Lesson 125 Tea for two
I must take a taxi.
I have to take a taxi.
I don't have to take a taxi.
Do you have to take a taxi?
I have to take a taxi every day.
I don't have to take a taxi every day.
Do you have to take a taxi every day?
She has to get up early tomorrow.
She doesn't have to get up early tomorrow.
Does she have to get up early tomorrow?
I had to water the garden every day last year.
I didn't have to water the garden every day last year.
Did you have to water the garden every day last year?
I have waited for you for two hours.
I have had to wait for you for two hours.
Lesson 126 Have to and to not need to
Do you have to go now?
Yes, I have to leave immediately.
Do you have to get up early tomorrow morning?
Yes, I'll have to get up at six o'clock.
Did you have to take a taxi?
I'm afraid I had to.
I couldn't get a bus.
Hasn't your friend arrived yet?
How long have you had to wait?
I've had to wait for two hours!
Do you have to water the garden?
No, I don't need to water it now.
It's going to rain.
Do we have to walk to the station?
No, we don't need to.
We can catch a bus.
immediately adv. 立即地
Lesson 125 Tea for two
water v. 浇水
terribly adv. 非常
dry adj. 干燥的,干的
nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人
mean(meant/meant) v. 意味着,意思是
surprise n. 惊奇,意外的事
Can't you come in and have tea now, Peter?
Not yet.
I must water the garden first.
Do you have to water it now?
I'm afraid I must.
Look at it!
It's terribly dry.
What a nuisance!
Last summer it was very dry, too.
Don't you remember?
I had to water it every day.
Well, I'll have tea by myself.
That was quick!
Have you finished already?
Look out of the window.
It's raining!
That means you don't need to water the garden.
That was a pleasant surprise.
It means I can have tea, instead.
water v. 浇水
terribly adv. 非常
dry adj. 干燥的,干的
nuisance n. 讨厌的东西或人
mean(meant/meant) v. 意味着,意思是
surprise n. 惊奇,意外的事
1 Does she have to decide immediately?
She doesn't have to decide immediately.
2 She needn't decide immediately.
Must she decide immediately?
3 We don't have to take a taxi.
Do you have to take a taxi?
4 We needn't take a taxi.
Must we take a taxi?
B Examples
1 I have to telephone him, too.
2 She has to wait for him, too.
3 He has to meet her, too.
4 They have to travel by ship, too.
C Examples
1 Do you really have to telephone him now?
2 Does Mary really have to wait for him now?
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