I retreat to bed early. 我早早睡觉 a summer retreat 避暑胜地
unreasoning a.:不靠理智推理 盲目冲动的
unreasonable :不合逻辑的
authoritarian a.: 专制的
dictator :专制 dictatorial :专制的
tyrannical : 残暴的,专横的
domineering : 霸道的 厉害的
authoritative : 权威的
cow vt.: 吓唬
scare : 惊吓 scare to death
My boss always browbeats me.
coward : 胆小鬼 cower : 颤抖
bully: 欺凌弱小者 browbeat : 恫吓
课文 Parents are often upset when their children praise the Homes of their friends and regard it as a slur on their own cooking, or cleaning, or furniture, ...