发布时间:2012-12-26 编辑:查字典英语网小编
Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is ...不管问题出在哪里,事实就是如此
the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which ...强调句型 which 古式用法 it is... that is...
on the verge of extinction 处于灭绝的边缘
on the verge of disaster 大祸临头 on the verge of collapse 崩溃在即
on the verge of bankruptcy 破产边缘 on the verge of death 死亡边缘
on the verge of despair 绝望边缘 I was on the verge of despair.
the only fruit of... 唯一的果实
the combination of industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning.工业与高雅学术氛围的结合
is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges.
the dust in the streets 街上的灰尘
反语 表讽刺
and a pathetic sense of...一种可悲的感觉
hangs over 弥漫 悬挂
氛围: 迷茫若失的感觉
I suppose no industry at all. no way out 没有出路
high=high street
car truck bus bicycle
official website: http://www.oxac.uk/ http://www.cambrigeac.uk/
Wherever the fault may lie the fact remains that it is the theatre at Oxford and not at Cambridge which is on the verge of extinction, and the only fruit of the combination of industry and the rarefied atmosphere of learning is the dust in the streets, and a pathetic sense of being lost which hangs over some of the colleges.