care + as other rich countries, 利用句子中出现的特征结构(2倍)和核心结构other rich countries作为答案线索,这样找到答案相关句:

  The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries (根据该句内容不能判断问题句的内容是否正确)but it is not getting results to match, according to studies released on Tuesday.


  But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money. The United States should be particularly concerned about these results, given that we spend twice as much on health care as any other country.(根据该句的内容仍然没有准确的说明是否美国在健康保健方面所花的费用是其他富有国家的两倍。)So spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomes.

  对比问题句的内容, 判断问题句说是,而文章只是说可能是, 因此判断问题句的说法没有提到。

  2. The U.S.is the place where people get the best health care.

  Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  B.分析:显然这句话的内容与文章主题(标题内容)不一致,因此判断该题的答案应该是错误。也可以借助句子中的特征词best health care作为答案线索,这样找到答案相关句:

  The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries but it is not getting results to match, according to studies released on Tuesday.

  But in the study of five wealthy countries,published in the journal Health Affairs,researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care system.(该句说在5富有的国家中没有哪个国家的健康保健体系被认为最糟糕的或最好的,所以得判断这5个富有的国家中是否包括了美国。该句前句内容说美国对其他富有的国家..,显然美国是富有的国家之,所以综合判断原文的内容是美国是不能算作是健康体系最好的国家,因此问题句的说法与原文的内容不一致。)

  3. Each year, the U.S. spends more money on health care than the previous one.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  C.分析:问题句的理解有一定难度,需要判断出代词one指代的内容 year(the u.s.increases its yearly expenditure on health care)。该问题句是说每年美国花在健康保健方面的钱都比前一年多。该问题句有关具体细节,句子中没有明显的特征词,而核心内容是讲述美国花费在健康保健方面的费用,而文章中没有这方面的内容,因此判断答案为没提到。

  4.The more a country spends on health care,the better care its people enjoy.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned


  But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money.The United States should be particularly concerned about these results, given at we spend twice as much on health care as any other country.So spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomes.

  5. The study involved 5 countries and lasted 5 years.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  A.分析:问题句中出现了两个具体的数字,很显然对这两个数字的判断是关键。可以把该句子划分成2层信息:The study involved 5 countries + The study lasted 5 years,利用该句中出现的特征词5 countries 和 5 years作为答案线索,这样发现答案相关句:

  The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries but it is not getting results to match, according to studies released on Tuesday.

  But in the study of five wealthy countries,published in the journal Health Affairs,researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care system.

  Gerard Anderson at Johns Hopkins Universitys school of public health and colleagues came up with a list of 2 1 health fields they could evenly compare across the five countries Australia, Canada,Britain,New Zealand and the United States.

  None of the five countries is consistently the best or the worst on all 2 1 indicators, Anderson said during a telephone briefing for reporters.

  If you are looking for the place to get the best care, there isnt a single place.Every country has at 1east one indicator where it scores the best of the five countries and each country has at least one indicator where it scores the worst of the five countries.

  But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money.The United States should be particularly concerned about these results.given at we spend twice as much on health care as any other country.So spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomes.

  Andersons group of international health experts sponsored by The Commonwealth Fund spent five years working on the study,getting the latest possible data from the five countries on areas such as breast cancer and 1eukemia (白血病)survival,suicide rates,death rates from asthma(哮喘),vaccination (接种)rates and cancer screening(癌症筛查).

  6.The other four countries provide better health care than the U.S.

  A Right B Wrong C Not mentioned

  B.分析:问题句把研究中的5个国家在健康保健方面的工作效果进行了比较,注意文章中进行比较的句子,可以考虑把句子中核心结构The other four countries作为答案线索,

  The United States may spend twice as much on health care as other rich countries but it is not getting results to match, according to studies released on Tuesday.

  But in the study of five wealthy countries,published in the journal Health Affairs,researchers found no single nation had clearly the worst or best health care system.


  7. The U.S.is determined to do something about its health care system.

  A right B Wrong C not mentioned

  C.分析:该句内容直接与文章主题有关,因此判断与该句相关的语句应该在文章的结尾部分出现, 而划线句的内容只是说美国应该特别关注这些结果,而没有提到美国政府将对此采取什么行动。因此判断问题句是没提到。

  But,he said,the United States is not getting value for money.The United States should be particularly concerned about these results, given at we spend twice as much on health care as any other country.So spending more doesnt necessarily result in better outcomes.



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