Lesson 67
First listen and then answer the question.
Why does Tazieff risk his life like this?
Haroun Tazieff, the Polish scientist, has spent his lifetime studying active volcanoes and deep caves in all parts of the world. In 1948, he went to Lake Kivu in the Congo to observe a new volcano which he later named Kituro. Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close to the volcano while it was erupting violently. Though he managed to take a number of brilliant photographs, he could not stay near the volcano for very long. He noticed that a river of liquid rock was coming towards him. It threatened to surround him completely, but Tazieff managed to escape just in time. He waited until the volcano became quiet and he was able to return two days later. This time, he managed to climb into the mouth of Kituro so that he could take photographs and measure temperatures. Tazieff has often risked his life in this way. He has been able to tell us more about active volcanoes than any man alive.
New words and expressions 生词和短语
volcano n. 火山
active adj. 活动的
Kivu n. 基伍湖
Congo n. 刚果
Kituro n. 基图罗
erupt v. (火山)喷发
violently adv. 猛烈地,剧烈地
manage v. 设法
brilliant adj. 精彩的
liquid adj. 液态的
escape v. 逃脱
alive adj. 活着的
【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
★volcano n 火山
★active adj 活动的
active : 积极的 / passive : 消极的, 被动的
★Kivu n 基伍湖
★Congo n 刚果
★Kituro n 基图罗
★erupt n (或山)喷发
★violently adv 猛烈地, 剧烈地
violent adj.猛烈的, 激烈的, 暴力引起的, 强暴的
violence n.猛烈, 强烈, 暴力, 暴虐, 暴行, 强暴
★manage v 设法
manage to do = try to do sth and succeed
I can manage it. / I can manage it myself.
★brilliant adj 精彩的
★liquid adj 液态的
liquid n.液体, 流体, 流音 adj.液体的, 清澈的, 透明的, 明亮的, 流动的, 易变的, (财务)易变卖的
★escape v 逃脱
escape death : 死里逃生
narrow escape : 九死一生 (这里的escape为n名词)
narrow n.狭窄部分, 海峡, 隘路
adj.狭窄的, 精密的, 严密的, 有限的, 气量小的, 勉强的, 眼光短浅的 vi.变窄
vt.使变狭窄, 使缩小
escape doing sth: He escape punishment/being punished.
★alive adj 活着的
alive 做定语时一定要放在被修饰词后面, 属于表语形容词, 又如: light ahead 前面的灯光
living sth / elephant alive / living elephant 表示活着的象
live(adj) : 现场的; 表 “活着的” 永远不和人连用
live v 和 adj 的读音不同
live concert 现场演唱会 / live fish 活鱼, 但不能和人连
spend some time doing sth
lifetime : 毕生精力
用不定式做目的状语: to abserve a new... 仔细观察,一般科学家用 “observe”
which he later named Kituro = He later named the volcano Kituro. (the volcano=which)
close to : 离......很近
for long=for a long time
notice that + 宾语从句
notice sth
notice sb do/doing : 注意到某人做某事/正在做某事
notice that: 文中可改为—He notice a river of liquid rock coming towards him.
river of...:...形成的河流 / river of soil and stone 泥石流 / river of blood 血流成河
threaten to : 有迹象表明
the mouth of Kituro 火山口
so that : 以便于(目的状语从句),一定含有情态动词
take a risk of/at a risk of : 冒险
risk sth=risk losing sth : 冒着失去......的危险
risk doing : 冒着做......的危险
在两相比较中, 如果前者属于后者, 那一定要在比较时用other, else排除前者
than any other man alive.
注意: spend most of his lifetime 与 spend his lifetime的区别
【Special Difficulties】 难点
Phrases with say and tell(KS15)带 say与tell的短语(参见第15课关键句型)
Study these phrases: 细读以下句子 :
a Say.
Did he say anything to you about it? No,he said nothing. 他有没有告诉你有关的任何事情?没有, 他什么也没有 说.
He knelt down and said his prayers. 他跪了下来作祷告.
If you want some more cake,please say so. 如果你还想要蛋糕的话, 请说一声.
I'm sure it would help if you could say a good word for him. 如果你能为他说句好话, 我相信肯定是有帮助的.
He said goodbye and left.他告辞后离开了.
Please say no more about it. 请不要再说这件事了.
b Tell. He has been able to tell us more about volcanoes...(11.11-12)
Can you tell me anything about it? 你能告诉我有关的任何事情吗?
Please tell us a story. 请给我们讲个故事.
Can you tell the time in English? 你能用英语报时吗?
I want you to tell me the truth. 我要你讲真话.
He often tells lies. 他经常说谎.
If you promise not to tell anyone,I'll tell you a secret. 如果你发誓不告诉任何人, 我要告诉你一个秘密.
Can't you tell the difference between an Austin and a Morris? 你能区分奥斯丁舞和莫利斯舞吗?
say sth
tell sb sth
tell the time 报时(固定结构)
what time is it?/what's the time?/can you tell me what time it is?
tell the difference between: 区分, 区别
tell (sb) a lie (谎言有很多个)
tell (sb) the truth (真话只有一个,故要特指, 加the)
tell (sb) the difference between
say a good word for sb : 为某人说好话
Exercise练习 Supply the correct form of say or tell in the following sentence: 用say或tell填空 :
1 He is only five, but he can already ____the time.
2 They asked the prisoner several questions, but he____ nothing.
3 If you ____so, I suppose it's true. I don't think you would ____me a lie.
4 They are so alike, I can't ____the difference between them.
5 He ____me about his experiences in the Navy.
6 If you could ____a good word for him,he might get the job.
1 tell (tell the time) 2 said 3 say tell 4 tell (so alike 如此相象) 5 tell 6 say (say a good word for sb : 为某人说好话,求情)
【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题
4 He escaped just in time. He____ escaped.
(a)just only (b)only (c)soon (d) only just
only just(固定短语)=almost not : 差点就没有
answer: d
7 He has been able to tell us a lot ____volcanoes.
(a) considering (b) on the subject of (c) in relation (d) referring
on the subject of=about
on – 关于, subject – 客观存在的东西
(朝向)towards=in the direction of
direction n.方向, 指导, 趋势, (常用复数)指示, 用法, 说明(书), 收件人地址
12 He has told us more than any ____person.
(a)alive (b)lively (c)live (d)living
lively : 活泼的,充满生机的 / a lively girl
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