发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
prescribe vt.: 开药方
inscribe: 刻字
subscribe to : 订阅(报纸)
description: 描述; inscription : 题字
prescribe for a patient
write out : 开处方
indisposition n.: 小病
minor illness 小病 minor operation 小手术 I’m indisposed.
hasten vi.: 急忙,赶忙
haste n.匆忙 More haste and less speed. 欲速则不达 quicken 加快
relate vt.:叙述
recount : (参照lesson 1)
in all probability : 很可能 (文雅的说法,一般可用 probably)
He is in all probably coming. (他有可能来) He probably comes. (他有可能来)
taker n.: 吃药人
take Medicine : 吃药
put up with : 忍受
I can't put up with your ill temper. 忍受 stand, bear, endure
disgusting adj.: 令人讨厌的
nauseate : 恶心,令人作呕 appetite : 胃口
appetizing : 有胃口的,美味的 eyesore 眼中钉,丑的东西
inconvenience n.: 不便
convenience : 便利 convenient adj. :方便的
if it is convenient to you …
take convenience of sb. 对某人加以利用 take advantage of sb. 利用某人
Notes on the text 课文注释
课文**** This is a sceptical age, but although our faith in many of the things in
which our forefathers fervently believed has weakened, our confidence in the curative
properties of the bottle of Medicine remains the same as theirs. ...
完整句型:but although….. 结构(整个句子的突破点)
两个连词并列,要求至少出现三个谓语动词. 如:is, has weakened, remains
but 连接第一句和第三句
although 连接第二句和第三句
believe in sth.
faith in sth.
confidence in sth. 并列词:信任,相信
curative properties 治疗特点
theirs 指代 confidence