发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
radiancen : 发光
radio /radiant /radioactive 辐射的
radiant smile 灿烂的笑容
wear a radiant face 红光满面 容光焕发
wear 可用于表穿、戴着、涂抹、留,蓄着(胡子、头发等)
wear lipstick/ whitening lotion /beard
mysteries n.: 神秘的事物 mystic
intimation n.: 暗示
intimate v.:告知,暗示 同义词:hint/suggestion/implication
whimsy .: n 怪念头
whimsical adj.:怪诞的
in a word: 总而言之
同义词:in short/in brief/in a nutshell
interpret vt.: 阐明
I am an interpreter. (oral) translator(written)笔译
inter: between 两者之间
trans- 表示“横过,贯穿”之义
interpret a role/play a role : 扮演角色
unutterable a.: 不可言传的 同义词:indefinable
utter vt .: 说出,表达 adj. 完全的
in utter exhaustion 完全疲劳状态 /utterance(oral)/sentence(written)
invest vt.: 赋予 n.investment 同义词 endow v.
invest in :投资 He investen in china.
invest with 给予 invest sb. with courage
invest sb. with loving heart
The novel is invested with mystery.这部小说极具神秘色彩!
grasp vt.: 理解
beyong my grasp /within my grasp 无法理解/能理解
Grasp all and lose all. 贪多必失.
He is very grasping. 他太贪婪了。