发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
Economy Escape
That the equipment of modern camping becomes……
Affluent he may be……
Camping releases him from all such fears.
granted: suppose 假设 就算是
snobbery 势力行为 skillful 技术熟练 somersault 跟斗
in the shape of 以...体现
managements: 管理层
hierarchies: ranking 序列 阶层
darken/dampen one’s heart 令人很扫兴
Granted, a snobbery of camping itself, based upon equipment and techniques, already exists, but it is of a kind that, if he meets it, he can readily understand and deal with. There is no superior 'they' in the shape of managements and hotel hierarchies to darken his holiday days.