

发布时间:2012-12-26  编辑:查字典英语网小编

¡ì Lesson 19 A very dear cat Ò»Ö»¹óÖصı¦±´Ã¨

¡¾New words and expressions¡¿ Éú´ÊºÍ¶ÌÓï
¡ôdear adj. Ç×°®µÄ£¬Õä¹óµÄ£»°º¹óµÄ
¡ôkidnapper n. °ó¼ÜÕߣ¬¹ÕÆ­Õß
¡ôconsiderable adj. Ï൱´óµÄ
¡ôwealthy adj. ¸»µÄ£¬ÓÐÇ®µÄ
¡ôorderly adj. ÓйæÂɵÄ
¡ôdisappearance n. ʧ×Ù
¡ôanonymous adj. ÄäÃûµÄ
¡ôransom n. Êê½ð
¡ôcardboard n. Ó²Ö½°å
¡ôwithdraw (withdrew, withdrawn ) v. £¨´ÓÒøÐУ©È¡Ç®
¡ôpunctually adv. ׼ʱµØ
¡ôastound v. ʹ³Ô¾ª

¡ïdear adj. Ç×°®µÄ£¬Õä¹óµÄ£»°º¹óµÄ
I can¡¯t afford the car because it¡¯s too dear.
The cat is dear to me.
cost sb dear »¨ÁËijÈ˺ܶàÇ®

¡ïkidnapper n. °ó¼ÜÕߣ¬¹ÕÆ­Õß
kidnap °ó¼Ü

¡ï¡ï¡ïconsiderable adj. Ï൱´óµÄ
a considerable business ´ó¹æÄ£ÆóÒµ
He has got a considerable success.
considerably adv.
It¡¯s considerably colder today than yesterday.
considerate adj. ÌåÌùµÄ
be considerate to sb ¶ÔijÈ˺ÜÌåÌùÈë΢
Are you considerate you wife?
considered ¾­¹ý¿¼ÂǵÄ
It¡¯s my considered opinion. ÕâÊÇÎÒ¾­¹ý¿¼ÂǵĿ´·¨¡£
all things considered ¾Í¸÷·½Ãæ¶øÑÔ
Eg: All things considered, he finished the work well.
considering prep & conj. & adv.
Eg.: Considering his age, the little boy reads very well.

considering (that )
considering adv.
He studies English well, considering.

¡ïwealthy adj. ¸»µÄ£¬ÓÐÇ®µÄ
¡ïorderly adj. ÓйæÂɵÄ
¡ïdisappearance n. ʧ×Ù
¡ïanonymous adj. ÄäÃûµÄ
¡ïransom n. Êê½ð
pay ransom to sb.
The old lady paid a ransom of one thousand pounds to the kidnapper.
hold sb to ransom °óƱ£¨Ë÷È¡Êê½ð£©
They kidnapped the boy and held him to rensom.

¡ïcardboard n. Ó²Ö½°å
¡ïwithdraw (withdrew, withdrawn ) v. £¨´ÓÒøÐУ©È¡Ç®
¡ïpunctually adv. ׼ʱµØ
not early nor late
punctual adj.
punctuality n.

¡ïastound v. ʹ³Ô¾ª

³Ô¾ª³Ì¶È astoud>amaze>astonish>surprise
He was astounded to hear of her death.
They were amazed to find the lazy girl came very early.

surprising----> surprised

¡ì Lesson 19 A very dear cat Ò»Ö»¹óÖصı¦±´Ã¨
Q£ºWhy was Rastus ¡®very dear¡¯ in more ways than one?

Kidnappers are rarely interested in Animals, but they recently took considerable interest in Mrs Eleanor Ramsay's cat. Mrs Eleanor Ramsay, a very wealthy old lady,has shared a flat with her cat, Rastus, for a great many years. Rastus leads an orderly life. He usually takes a short walk in the evenings and is always home by seven o'clock. One evening, however, he failed to arrive. Mrs Ramsay got very worried. She looked everywhere for him but could not find him.
Three day after Rastus' disappearance, Mrs Ramsay received an anonymous letter. The writer stated that Rastus was in safe hands and would be returned immediately if Mrs Ramsay paid a ransom of &1000. Mrs Ramsay was instructed to place the money in a cardboard box and to leave it outside her door. At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again --the letter had made that quite clear--she changed her mind. She drew &1000 from her bank and followed the kidnapper's instructions. The next morning, the box had disappeared but Mrs Ramsay was sure that the kidnapper would keep his word. Sure enough, Rastus arrived punctually at seven o'clock that evening. He looked very well, though he was rather thirsty, for he drank half a bottle of milk. The police were astounded when Mrs Ramsay told them what she had done. She explained that Rastus was very dear to her. Considering the amount she paid, he was dear in more ways than one!

