接下来课文...without having another man to check upon what he is doing, keep him in line, and report on him to someone else. ...
Report sth :报道
Report on :汇报
接下来课文...But if no one can be trusted to act in a loyal and responsible manner towards his job, then the Business will require armies of administrators, checkers, and foremen, and administrative overhead will rise correspondingly. ...
I’m reading carefully.
I’m reading with care.
I’m reading in a careful manner.
an army (group) of :大量的 大批的
接下来课文...As administrative overhead rises, so the earnings of the Business, after meeting the expense of administration, will fall; and the Business will have less money to distribute as dividends or invest directly in its future progress and development. ...
meet expense: 收支相抵
接下来课文...It is precisely the same with a nation. To the extent that the people can be relied upon to behave in a loyal and responsible manner, the government does not require armies of police and civil servants to keep them in order. ...
rely upon/on sth.
接下来课文...But if a nation is disunited, the government cannot be sure that the actions of the people will be in the interests of the nation; and it will have to watch, check, and control the people accordingly. A disunited nation therefore has to incur unduly high costs of government. [课文结束]