Lesson 101 A card from Jimmy
1 问句的主语与主句的主语一致;
2 前后的助动词一致;
3 前后的时态一致。
Sally can speak French, can't she?
Sally can't speak French, can she?
升调 - 表示疑问,期待对方回答。
降调 - 语气确定,不需要回答。
You are a student, aren't you?
It's a fine day, isn't it?
You went to the party yesterday, didn't you?
You have finished your homework, haven't you?
You like music, don't you?
Your father doesn't like music, does he?
He isn't a good man, is he?
He doesn't say very much, does he?
Scotland n. 苏格兰(英国)
card n. 明信片
youth n. 青年
hostel n. 招待所,旅馆(简易的)
association n. 协会
soon adv. 不久
write(wrote, written) v. 写
What is Penny doing?
She is reading a card.
For whom?
For grandmother.
Whose card.
Jimmy's card.
Where is Jimmy now?
Has Jimmy stayed in Scotland/been there for a long time?
He has just arrived in Scotland.
Where is he staying now?
At a Youth Hostel.
Why can he stay at a Youth Hostel?
Because he's a member of the Y.H.A.
Will Jimmy write a letter soon?
He says he will.
What does Jimmy hope?
Jimmy hopes that they are all well.
Why does grandmother ask Penny to speak up?
Because she is afraid she can't hear very well.
Jimmy wrote a lot on the card, didn't he?
No, he didn't.
Is grandmother very happy about this?
No, she is not very happy.
Jimmy is the only child in the family.
The grandmother loves him very much.
Jimmy went to Scotland last week.
Grandmother got a card from Jimmy today.
Jimmy's mother is reading the card for grandmother.
He says he's just arrived in Scotland.
He says he is staying at a Youth Hostel.
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