seldom take interest in

take great interest in

share sth. with sb.
I share the room with my friend.

for a long time

disciplined regular

take a short walk go for a stroll


look for find

Three days after~ arrival

instruct: order
be instructed to do sth.
The journalist was instructed to obtain...

fearing ÏÖÔÚ·Ö´Ê×öÔ­Òò×´Óï

make it clear to sb that
The teacher has made it clear to us that we must read English aloud every day.

keep his promise
word ±íʾŵÑÔʱ£¬Òª²ÉÓõ¥ÊýÐÎʽ
keep his word break his word give sb. one¡¯s word

as good as one's word ±íʾÊØÐÅÓ㬲àÖصãÔÚÓÚÇ¿µ÷Ò»¸ö½á¹û
go back on one's word ʳÑÔ

sure enough ¹ûÈ»£¬ÎÞÒÉ
I said would happen, and sure enough it did happen.

half a bottle of milk

in more ways than one ( way ) in many ways

Ë«ÖØÒâÒ壺dear price °º¹ó£» expensive Õä¹ó


¡¾Special difficulties¡¿
The comma ¶ººÅµÄÓ÷¨






¡¾Multiple choice questions¡¿
1 Some kidnaers took consierable interest in Mrs. Ramsay¡¯s cat because _____ .
a. Mrs. Ramsay could and woulday a lot toget her only companion back
b. Mrs. Ramsay clearly loved hercat to have kept him so long
c. Rastus was an orderly cat and wouldd be easy to look after if kdnapped
d.Mrs. Ramsay missed her cat whenever he was not back home on time
1£® A
could would

2 On what conditions did the kidnapper promise the safe return of Rastus?
a. His name was not to be revealed and he wanteda ransom of ¡ê1,000.
b. Mrs. Ramsay was not to inform the police and had to pay ¡ê1,000.
c. Mrs. Ramsay had to leaveher flat until the box with the money had gone.
d. Mrs. Ramsay was to withdraw ¡ê1,000 from her bank and follow his instructions.
2. B

3 How was Rastus dear to Mrs. Ramsay in more ways than one?
a. She was very fond of him and it had cost her a lot of get him back.
b. besides the high ransom paid on his behalf, he drank a lot of milk.
c. He was so dear that she had not dared tell the police of the kidnapping.
d. He was very valuable and she valued him greatly.
3. A

4 Mrs. Eleanor Ramsay is a very wealthy lady who _____ a flat with her cat Rastus, for a great many years. (ll.2-4)
a. shares b. has shared c. shared d. had shared
for a great many years
4. B ÏÖÔÚÍê³Éʱ

5 She searched for him but could not find him _____ . (ll.7-8)
a. nowhere b. somewhere c. everywhere d. anywhere

6 Her first reaction _____ the police. (ll.11-12)
a. was to call b. was calling c. she would call d. being to call
¸ù¾ÝÓï·¨¹æÔò£¬µ±Ö÷ÓïÊÇambition, goal, hope, idea, intention, mistake, plan, policy, purpose, reaction, suggestionµÈÃû´ÊµÄʱºò£¬¾ä×ӵıíÓï±ØÐëÊÇto²»¶¨Ê½¶ÌÓ ¸Ã²»¶¨Ê½¶ÌÓïÊÇ˵Ã÷ÆäÄÚÈݵġ£
His purpose in life was to seek truth instead of money.
6. A

7. But _____ never seeing Rastus again, she changed her mind. (ll.12-13)
a. afraid b. afraid of c. for fear d. afraid for
7. B
for fear + of / that
They are working hard for fear that they should fail.
afraid for ²àÖصã±íʾΪ......¸Ðµ½µ£ÐÄ£¬º¦ÅÂʧȥ

8 Considering _____ money she paid, he was dear ¡­(ll.17-18)
a. the great b. how many c. how much of d. what a lot of
8£® D

9 Rastus leads a _____ life. (l.4)
a. correct b. measured c. regular d. disciplined
measured : É÷Öصģ¬ÓнÚ×àµÄ
9£® D

10 He ususlly goes _____ in the evenings¡­ (ll.4-5)
a. on a trek b. for a stroll c. for a trot d. on foot
go on a trek ½øÐмè¿àµÄ°ÎÉæ
go for a stroll == go for a walk
trot СÅÜ
I¡¯m going for a trot down the lane.

11 _____, Rastus arrived punctually¡­ (l.15)
a. Certainly b. Without a doubt c. As expected d. As a matter of fact
11. C
sure enough ====As expected
without a doubt ºÁÎÞÒÉÎÊ

12 He apeared very _____ , though¡­ (ll.15-16)
a. healthy b. satisfied c. good-looking d. sane
12£® A
satisfied ÂúÒâµÄ
good-looking ³¤ÏàºÃ¿´µÄ
sane Ã÷ÖǵÄ


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