接下来课文...with a modest professional salary and a little private income of his own, he regards money-making as vulgar and avoids all ostentation. ...
modest: 适当的
private income : black money
接下来课文...Industry and finance seem to him to be activities unworthy of gentlemen, although, alas, many are forced by exigencies of circumstance to take some part in them. ...
industry : 工业 勤奋
unworthy of ...: 不值得(后置定语)
many 即 gentlemen
them 指 Industry and finance
接下来课文... An intellectual, he gently laughs at the superstitions of most Christians, but he attends church regularly because he sees the importance of organized religion for the maintenance of sound morality among the lower orders, ...
maintenance : keep
sound: good, healthy
lower orders : 下层社会
接下来课文...and because he dislikes the scepticism and materialism of radical teachers.