发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
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5.cast a fly 垂钓[同]go fishing, on the Fishing trip(悠闲垂钓)
cast a net 撒网,为了生存捕鱼
6.diplomatic service 外交部门
airline service 航空公司travel service/agency 旅行社
diplomacy 外交 diplomat 外交官
He is a diplomat. 他是一个左右逢源的人。He is a philosopher.
7.govern vt. 治理
government/governing body 政府governor 州长
governess 女家教benevolent government 仁政
8.adequacy n. 适当 [同]sufficient [反]inadequate
He often doubts his adequacy as a father.
=He often doubts whether he is adequate as a father.
[辨异]deficient, sparse, meager
deficient 没有足够的,缺乏的
sparse 稀少meager 贫乏的,不充分的,不足的The food is meager for winter.
9.grave a. 严重的
[同]solemn, serious, severe have one foot in the grave来日不多了
grave situation 严峻的形势 gravity 地球引力,严重