接下来课文...But having satisfied the requirements of practical necessity, most people go no further. Though they may attain considerable accuracy in the perception of flat form, they do not make the further intellectual and emotional effort needed to comprehend form in its full spatial existence. ...
practical necessity : 实际需求
needed to ...做effort的后置定语
接下来课文...This is what the sculptor must do. He must strive continually to think of , and use, form in its full spatial completeness.He gets the solid shape, as it were, inside his head--he thinks of it, whatever its size, as if he were holding it completely enclosed in the hollow of his hand. ...
strive to : 追求
solid 固定的=physical 实在的
inside his head 在他脑子中间
whatever its size=no matter what size it is 不论其什么样的形状
enclose : 包着 (做宾补)
接下来课文...He mentally visualizes a complex form from all round itself; ...