发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
render a role :扮演一个角色
he renders a role in the movie.
to interpret a role
to play a role
servitude n.:奴役
He is/ was in servitude. 他没自由
sex n.:性别
male/ female
weaker, fair, gentle / strong, rougher, sterner
half the sky 半边天
sex appeal 性感
bad egg 坏蛋
dirty dog
arrant a.:纯粹的(否定意义) sheer
arrant nonsense 一派胡言, sheer rubbish
out and out downright 完全
he is out and out hooligan.
cowardly a.:怯懦的
coward :胆小鬼,懦夫 chicken craven
you two are fighting and finally you cry craven. Spare me 饶了我
spineless adj. :懦夫的 spine:脊梁
shrinking :退缩 shrink :缩水
weak kneed: 易屈服的 knee: 膝盖
fainthearted : 胆小的
slide into: 不知不觉得陷入 slip into
I slide into the bad habit of smoking.
I slide into the bad habit of rising late.
I’m a late riser.
early riser :早起的人
inconvenience vt.:打扰
trouble :打搅 bore bother
Probably I trouble you for a minute.
ineptitude n. :笨拙的
servitude n. :奴隶状态
-tude :是名词后缀
ept :聪明灵活的