Lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes
bath n. 洗澡
nearly adv. 几乎,将近
ready adj. 准备好的,完好的
dinner n. 正餐,晚餐
restaurant n. 饭店,餐馆
roast adj. 烤的
The dinner is ready.
Is the dinner ready?
It's ready.
It's nearly ready.
be ready to do sth.
Leifeng is always ready to help others.
Are you ready?
saute/boil 煮/steam 蒸/fry 煎/deep fry 炸/roast 烤(土豆)/bake 烤(面包)/grill 烧烤/instant boil 涮
What is Tom doing?
He is having a bath.
What is Carol doing?
She is cooking dinner.
Who is Sam?
Sam is Tom's friend.
What did Sam and Tom do this afternoon?
Where did they go?
Sam/downstairs/in Tom's living room
What does Tom ask Sam to do when Tom sees Sam?
What else does Tom ask Sam to do?
Have a glass of whisky.
Does Sam want to have a glass of whisky?
What did they do this noon?
They had lunch together.
Where did they go?
They went to a restaurant.
What did they have?
They had roast beef and potatoes.
What is Carol cooking?
Roast beef and potatoes, too.
Is Carol very happy?
No, she is a litter bit disappointed.
Tom's having a bath upstairs.
Carol is cooking in the kitchen.
Sam is their friend.
He is in their living room.
Tom asks Sam to have a cigarette.
But Sam doesn't want to have a cigarette/smoke.
Tom wants Sam to have a glass of whisky.
Sam thinks that it's a good idea.
They can have dinner at 7 o'clock.
They are going to have roast beef and potatoes.
But Sam and Tom had lunch together this noon.
They went to a restaurant.
They had roast beef and potatoes.
Carol feels very disappointed.
Hi, Carol!
Where's Tom?
He's upstairs.
He's having a bath.
Sam's here.
I'm nearly ready.
Hello, Sam.
Have a cigarette. have/smoke
No, thanks, Tom.
Have a glass of whisky then. have/drink
OK. Thanks.
Is dinner ready, Carol?
It's nearly ready.
We can have dinner at seven o'clock.
Sam and I had lunch together today.
We went to a restaurant.
What did you have?
We had roast beef and potatoes.
What's the matter, Carol?
Well, you're going to have roast beef and potatoes again tonight!
Lesson 82 I had … 我吃(喝,从事)了
a meal
a swim
a bath
a haircut
a lesson
a party
a holiday
a good time
Exercise A
enjoyed yourself
are eating
went for
I had a cup of coffee. I drank a cup of coffee.
They had a meal at a restaurant.
They ate a meal at a restaurant. eat/ate
We had a holiday last month.
We went for a holiday last month.
Have a biscuit.
Take a biscuit.
You had a good time.
You enjoyed yourself.
They are having their lunch. They are eating their lunch.
I had a glass of milk. I drank a glass of milk.
Exercise B
What is he going to do? (a glass of whisky)
He's going to have a glass of whisky.
What are they going to do? (breakfast)
They are going to have breakfast.
What are they doing? (lunch)
They are having lunch.
What must he do? (tea)
He must have some tea.
What did they do? (dinner)
They had dinner.
What must they do? (a meal)
they must have a meal.
What is he going to do? (a swim)
He is going to have a swim.
What is he doing? (a bath)
He is having a bath.
What did he do? (a haircut)
He had a haircut.
What are they doing? (a lesson)
They are having a lesson.
What did they do? (a party)
They had a party.
What must they do? (a holiday)
They must have a holiday.
What are they going to do? (a good time)
They are going to have a good time.
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