发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
课文...Today, although the old Galileo lives on in many popular writings, among historians of science a new and more sophisticated picture has emerged. At the same time our sympathy for Galileo's opponents has grown somewhat. ...
live on: 活跃在
popular writings: 科普文章
picture: idea
opponents: 反对者 the majority of the commons
somewhat: a little
接下来课文...His telescopic observation are justly immortal; they aroused great interest at the time, they had important theoretical consequences, and they provided a striking demonstration of the potentialities hidden in instruments and apparatus. ...
they: telescopic observations
striking: surprising/shocking
demonstration: show/exhibition
tap one's potentials
接下来课文...But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? ...
blame: criticize
powers 倍数
calls for: needs
extol him to the sky
backward society
接下来课文...Was the philosopher who refused to look through Galileo's telescope more culpable than those who alleged that the spiral nebulae observed with Lord Rosse's great telescope in the eighteen-forties were scratches left by the grinder? ...
ardent follower of Aristotle and Ptolemy
allege : 宣称(内容一般不真实)