【New words and expressions】 生词和短语
★reward n 报偿
give sb reward给...报偿(n)
reward sb with sth用...奖赏...
I write sth with a pen.(with 表示 “用” )
reward sb for sth因为...给某人奖赏
...reward him for the first prize
★virtue n 美德
strongpoints 长处, merit优点
shortpoints短处 weak points弱点
★diet n 节食
go on a diet
be on a diet
★forbid v禁止
(pt.forbade/ pp.forbidden)
forbid sb to do sth : 禁止某人做某事
allow sb to do允许某人做某事
Forbidden City 紫禁城 (被禁止的城市)
Forbidden fruit 禁果
lost : 一个动词的过去分词可以作为形容词用
broken glass被打破地玻璃
★hurriedly adj 匆忙地
★embarrass v 使尴尬
embarrassing : 令人尴尬地
sth embarrass sb
you embarrassed me你让我感到尴尬
to my embarrassment让我感到尴尬的
★guiltily adv 内疚地
guiltily conscience 问心有愧 (conscience n.良心, 道德心 )
clear conscience问心无愧
★strict adj 严格的
be strict with sb
my father is strict with me
be strict in sth
★reward v 给奖赏
★occasionally adv 偶而地
on the occasion偶尔
at times偶尔
How often do you visit your parents
off and on偶尔
now and again偶尔
First of all首先, 首要 (许多事情中首要的, 即最重要的)
at first首先(句型 : at first....., then....... : 起先.......然后.......)
write out 写出
included 在这里课文中不能用contain
most of 大部分 fatten : 使某人长胖
pay sb a visit 拜访某人
pay a visit to sb./someplace:拜访某人/某地.
call up sb./at someplace拜访某人/某地
拜访某人但更习惯用pay sb a visit 如 : pay you a visit
have a visit=visit
as...as ever像往常一样; 如 : as clean as ever as quiet as ever
be surprised to do / be surprised at sth
lead sb into(进门) show sb out(出门) see sb off(送行)
obviously adv = it was obvious that......(it 为形式主语)
【letter writing】书信写作
如果给一个不很熟悉的人写信, 应按如下方式开头 : 亲爱的布朗先生
对对方熟悉, 但是为了表示一种尊重, 也可这么写. 在姓名之后总要加上一个逗号.
Exercise 练习
How would you begin a letter to:your sister,your friend Bill,your employer,your old headmaster?
给下列人写信应如何开头 : 你的姐姐(Dear +姐姐的名字), 你的朋友比尔(Dear Bill), 你的老板(Dear Mr./Mrs. +某人), 你的老校长(Dear Mr./Mrs. +姓).
另 : 在不知道对方性别姓名时 : 如应聘信开头 Dear Sir/Madam,
【Special difficulties】 难点
1、raise及物动词 / rise : 不及物动词, 不能加宾语 : 它们的区别不在于意思, 而在于词性
2、lay : 及物动词 / lie不及物动词 : lay the egg / lie in bed
3、beat后面接对手 win不能接对手 : I beat you.
Exercise 练习
Choose the correct yerbs in the following sentences:
选择正确的动词 :
1 Everybody(raised)(rose)when he entered the room.
2 I have been(laying)(lying)here for half an hour.
3 Mrs.Jones(laid)(lay)the table before breakfast.
4.The aeroplane(raised)(rose)into the air.
5 I'm not very good at chess. He always(wins)(beats) me.
6‘Did you(win)(beat)or lose?’I asked.
1 rose 2 lying 3 laid / before breakfast. 不能用 “lay” 因为第三人称单数4 rose 5 beats 有对手 6 win 后面没对手
【Summary writing】 摘要写作
Answer these questions in not more than 65 words.
回答下列问题, 将答案组成一个段落, 不要超过65个单词.
1 Is Hugh fat or not? Has he gone on a diet or not? (so...that)
2 Has he forbidden hinself all the foods he likes,or has he forbidden himself all the foods he does not like?Has he lost weight or not?(but)
3 What did he hide under his desk when the writer visited him yesterday?
4 Did the parcel contain chocolate and sweets,or did it contain biscuits?
5 Why did Hugh say that he had to reward himself occasionally?(because)
【Multiple choice questions】多项选择题
4 How long ago ______his diet?
a.will he begin b.has he begun c. was he beginning d. did he begin
4、answer : D 解题时要求读完句子
注意因为有ago的词, 一定不用完成时, 用一般过去时
11 He was very embarrassed. He felt ______.
a.shy b.shameful c.hot d.uncomfortable
11、felt 是feel的过去式
半联系动词 : be动词
注意以下三类词 :
① 感官动词feel, smell(闻起来 : The food smeel well.), sound(听起来 : The idea sound good.)
② get : 变得, become,
⑶ lie
shy adj. : 害羞的(习惯性的, 在某一种情况下就会作出的反应)
shame n : 羞愧
shameful : 令人羞愧的 : It’s shameful.(注意它没有 “-ing” 形式)
Ashamed adj. : 感到羞愧的 : I am ashamed.
hot热的, 恼火的
uncomfortable : 不舒服的, 不放松的
comfortable: 一种自在, 轻松, 放松的概念
ill 生病 : I feel ill.
Terrible 糟透了, 不舒服
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